These are the assignments and instructions for College Readiness:

  • PART: The daily grade is purely on attendance and cannot be made up.
  • CAEP: Career Awareness, Exploration, Planningassignments on teacher website
  • RESU: Student should fill out resume brainstorming sheet and build resume. Worksheets are on teacher website.
  • SELF: Student is to fill out self assessment located on teacher website
  • LEARN: Student is to visit and take the Learning styles inventory, My Skills assessment and the Career matchmaker. The student should record results and place in folder.
  • ACTIN: KWL worksheet on teacher website concerning an introduction to the ACT
  • ACTSP: student should use the handouts to complete worksheet concerning how the ACT is scored
  • ACTED: student should take the ACT English diagnostic timed test and record answers on the TCA website to find strengths and weaknesses.
  • ACTSD: student should take the ACT Science diagnostic timed test and record answers on the TCA website to find strengths and weaknesses.
  • CPP: Student should take the college match at to show schools that fit students’ needs. Student should then choose a school and create a power point presentation that will include:
  • Overview of entrance requirements
  • Special Features of the School
  • Cost analysis
  • Extra curricular activities
  • Pictures and location
  • Facts and Figures about demographics, etc…..
  • GETIN: Student should fill out worksheet using The 2010-2011 Guide to Higher Education for Seniors in Kentucky
  • DORM: Visit and do the following:
  • Read the article and write a summary that includes 5 things that you learned from this article.
  • Click on the What to Bring to College and create a checklist of things you might consider purchasing for college life in the dorms.
  • Visit the website of the college of your choice and investigate their dorm offerings. Make a list of what the university dorms include and what you will be expected to provide.
  • BROCH: Test taking strategies brochure: Students are to work in groups and create a brochure containing test taking strategies for the ACT Test. Each group will also give an oral presentation concerning the assigned brochure and strategies. A printed brochure should be in each student’s folder to be graded. Remember that when you print it out it will be in black and white. The following websites will be useful:

Major and Program of Study

  • Choose a college or university and search their website for degree programs. Select a major and find the class requirements and the suggested program of studies for your selected major. Print off what classes are required and what semesters the school suggests that you take them. How many total hours are required for the degree? How many general education hours are required?

Military Options

Visit and do the following:

  1. List 5 things you learned from this site.
  2. What is and how can you use the GI Bill?
  3. What is the difference between active duty, reserves, guard?
  4. Briefly describe military education.
  5. What is Boot Camp and who is required to attend?
  6. Where does each branch have boot camp?
  7. What the types of ways you can enlist in the military? How long can you sign up for?
  8. What is the average age of retirement? How many years must you serve to be able to retire?
  9. What kind of degrees, certificates, jobs can you get from or after you get out of the military?
  10. What is the ROTC and what are the requirements to be a part of it?

Recruiting Poster/Flyer

You are to create a recruiting poster or flyer for what ever you are planning to do after high school. You are head of the marketing department for your industry/branch of the military/industry and must create promotional material that can be passed out or posted in the room.

If you are going to college create a poster or flyer for the school that can posted in the room for future students to see. It should include the school’s logo, pictures of the campus, and information that you think that students will find interesting and will promote your school.

If you are going into the military create a poster/flyer for the branch that you are going into. It should include the logo of the branch and any information that would sway a student into joining.

If you are going into the workforce, create a poster/flyer promoting the industry that you will be going into. Include things that will sway students into working in your industry.