These materials were developed out of the collective energy of so very many people, over so very many decades – too many to name them all. Still, we would like to acknowledge those who have been involved over the past three years since “taking things into the new century” happened…
Monica Wood not only edited the Program Guide, but has been the calm, centering force behind this work since meeting Joe Dominguez back in 195_, and the “Financial Integrity” project would not have happened at all, if not for the courageous and generous spirit of Vicki Robin.
ALL those who have been volunteers of the NRM Speakers Bureau, and Financial Integrity Associates (FIA), were the inspiration for this project. Dave Wampler was the incredibly patient cajoler, who insisted the work be reborn. Alan Seid was the captain who steered the project through the shoals and Heather Johnson helped see through the fog. Ann Haebig, Fred Ecks, Michael Stradley and Jane Dwinell were the task masters, ensuring not only the integrity of this particular material, but its universality. Monique Tilford, Kevin Cornwell, Penny Yunuba, Lu Bauer, Liesbeth Trappenburg, Cecilia Finnigan, Mike & Linda Lenich, Linda Farris, Jacque Blix, David Heitmiller, Suzanne Ballantyne, Joseph Beckenbach, Jane Zeender, Tom Calloway, and Pam & Jonathan Allen played important roles at crucial times over the course of the new incarnation, as well as the old heyday. Rhoda Walter and the rest of the original NRM “system sisters” were ever a reminder of how an inspired and inspiring team can work wonders. Special thanks to instigators of that AH-HA moment: Carolyn Hilles, and Aileen Krush who asked at just the right time, “Is there a curriculum for teaching Your Money or Your Life?”
And of course the worker bees: Katharine Wismer, Cultivate Marketing, Giodarno Kearhoff Design, and the indefatigable Anne Jess. (Because sometimes it’s okay to bring in the pros for help.)
Extra special thanks to Rozie Hughes, Queen Bee (and Chief Bottle Washer), who was not only blessed with this vision of how to bring “YMOYL” into the new century and into The Commons, but made it happen & saw it through.