June 2011

Dear Parent/Guardian,


September is only a matter of 13weeks away and we are delighted that your son/daughterwill be joining us at StanwaySchool. Either Mr Presland or Mr Wiltshire (Deputy Headteachers) is visitingfeeder primary schools to meet the new studentsand arrange transfer details.

There are several dates you should note:

Induction Days for all new Students – Thursday 7th& Friday 8thJuly 2011

There will be two induction days. Students should arriveat the main entrance to the school each day for 8.40am where they will be met by Buddies and taken to the hall. Students will be ready to be collected by 3.00pm. They should wear their current school uniform and bring pens, pencils etc in a case, PE kit, money for food/drinks and/or packed lunch. Please complete and return the reply slip at the end of this letter concerning lunch for those days.

Parents’ Evening – Thursday 7thJuly 2011

This is an opportunity to hear more about the arrangements for September, but most of all to meetyour child’snew Form Teacher and Head of House. There will be 6 presentationsduringthe evening and we would ask you to tick the box on the reply slip to indicate which of the sessions you will be attending. We hope that this system will enable you to spend more time after the presentationwith the form tutor and also give you the opportunity to purchase uniform and dictionaries.

Form Group

We are aiming to complete tutor groups in the week beginning 20thJune 2011. These tutor groups will be a social mix based on end of Key Stage 2 test results and teacher assessments and, where possible, will be with some of their primary school colleagues. Your childwill be placed in ability teaching sets for English, Maths, Science, Humanities and Modern Language lessons. If you would like to advise us of any particular requests which you feel strongly about please inform us by this date.

Foreign Language

As you know all students at The Stanway School study foreign languages. They will study both French and German in Year 7 and have the option in Years 8 and 9 of continuing with both languages or choosing to specialise in one.

Please find enclosed the following documents:

1.Information Booklet. The booklet contains important pieces of information relating to your child’s admission to The Stanway School. Please complete and sign the following sheets contained in the booklet and return to the school:

  • Summary of Consent Form
  • Home-School Agreement;
  • Data Collection Sheet.

2.Uniform Price List. Uniform will be available for you to purchase at the Parents’ Evening on 7thJuly. However, if you wish to avoid the queues, please send your order and payment (cheques made payable to The Stanway School) into school as soon as possible before that date and your order will be packed up ready for you to collect that evening. (Please note that we are not able to take credit/debit card payments.) The school will also be open during the summer holidays for the sale of uniform and details of opening hours will be issued nearer the time.

The first day of term is Tuesday 6th September 2011. We do go to great lengths to help to settle children into school smoothly. If you have any worries or concerns during this time, or in the future, please don’t hesitate to contact us in school. We will do our best to help.

Yours sincerely,

Jonathan Tippett


Reply Slip - Induction (please return to The StanwaySchool by Monday 27thJune) THA

Name of Student:

Lunches – 7th/8th July 2011:

The above named Student:

a.will have a School Meal(please bring a maximum of £1.90)

b.will bring a Packed Lunch

c.is entitled to free school meal

Parents’ Evening – 7thJuly 2011:

We wish to attend the following session:

