18th March, 2013

There are three constants in life... change, choice and principles.
Stephen Covey


The Parktone Community has learnt a lot about the 7 Habits and we are learning how to apply these habits at school and in our daily lives. The ideas included here are to help your family use these habits at home.

Carry out role-plays showing different ways of handling situations that may occur at home or at school for example if your child has had no one to play with in the playground then act out what they can do to be proactive and deal with that issue. Through this families can be proactive and can learn to choose a positive way to deal with any issue.


The children have all received their movie scripts. Please rehearse your lines regularly to be ready for Bruce. Remember, the more you practise, the easier it is to begin using expression and acting techniques!

Filming begins next term SO PLEASE MAKE SURE YOU KNOW YOUR LINES!!!


Please make sure you find a word list from the Internet at school or home. http://www.enchantedlearning.com/Home.html is a useful website to help you cut and paste word lists into a Word Document. Students are then able to make a list of these words, write the meanings next to them (using a dictionary), find out if they are noun or verb, and write the plural for the word, opposites of that word and put words into sentences. SAY the word 3x’, sound the word 3 x’s and spell the word 3x’s. (Students are doing this in their Smart Words Spelling Program).


All students have a Mathletics User Name and Password. It is fantastic to see students visiting the website most nights. Please encourage your children to explore RAINFOREST MATHS Number and the three other key areas of Maths. Students can find Rainforest Maths in the www.mathletics.com.au website. www.mathsonline.com.au is a highly effective numeracy website which offers specific video and activities to help teach your child. We highly recommend the $20 membership which lasts for one year. Video, questions and lesson summaries on the website help students to reinforce a variety of numeracy topics.


Friday 15th March – School Photo Day

18th March – EASTER RAFFLE tickets on Sale

Grade 5 / Grade 6
Oliver Midolo for showing the class you can work productively in Writing. We are very proud of your progress in Grade 5C. / Colin for being a wonderful role model for your peers. You always Put First Things First in all aspects of your life. Thank-you.
Grade 5 Persuasive Writing
Grade 6 Narrative Writing / NUMERACY
Grade 5 Naplan Practise
Grade 6
Select and apply effiecient mental and written strategies to solve problems involving multiplication and division. / INQUIRY
Grade 5
Healthy Lifestyle (What is on the Menu? Healthy/Unhealthy Foods)
Grade 6


Please return the forms to school by the 18th March with your first deposit.


Jump on the Parktone website and click on The Blog. Tell


All children received their homework

books and task checklists for the Term. To fit with

our new spelling program, all children are encouraged to play spelling games and activities as part of their weekly tasks. Parents are encouraged to set aside time to enjoy these tasks with their child. Students should be logging on to Mathletics regularly. At the end of each week parents are required to tick the boxes and sign that their child has completed these tasks at home. Your child’s teacher will then sign this checklist each Friday and return books on a Monday. If you have any questions please feel free to ask.


Do you have any books in good or excellent condition which are not being used at home? They would make an excellent resource for the Grade 5 and 6 reading corner. Any games such as Boggle, word or number games would be much appreciated by everyone in the upper primary classrooms.


In Term 1 all students are required to wear their school hat when

outside. Any children without a hat must play in a sheltered


Georgie Callanan:

Jacquie O’Donoghue: