Checklist for Supervisors
Review Position Criteria
□Determine if your position is a fit for the Volunteer Program. Positions must meet the following criteria:
- Ongoing positions that will allow the student to accumulate at least 30 hours in your department over 1 or 2 terms.
- Positions that allow students to gain core competencies and achieve learning outcomes
- Ongoing mentoring/coaching relationship between you and your volunteer
□Review the ‘core competencies and SLO’s’ of the Volunteer Program and determine how they are met through your volunteer position
□Complete a job posting using the following tools found under ‘Staff Resources’ on the Volunteer Program website:
- Example of a Volunteer Program Job Posting
- Core Competencies and SLO’s document
□Advertise your position via the online Job Boardusing ‘UBCO Volunteer Program’ as the position type and the Volunteer Program website plus any other channels you choose – All positions must be posted!
Orientation & Training
□Provide your student with a copy of the Volunteer Job Posting
□Review the Online Training for Student Leaders to determine which modules you would like your student to complete as part of their orientation & training
□Contact Laura Prada to have your name and program added to the Online Training for Student Leaders drop down menu
□Show your student how to access and complete the Online Training for Student Leaders
□Review your student’s answers to the online training modules for accuracy and appropriateness (you will receive them via email once your student has completed)
□Follow-up with your student regarding their answers if necessary
□If there is any unit or position specific training that is required, determine who will conduct it, where, how, and when it should be complete
□Provide your student with a copy of the Volunteer Program ‘Welcome Letter’
□Complete a ‘Tracking Sheet’ for your students hours and send it to Sherry Petkau for record keeping
□Provide your student with a Volunteer Program button, lanyard and nametag and discuss expectations of wearing it – these can be obtained from the Campus Life office
□Discuss the benefits of the Volunteer Program (incentives/rewards)
Supporting your student’s learning
□Discuss your student’s goals and objectives for the position. Determine how you can work with your student to help them achieve these goals
□Set up a regular time for two way communication, constructive feedback, and to celebrate successes
□Have a discussion with your student about how they like to be recognized
Work environment
□Introduce your student to other staff in the office, explain their roles, and the types of questions they can answer
□Explain appropriate dress for the workplace
□Show them their personal work area and orient them to any equipment they will need access to
□Submit work requests for any specific access your student requires (telephone, computer, salto, shared drives, etc…)
Supervision & Communication
□Discuss supervision of the student. Who will the student directly report to? Make necessary introductions.
□Discuss how you’d like to communicate with each other. Would you like to meet on a weekly basis, or can meetings be flexible as required? When and where should they take place?
□Are there periods outside of regular working hours when you should be in touch?
□Exchange contact information so that you can reach other as needed
□Discuss procedures for reporting absences (illness, appointments, late, etc)
□Re-state job title, description and expected duties. Clearly articulate expectations from the beginning to minimize confusion about what the position requires and answer any questions the student has.
□Outline basic tasks the student can work on immediately to learn the position better
□Discuss daily, weekly, monthly and/or total time commitment required from the student
□Discuss when the student is required to be in the office (fixed schedule, or flexible) and where the schedule will be posted
□Identify and discuss any changes in the schedule (e.g., slow/busy periods?)
□Determine the students schedule and if there are any times they will be unavailable
□Inform the student of your work schedule and availability
□ Inform your student of dates you will be absent from work during the academic year and who their alternate contact is
For questions regarding the Volunteer Program please contact:
Rob Giardino| | 7-8013