2015– We have had a terrific year competing from 60cm to 1.20m. You have all fulfilled such promise and we have been thrilled with the results which are the result of all your dedication and hard work which has been very ably assisted by our excellent team of outstanding instructors. You will see that we have sent out more teams than ever to represent the Branch this year and you all nearly always came home with a team placing or an individual placing. In fact we have sent out 65 teamsthis season which is an amazing achievement in itself.I have listed all our teams and results for you to study so that you can see your progress on your Pony Club journey through the grades over the years. Very well done to you all.
Thetford ChaseInterbranch Team Show Jumping Friendly at Overa Farm in February.
We sent out five teams and had two wins and three placings which was a terrific start to the season. We had a very enjoyable day and this gave many of you an opportunity to show us how you have progressed through the winter.
60cm classwe came 3rdwith Jack Willmot and Violet Congdon giving us lovely double clears ably supported by Thomas Grayston and Taylor Newson.
80cm class- Green Team came 1st with Alice Able, Georgia Mudd, Honor Whyte who all gave lovely double clears and supported by Nathaniel Hurst who was riding a new horse.
80cm – Blue Team came 5th–with Shannon Harrison on a lovely double clear and Lauren Jenner, Daisy Atkinson, and Emma Taylor.
90cm class- Blue Team came1stwith Georgia Wright on a lovely double clear coming 5th individually, Imogen Sheldrake, Nicole Cruse and Alice Able.
90cm – Green Team cam 4th with Sophia Ogilvie giving us a lovely double clear, and Ellie James, Honor Whyte and Emma Taylor.
Area Quiz
Area Quiz team came 4th: Imogen Sida-Page, Daisy Atkinson, Alice Able and Jack Wilmott. A long journey which was very worth while. Well done.
Area Horse Care
Senior Team came 4th: Ottilie Mitchell, Lydia Sida-Page and Tilly Davies.
Junior Teamcame 4th: Alice Able, Lucy Clarke and Jack Wilmott.
Houghton Hall Internationalfor the Pony ClubTeam Show Jumping competitionin May.
This is a big day and a first taste of things to come for many of our members. We sent out four teams and were thrilled with all the placings and double clears from so many of you. Very well done.
80cm – came 6th – Violet Congdon and Daisy Atkinson on lovely double clears, and Nathaniel Hurst and Shannon Harrison.
90cm came 4thwith Raife Regis and Gabby Botfield on lovely double clears, with Sophia Ogilvie and Megan McClean.
1.m came6th with Tilly Davies on a lovely double clear, Isabella Regis, Ellie James and Ottilie Mitchell.
1.10m – came 2nd: Maisie Peel on a double clear, and Gussie Terry, Alexa Regis and Rachel Dennison.
Waveney Harriers Interbranch Team Show Jumping
in Juneat Sotterley
This is a day we host for all invited branches from Area 8 and we like to give all of you an opportunity to compete at your chosen level. You will see that we managed to send out an astonishing number of teams to give you all the chance to compete.
60cm Green came 4th: Thomas Grayston (1st individually), Lilly Clayton, Harriet Woolnough and Violet Congdon.
60 cm – Red: Taylor Newson, Jack Wilmott, Hayden Bishop and Amelia Simper-Lewis.
70cm Purple came3rd: Lilly Clayton, Taylor Newson, Thomas Grayston, Gracie Weymouth.
70cm Green – came 5th: Thea Hall, Harriet Woolnough, Lauren Jenner, Lucy Clarke
70cm Pink came 6th: Nathaniel Hurst (2nd Individually), Shannon Harrison ( 3rd individually) and Millie Woolnough and Isabella Galioni.
70cm Red: Rebecca Gallard, Connor Haywood, Violet Congdon, Anya Haywood.
70cm – Blue:Jack Wilmott, Imogen Simper-Lewis, Talia Francis-Gilks, Alessia Hargadon.
80cm - Blue team: Lauren Jenner, Connor Haywood, Lucy Clarke, Alessia Hargadon
80cm -Green team: Rebecca Gallard, Violet Congdon, Gracie Weymouth, Anya Haywood.
80cm – Red team: Imogen Simper-Lewis, Thea Hall, Talia Francis-Gilks and Georgia Mudd.
80cm – Purple Team:Honor Whyte (2nd Individually), Rose Winter (6th individually), Nathaniel Hurst and Millie Woolnough.
90cm class - Green Team 2nd: Imogen Sheldrake (4th individually), Georgia Wright, Raife Regis, Alice Able.
90cm – Purple team– 4th:Honor Whyte, Isabella Regis, Thea Hall.
90cm – Blue Team – 5th: Rosanna Skitch, Daisy Atkinson, Gabby Botfield, Georgie Warren.
90cm – Red team – 6th: Georgia Mudd, Rose Winter, Nathaniel Hurst, Megan McClean.
1m. class- Red Team came 2nd: Alexa Regis, Maisie Peel (6th individually), Isabella Regis, Nicole Cruse.
1m. -Blue Team came 4th: Izzy Botfield, Rachel Dennison, Tilly Davies, Gabby Botfield.
1m. - Green Team: Imogen Sheldrake ( 2nd individually), Georgia Wright, Georgina Warren, Alice Able.
1m. – Purple Team: Megan McClean, Raife Regis, Daisy Atkinson.
1.05m. Red Team – 2nd: Maisie Peel (6th individually), Rachel Dennison, Alexa Regis, Izzy Botfield.
1.05m. – Green Team – 3rd: Tilly Davies, (5th individually), Nicole Cruse, Isabella Regis.
1.10m. Individual – 1st: Maisie Peel.
North Norfolk Team Friendly at Gt. Witchingham.
This was a new competition day for us and everyone excelled themselves with these terrific results. Well done.
70cm – came 5th – Anya Haywood and Violet Congdon on lovely double clears, and Lucy Clarke and Megan McClean.
80cm – came 3rd – Megan McClean and Nathaniel Hurst gave us lovely double clears, with Honor Whyte and Lucy Clarke
80cm came 4th - Violet Congdon on a double clear, Daisy Atkinson, Anya Haywood and Lauren Jenner.
90cm came 4thwith Alice Able (4th individually) and Imogen Sheldrake ( 5th individually) both on lovely double clears, Georgia Wright and Nathaniel Hurst.
90cm – Rosanna Skitch on a lovely double clear, Thea Hall, Honor Whyte and Lauren Jenner
90cm – Individuals: Daisy Atkinson on a lovely double clear, Megan McClean and Honor Wyte
1.m came2nd with Georgia Wright and Maisie Peel (5th individually) on lovely double clears and Alice Able and Imogen Sheldrake.
1m. came 4th – Nathaniel Hurst, Honor Whyte and Megan McClean.
1.10m – Individual: Maisie Peel.
Suffolk Show –
Interbranch Relay Race
This is a new event for the Suffolk Show and we were represented by two teams.
A Team came 2nd:Rose Winter, Alexa Regis, Nathaniel Hurst, Raife Regis.
B Team came 4th:Lauren Jenner, Shannon Harrison, Georgia Mudd and Millie Woolnough. They had a lot of fun racing round and over obstacles against other pony club teams.
All these competitions and our Team Training lead to team selection for the Area Teams
‘Area’ Dressage at Cottenham Race Course hosted by the Cambridgeshire Branch of the Pony Club.
We sent out teams for the Novice and Intermediate but the standard is very high.
Intermediate Team- 10th Place: Gussie Terry (7th individually), Ottilie Mitchell (8th individually),Rachel Dennison ( 11th individually) and Lydia Sida-Page (13th individually).
Novice Team: Gabby Botfield (10th individually), Nicole Cruse, and Rosanna Skitch and Rose Winter.
Individual: Daisy Atkinson.
‘Area’ Eventing at Isleham hosted by the
Soham & District Branch of the Pony Club.
Open– Individuals: Georgina Roberts – 4th place, and Gussie Terry represented us really well.
Intermediate team– 4th place: Alexa Regis (3rd individually), Rachel Dennison, Ottilie Mitchell and Isabella Regis.
Novice Team: 15th place from 42 teams: Nicole Cruse, Rose Winter, Honor Whyte and Imogen Sheldrake (double clear).
Novice Team – 18th place: Rosanna Skitch, Raife Regis, Megan McClean and Gabby Botfield.
