There are no weekday Masses this week.

7thSunday in Ordinary Time

Saturday, February 18

5:00pm Sacred Heart of Jesus, Batawa

Needs and intentions of our parish family

Sunday, February 19

9:15am St. James the Minor,Stirling

Intentions of Janet Hardy req’d by her family

11:00amSt. Francis of Assisi, Frankford

Gladys & Joseph Hendrick req’d by Veronica


Lay Ministers February 1819, 2017


Sacred Heart – René LeFort

St. James –Mary Hunt, Rosie Saunders

St. Francis – Heather Mack, Colleen White

Ministers of the Eucharist:

(1)Body of Christ (2) Blood of Christ

St. James –(1)J. Best, J. Forestell

(2)J. Belanger, T. Cassidy

St. Francis –(1) A. Nicholson

(2) H. Mack, C. White


St. James –J. Forestell, T. Martin, A. Martin,

J. Kerby

St. Francis –T. O’Shea


Thank you to all who use the Pre-Authorized Debit (PAD) method of donating. If you are interested in offering in this way, or in changing the amount you are giving, please contact Donna at the office.

Tax Receipts for 2016 Donations are available at each church. Please look for yours!

The Catholic Missions collection will be taken received until February 26th. All donations must be sent to the diocese by March 2nd to be distributed. Thank you for your generosity to those most in need.

Last Year’s Palms – over the next few weeks we will be collecting palms at each church, to be used for Ash Wednesday on March 1st.

Divine Mercy and Stations of the Cross - Mondays9:30-10:30am at St. Francis Church.

Parish Council meeting –Wednesday, Feb 15 at 7pm in the rectory hall.

Batawa Coffee Break –Thursday mornings 10:00-11:30am in Sacred Heart Church hall.

Annual Hoard’s Station Dinner - Tuesday, February 21. The KofC Council11655-Batawa, Frankford, Stirling and Batawawould greatly appreciate donationsof a pie or two and also, anyone who has a fewhours to spare tohelp

out that day. Please contactScott Reilly 613-395-5380, Attila Kostya 613-395-0963,Terry O'Shea613-398-6341to donateorto help out.

Holy Land Trip presentation - Thursday, February 23 at 7pm in the rectory hall. A representative from the travel company will be making a presentation on The Holy Land trip with Fr. Charles as spiritual director taking place November 8th to 17th, 2017. Itineraries are available at the parish office.

Coming soon……

Parish Photo Directory –March 30 and 31st2:30-8:30 andApril 1st 10:00-3:00. Sign-up sheets will be available soon, and/or you will be contacted by phone. Each family photographed will receive a free directory and one free 8x10 portrait. Help us to create this lasting legacy!

St. Francis Parish Dinner

Saturday, March 25, 2017

Enjoy dinner and the company of friends in Loogman Hall. Parish Council will be hosting

AGuinness Shepherd’s Pie Meal.

Tickets $25 ea.

‘Gift of the Holy Spirit’ Library,Loogman Hall, St. James Church. There are many books on so many topics relating to Faith, Popes, Saints, Liturgy, Mystics, etc. Bibles, Children’s books and DVD’s as well. Resources can be borrowed after Mass on Sundays – a self-serve sign out book is there. Contact Joanne at(613-921-0560) or by email f you would like to visit the library at other times.

Registration for JK for September 2017- Sacred Heart School in Batawais ready for your child! Registration Packages are available at the office or forms are on the website Any questions, please call the school @ 613-398-6393.

Grade 8 Information Night-Nicholson Catholic CollegeWed February 15th 6:30-7:30pm in the Learning Commons. Contact Christa Ray if you have any questions (613-967-0404 ext 235).

St. Paul Catholic School Parent/Guardian Information – Thursday, February 23. 6pm for parents of grade 6 students. 7pm for parents of grade 8 students. Please call the school at 613-394-4843 if you have any questions.

‘Happy Are You’ weekend course:Thursday evening March 2nd - Sunday March 5th - at St.Michael’s Parish Centre, presented by the St Andrews School of Evangelization. Learn how to discover the ways of happiness offered by Jesus in this world. We will compare the beatitudes with roads proposed by the world and learn how to avoid trouble. Participants will have taken the “New Life” or “Emmaus” courses and attended at least one course in Community ('John' course or later). Register at our website; or call / email: Vince Brintnell at 613-922-0791;

Lift Jesus Higher Rally – 25th Annual on Saturday, March 4, 2017 9am-5:30pm at the Toronto Convention Centre. Tickets: $25/adult and $15/youth (13-18). Travel in comfort on a deluxe bus while enjoying fellowship ($40/person). Contact: Miriam 613-766-4956 or or Ann: 613-546-5521x5. Keynote speaker: Bishop Scott McCaig; Mass with Cardinal Collins.

The Big Shoebang - Sunday, March 5

1:30 – 4pm at St. Joseph Parish Centre. If you would like to donate new or almost new shoes or boots contact Judy: 613-962-6025 or or drop off at the following locations by March 1st: St. Joseph Church, Bridge Street United Church, Zig Zag Hair Design – 150 Sidney St or Kelly’s Drug Store – Bridge St. All proceeds to United Syrian Support(Belleville) Sponsorship Group.

Share Lent – Development and Peace This year’s theme: Women at the Heart of Change – Learn, Pray and Act in solidarity with women throughout Lent with the Solidarity Calendar (available at the parish office).

Pope Francis’ Prayer Intention for February

Comfort for the Afflicted

That all those who are afflicted, especially the poor, refugees, and marginalized, may find welcome and comfort in our communities.

Algonquin and Lakeshore Catholic Education Foundation: The ALCEF is a registered charity that raises funds to assist families within our schools during times of poverty or crisis. The ALCEF has provided over $230,000 in financial assistance to over 738 families since 2007. Visit

Canada International Student Placement Inc. is seeking families with teens to host Catholic teens from France for 4-8 weeks during the summer of 2017. These young people, aged 12-17, want to be immersed in Canadian families to experience another culture and to become more fluent in English. Families will be matched with an adolescent of the same gender and approximate age. Each Canadian family will receive $850 per month as compensation. To learn more about hosting a French teenager or having your child participate in a European exchange please .

Providence Associates: Do you want to deepen your Spirituality and build community with others committed to serving with compassion? The Providence Associates of the Sisters of Providence of St. Vincent de Paul meet monthly at Queen of the Most Holy Rosary parish in Belleville. They invite women and men to consider attending one of their meetings to learn more about who they are. For information, email or call 613-544-4525 ext. 148.

Frankford Food Pantry- Our local food pantry continues to serve the hungry in our community because of your strong support. We are grateful to God for generous donations. A few items we could use: instant noodle & rice mixes; smooth peanut butter,canned corn, canned fruit, cream soups, cookies, salmon, Kraft dinner.