Thetford Energy Committee 6/8/10Minutes
Meeting at Town Hall began at 5:30PM. TEC Attendees: Bob Walker, Chris Hebb, Paul Gerke, Scot Zens, Ellen Blumberg, Alice Stewart, Scot Zens Others: Stuart Blood
TEC Accounts – Ellen reviewed TEC 6/10 treasure’s report. Reminded TEC that any cash donations that come in from events must be turned in to Ellen to pass on to Jill/town treasurer as cash, and not passed on as a personal check from cash donated in our personal accounts.
Thetford Residential Energy Standards and Incentives – Stuart Blood of the Thetford Planning Commission updated us on the status of proposed zoning amendments to incentivize developers of Planned Unit Developments with higher building densities for increased efficiency levels. Planning Commission is considering density bonus incentives to promote preferred development patterns related to: natural resource conservation, affordable housing and energy efficiency. TEC discussed these ideas with Stuart:
- Energy efficiency incentives to be pegged to % of efficiency of PUD homes above the State Residential Building Energy Standards (RBES), which will be increasing in coming years to keep up with theInternational Energy Conservation Code (IECC) 2009.
- Density bonuses to be based on the building plans as submitted by the developer.
- Certificates of compliance based on test out results of the homes at completion of the building process.
The TEC voted unanimously in support of this proposed incentive offered by the Planning Commission and in support of requiring all PUDs to file RBES papers with the state and town clerk (as required by Vermont law) in order to receive a certificate of compliance. The Thetford Planning Commission meets Tue. 6/15, 7:15pm to discuss this proposal and all are encouraged to attend the meeting to discuss it.
No Idling Signs for Thetford Stores - Joel reported that the last sign will be posted at the Latham Library. Joel will write a letter to list serve and Valley News announcing no idling sign posting, thanking those hanging signs and explaining reasons for no idling.
Thetford Municipal Energy Inventory – Two Rivers Ottauquechee RPC is willing to assist towns in completing municipal inventories of town buildings, streetlights and vehicles using the Small Town Carbon Calculator and EPA Portfolio Manager. This is a no cost program. Bob will invite TROs Chris Sargent to come fill us in at an upcoming meeting and begin the process.
PACE –Joel and Bob updated on PACE conference call. Alice will talk to Tig about whether sourcing of PACE consulting services will require a bidding process.
LED Streetlights –Ellen is in process of setting up a tour lights and to make recommendations for additional removal of lights with Roy Prochorchik and Selectboard member, Donn Downey.
–Bike Workshops – Chris reported on bike tune-up workshop. Excellent turnout at both events - did 40-50 bikes total. Kept Chris and Bill Bridge busy straight through tuning up bikes. Might be easier to team with another group that can deal with money and not run through TEC accounts next year.
–Efficient Driving Workshop –Alice circulated posters to hang. We can use basement library for classroom training. All registered participants to meet at TES parking lot at 9am. Tom O’Quinn (driver ed. Teacher) will notify Alice Thur. how many students will attend and he will try to attend himself. Chris, Paul, Joel and Bill Bridge have signed up. UVM wants 15-20 participants ideally. Alice will notify us how many students have registered by end of this week so we can do additional publicity if more are needed.
Vermont Community Energy Mobilization Surveys Submitted – Ellen, Joel and Chris helped make the calls. Responses have been turned in to EVT.
Tip of the Month –Clothes line - hanging laundry out to dry.
Next TEC Meeting Date – Tuesday, July13, 5:30, Town Hall.