Area Show Jumping at Ickworth was hosted by the Suffolk Hunt Branch of the Pony Club
This proved to be another very hotly contested day and all our teams went really well.
OPEN Individuals: Gussie Terry ( double clear & 1.20 in 3rd round), and Maisie Peel.
Intermediate Teams - 2nd place & qualified: Alexa Regis (double clear), Isabella Regis (double clear & 5th individually), Rachel Dennison and Ottilie Mitchell.
Intermediate Individual: Lydia Sida-Page.
Novice – 1st place and qualified: Raife Regis (double clear & 2nd individually), Georgia Wright (double clear & 3rd individually), Alice Able and Rose Winter.
Novice Hares: Nathaniel Hurst, Rosanna Skitch, Georgia Mudd (double clear), and Sophia Ogilvie.
Novice Foxhounds: Imogen Sheldrake, Daisy Atkinson, Lucy Clarke, Honor Whyte.
at CholmondleyCastle.
This was the first time that the Novice Championships were included in the main Pony Club Championships at CholmondleyCastle. It is the aim of every competitive Pony Club member to represent their branches at the Championships and this year we were really fortunate to be represented by two show jumping teams.
This was a terrific experience for everyone and a lot of fun was had in the Waveney Harriers camp. We must all remember that at the Championships our members are competing against the very best Pony Club members from all over the United Kingdom and to get a placing at the Championships is a terrific achievement.
INTERMEDATE Team came 9th: Lexi Regis, Rachel Dennison, Ottilie Mitchell and Isabella Regis.
NOVICE Team: Raife Regis, Georgia Wright, Alice Able and Nathaniel Hurst
Bloom Cup ODE –
At Geldeston Hall in August.
This is a Novice competition for 75cm and 90cm open to all branches in Area 8 hosted by the Waveney Harriers for members aiming for Area Competitions in the future and for those who have found the Area Competitions too challenging. We managed to put all of you who wanted to be in a team in teams to represent the Waveney Harriers. Everyone did really well and the results can be found on the website under results. This is a special day for the Branch with support and help from our members, their families and members from the past. Thank you all.
Our Waveney Beagles Won the competition outright which we are thrilled about especially as we haven’t won this trophy for many years. Congratulations to Raife, Georgia, Josephine and Alice.
Waveney Beagles – 1st place & Bloom Trophy: Raife Regis (1st in arena), Georgia Wright (1st in arena), Josephine Gleeson (4th in arena), Alice Able.
Waveney Greyhounds: Ellie James (3rd in arena), Thea Hall (6th in arena), Daisy Atkinson and Sophia Ogilvie.
Waveney Staghounds: Louis Horn (5th in arena), Lauren Jenner, Nathaniel Hurst, Honor Whyte.
ROSSLI TROPHY – Junior Bloom:
Waveney Leveretts: Megan McClean (1st in arena), Alessia Hargadon, Imogen Sheldrake.
Waveney Beagles: Thomas Grayston (7th in arena), Gracie Weymouth, Imogen Simper-Lewis.
Waveney Foxhounds: Lucy Clarke, Max Gleeson, Sophia Galioni, Shannon Harrison.
Waveney Whippets: Rebecca Gallard, Georgia Mudd, Anya Haywood.
Burghley Pony Club Show Jumping –
9th place
This isanother big day for the Branch and Isabella Regis (lovely clear round), Maisie Peel, Alexa Regis, & Gussie Terry.
Blenheim International Pony Club Eventers Grand Prix.
5th Place
This was another huge day for the Waveney Harriers and we were represented by Georgina Roberts, Isabella Regis, Alexa Regis and Lydia Sida-Page. Three lovely clear rounds but a few time faults pushed us from 3rd place, but well done everyone.
You will see from these results that over 56 members have competed for the Branch in 2015and that we have had a lot of success and enjoyment. This represents half of our membership. Our thanks must go to Tina Hazlem who has put a lot of time into training everyone and thanks also to all our instructors who have also helped to get you all going and preparing you over the years to reach the required standard for your chosen discipline. The Waveney Harriers prides itself in the quality of instruction which is made available to you all.
Thank you all for representing the Waveney Harriers in 2015 and we hope that you will have gained a huge amount of experience to bring forward to our campaigning for 2016.