/ Harnham Neighbourhood Association
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Minutes of the Committee Meeting held on Wed 28May 2014

at St George’s Hall, Lower Street, West Harnham

Present: Mrs Cheryl Sibson (Chairman), Mr. Bill Roper (Treasurer) Miss Frances Howard, Mr. Brian McLoughlin, Mrs. Mary Poynton Mrs. Josa Snow, Rev Becky Roberts, Mrs. Cheryl Hill, Mr. Stephen Fletcher, Mr Matthew Brignall, Cllr. John Collier, Cllr. Graham Alexander, Mr. Colin Duller.

Apologies: Mr. Gregor Condliffe, Cllr Brian Dalton, Mr. John McGarry

1.Welcome and Apologies

The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting. Apologies were noted as above.

2.Election of Acting Secretary.The Chairman advised that Mr. John McGarry would be unable to attend any more meetings of the HNA and was not intending to stand for re election in September. Miss Frances Howard volunteered to carry on as Secretary until the AGM, she was proposed by the Chairman and seconded by Graham Alexander and the proposal was passed unanimously.

3. Minutes of Meeting held on 26thMarch 2014Approval of the Minutes was proposed by Graham Alexander and seconded by Bill Roper and unanimously approved.

4.Matters arising

a) Fire Hazard on Harnham Hill. In the absence of Gregor Condliffe (GC|), Cllr Alexander gave his report on his behalf. GC had met with the Fire Officer who said he did not think there was a problem with the part of the hill behind Essex Square. There is funding for the trees to be pruned comprising a grant of £500 and contributions from residents to bring the total to £1,000. This is now going to be put in hand.

b) Suggestions for St George’s anniversary CS has talked to Linda Baker to ask for suggestions and she could not make any. FH suggested a Community Hymn Singing and with the HNA contributing tea and cakes. MP said that the Parish was already doing this. CS said that with regard to the Fete on 14thJune they are having trouble selling tickets and we could have a table there if we wished. Will postpone this and think about an idea for it. JS suggested that perhaps we could contribute cakes for the fete. JC said that we need to know what the Church is actually planning. CS said that Linda is producing a leaflet showing what they have planned.

MB suggested a drum workshop. The Chairman asked him for a detailed plan. CS pointed out that Rev. Becky had asked HNA to consider organising a day of help for those in the community not so privileged. The Chairman asked Rev. Becky how she envisaged it working. Rev. Becky said that people are referred to them through the Trussell Trust and Age Concern and a group of volunteers go for one day to help. Could be tidying a garden, painting a room, etc. Rev Becky said there are people they help at Harvest Festival etc. BR said that when he helped with a charity for sailing with disabled people they contacted the Spinal Unit with an offer of help but were rebuffed.

CD suggested a Harnham Community Choir and we should engage with charities based in Harnham i.e. the Alms Houses and Haigh Homes. Rev Becky said this could be a viable point of contact. Will put this on the Agenda for the next meeting and in the meantime CD will look into this in more detail.

5.Chairman’s ReportThe Chairman only had one thing to report – St. George’s Fair at the Old Mill. The weather was not very good and not many people attended Will have a table at the fete with some leaflets.

6. Secretary’s Report– there was no report from the Secretary.

7.Treasurer’s Report -The Treasurer reported that the balance in the bank on 23rdJanuary was £804 and following payment for the website now stands at £776. BM mentioned that we should think about taking photos now ready for the Christmas Calendar. BR said that the Garden Society was running a photographic competition in its show. Rev Becky said that the school is doing photos and they could produce some good ones for the calendar. GA suggested Sharon Tilley who is a good photographer. Will leave with Rev Becky and GA.

8.Other Reports

a)Wiltshire Council Cllr GA gave a report on behalf of Cllr Brian Dalton. There has been one objection to the yellow lines in Hollows Close although when they surveyed the road there were no objections. Is going back to the Highways Member at Trowbridge. Two informal crossing points at Odstock Road and Coombe Road – they are going to put coloured tarmac at the crossings and repair the railings in Coombe Road. They have a meeting with the Tree Officer as the developers in Downton Road want to cut down or prune many of the trees that shield Rowbarrow 1 and 2.

b)Salisbury City CouncilCllr JC reported that the City Council had started a new municipal year and that the new Mayor, Cllr Jo Broom had chosen Exeter House School as her charity for the year and hopes to raise £50k for a new sensory garden. Have seen several new planning applications for supermarkets, Asda at Bishopdown Farm and Aldi for the old Autotechniq building in London Road. Market – the International Food Festival was excellent and Cllr Collier spoke to many of the stall holders who confirmed that they would be coming back next year. BR said that the rubbish at the market is terrible. Cllr. GA said that there is a Market Committee and they are going to look at the problem.

Stephen Fletcher said that when they took away the parking in the Guildhall Square they said that they would create extra parking but now the two disabled bays opposite the Red Lion have been taken by another bus stop.

9.Any Other Business

a)Teresa Middleditch advised that there was a proposal by the NHS for a pharmacy at the One Stop Shop but that she has not been able to find out anything out about it. Apparently this proposal has been circulated amongst local GP Practices. Cllr. GA said that BD had said that the NHS does not have to obtain Planning Permission so it is unlikely that it will come before Councillors. Comments on the plan have to be in by 29thMay! Apparently four other existing pharmacies have objected. BD is looking at it and will talk to Cllr Helena McKeown. The committee agreed in principle to the proposal but said that what we really needed in Harnham was a GP Surgery.

b)Defibrillators. Cllr. JC said that at the recent Police Liaison Group meeting the question was asked about the location of defibrillators in Harnham. Did not know if there are any or where they are and they needed to do a survey. If there is not one, do we need one for the community and if we got one where would it be kept as it has to be available 24 hours a day. Is there less of need for us to have one as we are near both the Ambulance Station and the Hospital. Apparently not all ambulances carry defibrillators. If there are any in Harnham their whereabouts need to be published so that people know where they are.

c)Street LightsCH reported that WC are fitting radio receivers to the street lights so that they can be turned off centrally.

d)DrainsBR reported that the drains in Old Blandford Road and Bouverie Avenue are blocked solid and they have also blocked the drains in Exeter Street with tarmac where they have been repairing the pavements. It is no wonder that there is flooding when there is heavy rain. CD mentioned that there are pavement improvement grants (PIGS) and he is meeting Cllr Michael Pope and Cllr Margaret Willmot to talk to them about it.

e)Fete 14thJune Rev Becky mentioned that there will be a barbecue and band playing 60s onward music. Tickets are £5 available from Linda at the Parish Office or the Old Mill.

f)Lights at the Traffic Island by Saxon Road. GA - The traffic lights at the junction with Saxon road do not work properly. There is a light for turning right but it never comes on. BD will report to Highways. MP new houses at Buttercup Close Middle Street – residents have expressed concern about possibility of an accident at the junction with the Town Path. BM said the only time he has had to jump out of the way was when somebody drove out of the gates of Buttercup Close very fast without pausing.

g)MB reported that motorbikes are at the chalk pit again. GA said that he has been talking to the police about it and they were going to try to get the people involved.

h)JS – the steps from Bouverie Avenue South down to Old Blandford Road are very dirty and slippery and a lot of dirt on the path at the top which is dangerously slippery. CH said they have not been cleaned for months. Cllr. GA said he would mention to “Bill” (who lives in Folkestone Road and does much voluntary work) to see if he was able to do it. CH reported that Balfour Beatty had made the man who usually did them redundant and did not think they had been done since. Rev Becky suggested that this could be something for the Church’s anniversary – we could do Community Awards for those who do things for the community unasked and unrewarded.

10.Date of Next Meeting

7.30 pm23July 2014 St Georges Hall Meeting Room

11.Other Meeting Dates for 2014

7.30 pmWed 24 September 2014 (AGM)St Georges Hall Main Hall

7.30 pmWed 26November 2014St Georges Hall Meeting Room