Things You Will Need to Be Able to Know and Do by the End

Things You Will Need to Be Able to Know and Do by the End

The Timeline

Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday
Snow Day - OFF / 1.10
Aubades/Pastorals- info and poems / 1.11
Ballads – info and poems
Snow Day - OFF / 1.12
Sestina/Villanelle – Info and poems
Snow Day - OFF / 1.13 Ode/Elegy/Dramatic Monologue – Info and poems
Snow Day - OFF
Martin Luther King, Jr. Day - OFF / 1.17
Snow Day - OFF / 1.18
-Review aubade responses: 10 minutes.
-Ballads (adjust work with giving homework if need be)
Sonnets – info and poems
Assign poetic forms groups / 1.19
Sestina/Villanelle – Info and poems
Group meeting: establish who is doing what, and then get to work researching what you can. / 1.20
Ode/Elegy/Dramatic Monologue – Info and poems
Independent work: Compile research, create Works Consulted, select poem
Sonnets – info and poems
Assign poetic forms groups
**Mrs. Onuoha will be checking off hours!
Team meeting; create and organize your presentation; SIFT poem (fill out progress sheet) / 1.24
Group meeting: establish who is doing what, and then get to work researching what you can.
In Class:
Team Meeting: Presentation practice / 1.25
Independent work: Compile research, create Works Consulted, select poem
In Class:
At Home:
Make sure you are ready for the test / 1.26
Team meeting; create and organize your presentation; SIFT poem (fill out progress sheet)
Team meeting; edit the visual; presentation practice (fill out progress sheet)
In Class:
At Home:
Make sure you are ready for the test / 1.27
In Class:
Team Meeting: Presentation practice
In Class:
At Home: Make sure you are ready for the test
In Class:
Presentations (grades will be entered in for second semester)
At Home:
Make sure you are ready for the test
In Class:
Poetic Forms Test / 1.31
In Class:
Presentations (Finals Schedule)
At Home:
Make sure you are ready for the test / 2.1
NO CLASS – Finals schedule / 2.2
NO CLASS – Finals Schedule / 2.3 (SECOND SEMESTER)
In Class:
At Home: Make sure you are ready for the test
In Class:
At Home:
Make sure you are ready for the test / 2.7
Poetry Test / 2.8
Beginning of Senior Research Essay Unit / 2.9
Senior Research Essay Unit, day two / 2.10
Senior Research Essay Unit, day three

Things you will need to be able to know and do by the end…

  • Define SIFT and apply it to analysis of a poem
  • Identify dominant tones and tone shifts present in a work of poetry
  • Effectively scan and summarize a poem
  • Identify the critical features of a variety of poetic forms
  • On demand, perform an analysis of the tone and effect of a poem as well as what stylistic features produce this tone and effect
  • Identify and critique nonverbal elements of an oral presentation
  • Intentionally adjust nonverbal tone, inflection, volume and pacing in your own oral presentation in order to communicate an idea or theme more effectively