Bringing innovation in the raw material sector from research centres to the European industry – this is the main aim of the EIT RawMaterials, which was funded by the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT). It is the largest and strongest consortium in the raw materials field globally, and comprising more than 100 partners, including industries, research centres and universities from 22 EU member states. The consortium intends to increase the competitiveness, growth and attractiveness of the European raw material sector, which is underpinned by intensive innovation and entrepreneurship. The activities are executed throughout the European raw materials ecosystem and are driven by transnational Co-Location Centres (CLCs) and the headquarters in Berlin (DE).



Business: Mondragon Corporation (ES), Atlantic Copper (ES), Marangoni S.p.A. (IT);

Researchinstitutes:SpanishNationalResearchCouncil-CSIC(ES),NationalAgencyfornewTechnolo- gies,EnergyandSustainableEconomicDevelopment-ENEA(IT),Hub Innovazione Trentino(IT),ASTER S.Cons.P.A. (IT), Fundacion Tecnalia (ES);

Universities: Universidad Politecnica de Madrid-UPM (ES), UniversityofMilano-Bicocca(IT),UniversityofPadova(IT)


Business: Tecnicas Reunidas (ES), Magnesitas de Navarra (ES), Zanardi Fonderie S.p.A. (IT);

Research institutes: Instituto Geologico Minero de España-IGME (ES), Bay Zoltan (HU);

Universities: Politecnico di Milano (IT);

Other: General Council of the Catalan Chambers of Commerce (ES)

TheirmaininterestscoveralltheknowledgetriangleandthepillarsofRMbusiness:primaryresources (geophysics and exploration, rock mechanics, treatment of mineral resources and waste), recycling(metalsandmineralsprocessing,refiningandrecycling,industrialwaste,collectionandprocessingofend-of-lifeproducts),substitution(materialsandnanomaterialsdesign,bio-basedsubstitution, biopolymers, elastomers, composites and natural rubber). Production technologies for materials, tyres manufacturing, steel, iron and light metal alloys belong to the main knowledge assets of the SouthernCLC.TheSouthernCo-LocationCentreisbasedinENEAResearchCentreCasaccia-RomeinItaly.


We are now recruiting

Team assistant(m/f)

Your challenges

TheTeam Assistantwill

•Prepare periodic financial reporting of CLC level project funding; i.e.collect and collate reports,

•review actuals vs. budget, follow up and report discrepancies and compliance with relevant EU and

•EIT regulations

•Assist the partners on interpreting EU rules and regulations in preparing project applications and in

•reporting. Creating presentations and running workshops to assist partners with financial and

•administrative reporting requirements.


•Assist the General Manager in HR and administrativetasks



•AssisttheCLCManagementTeamintravel,preparingpresentations,andtheorganisationof CLClevelmeetingsandevents

Your profile

•You have a relevant training(e.g., Bachelor level),excellentorganisationalandtimemanagement capacity, good media skills, and eagerness to learn new skills and processes. Experience from EUprojectassistanceandfinancialreportingisaconsiderablebenefit.

•Allpositionsrequireteamworkwithexcellentcommunicationskillsaswellasstronginterpersonal skillstoinfluence,convince,motivateandmentorvariousgroupsandindividuals.Withapositiveand encouraging style and approach, as well as self-motivation and good organisational and time managementskills,thecandidatesarereadytoadapttoradicallychangingpriorities.Fluencyinspoken andwrittenEnglishisarequirement,knowledgeofFinnishandSwedishisanasset.


What we offer

  • Work in the largest consortium in the European raw materials sector spanning across 22 EU countries
  • Being part of a Pan-European network of industry, R&D and academia participants
  • Participating in creating a new partnership network in a highly entrepreneurial environment;
  • Good compensation package, opportunity to work on innovative ideas and ground-breaking projects in an international environment

Employment and Travels

The Team Assistant will be employed by the CLC-S, the place of work is to be based in Rome at the premises of the Southern CLC. The position shallrequiresome travellingto different EIT RawMaterials locations across Europe. We encourage a gender and diversity balance in the CLC team.

How to Apply

Please send your CV, salary request and a motivational letter outlining how your skills and experience meet the qualifications of the position to (please insert in the subject line “Team Assistant – Your Family name” ) by 13th of April 2016, end-of-business. Please find further information at: