2016 Reporting Year
Row / Description1 / Number of vehicles you have treated in 2016
(January – December) / number
2 / Number of burn-outs, incomplete, or pre-1980 vehicles to which 75% target applies / number
3 / Total number of vehicles to which 95% target applies / Row 1 less Row 2
4 / Total weight of vehicles in kg
(1,130kg average elv weight per vehicle) / Row 3 times 1,130
5 / Metallic content (75% automatic assumption in kg) / Row 4 times 0.75
6 / Oils and Fluids (suggest using conversion of 1 litre = 1kg) / Kgs
7 / Part worn tyres sold (number of tyres x 7kg) / Kgs
8 / Tyres removed from site for treatment (number x 7kg) / Kgs
9 / Batteries (number of batteries x 4.5kg, comprising the non-metallic content) / Kgs
10 / Depollution sub-total / Add rows 6 to 9
(Only complete following section if relevant, otherwise leave blank)
11 / Non metallic spare parts, excluding tyres (parts sold converted to kg by reference to parts look-up table) / Kgs
12 / Exports of non metallic spare parts
% split between domestic/export sales (eg. 80%/20%)
13 / Export of complete vehicles / Number
14 / Energy recovery (e.g. weight in kg of non-metallic rubber and plastics from engine where sent for smelting) / Kgs
15 / Automotive shredder residue materials recycling
(only complete if shredder or service provider has provided evidence to you of ASR recycling) / Kgs
16 / Automotive shredder residue energy recovery / Kgs
17 / Non-metallic materials sent for recycling (e.g. plastic bumpers sent to plastics reprocessor)
(only complete if relevant, otherwise leave blank) / Kgs
18 / Total Reuse & recycling / Rows 5+7+9+11+
15+17+(Row 6x62%) + (Row 8x65%)
19 / Total Reuse & recycling rate / Row 18 divided by Row 4 times by 100
20 / Total Reuse & Recovery / Rows 14+16+18+(Row 6x38%) + (Row8x35%)
21 / Total Reuse & Recovery rate / Row 20 divided by Row 4 times by 100
Return completed by:
Return address:
ELV Unit, Area 2B
Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs
Nobel House, 17 Smith Square, London
Please check that the form clearly shows the correct company name & ATF licence number.
Row1 / The total number of vehicles accepted for treatment during the calendar year 2016 should be shown. If you have taken in any vehicles, but passed them complete to another ATF for depollution, etc, these vehicles should not be included in the overall number.
2 / If you have taken in any burnt-out, seriously incomplete (e.g. missing major components) or pre-1980 vehicles, the number of such vehicles should be shown here. A lower target of 75%, automatically met by the metals protocol, is applied to these vehicles, in recognition that insufficient material may be available to enable the 95% target to be met.
3 / The total number of vehicles accepted minus the number of burnt-outs, etc gives the number of vehicles to which the 95% target applies.
4 / BIS and SMMT undertook a depollution and shredding trial of some 400 typical end of life vehicles in 2015. Each vehicle was separately weighed, depolluted and then sent to a shredder, where the resulting material fractions were also recorded. The trial showed that the average weight of an ELV is 1,130kg, and saves ATFs having to weigh each and every vehicle they treat. The total weight is calculated by multiplying the result of Row 3 by 1,130.
5 / The trial also showed that the average metallic content of an ELV is 75%. This metallic content can be automatically assumed to have been recycled. The result of Row 4 should therefore be multiplied by 0.75.
6 / There are two suggested ways of calculating a figure for the weight of oils and fluids. Information can be taken from Waste Transfer Notes when these materials are removed from site (we suggest using a conversion factor of 1 litre = 1kg), but please ensure that the resulting figure makes sense when compared to the number of vehicles treated. Alternatively, the shredder trial showed an average oils and fluids content of 1%, and it is possible to use this figure by multiplying the result of Row 4 by 0.01.
7&8 / Row 7 covers the sale of part-worn tyres. You can assume a weight of 7kg per tyre. Row 8 covers tyres removed from site for treatment by third parties. You can work on actual figures or an assumption of 5 tyres at 7kg each for all vehicles treated (less any tyres declared in row 7).
9 / The major weight component of a battery is the lead content, which has also been factored into the 75% metal protocol. The figure here should therefore relate only to the non-metallic content of a battery, which we suggest is 4.5kg per battery.
10 / The depollution sub-total is the sum of rows 6 to 9.
11&12 / Only include a figure here if you have made spare parts sales. Further guidance is provided on the back of the spare parts table.
13 / If any vehicles were exported complete, then please provide the number here
14 / A limited number of ATFs are removing engines and gearboxes and sending them to a smelter for recovery of the metal. Where this is the case, an allowance can be claimed for the non-metallics still attached (such as rubber hoses) which helps to self-fuel the smelting process. This is 7kg per engine. For the majority of ATFs this row will not be relevant and should be left blank – simply sending engines separately to the shredder because of the differential values of aluminium and steel does not count.
15&16 / These rows should be completed only if you have been advised figures by the company shredding/fragmentising your vehicles or you have obtained figures through arrangements with Autogreen, CarTakeBack or Remove My Car. The figures covers the recycling of material post shredding e.g. glass used as aggregates, recycled plastics, etc or used for energy recovery (row 16). Simply the fact that vehicles have been sent to a shredder does not guarantee that automotive shredder residue materials will be recycled or recovered – significant quantities of automotive shredder residue continue to be landfilled.
17 / Again, this should only be completed if components have been removed and sent for recycling. For example, plastic bumpers sent to a plastics reprocessor. For many ATFs, this row will not apply.
18 / The total reuse & recycling weight is calculated as follows: Row 5 + Row 7 + Row 9 + Row 11 + Row 15+(Row 6*62%) + (Row 8*65%). The split of rows 6 & 8 takes account of reuse & recycling activities for fluids and tyres.
19 / The % reuse & recycling rate is calculated as follows: Row 18 ÷ Row 4 x 100
20 / The total recovery weight is calculated as follows: Row 14 + Row 16 + Row 18 + (Row 6*38%) + (Row 8*35%). The split of rows 6 & 8 takes account of recovery activity for fluids and tyres.
21 / The % recovery rate is calculated as follows: Row 20 ÷ Row 4 x 100
Mirror (door) / 1.20
Headlight / 2.00
Light (rear) / 1.20
Engine (rubber hoses/plastic) / 7.00
Indicator Unit (front) / 0.30
Door Front (glass content) / 2.90
Switch / 0.30
Bumper (rear) / 5.80
Grille / 1.50
Door Glass (front) / 2.90
Bumper (front) / 7.00
Wheel Trim / 0.60
Qtr Light / 0.90
Parcel Shelf / 4.10
Speedo Head / 1.45
Screen (front) / 10.50
Screen (rear) / 5.50
Door Glass (rear) / 2.90
Door Rear (glass content) / 2.90
Seat / 7.00
Sun Roof / 4.70
Fuel tank (plastic) / 10.50
Glovebox (plastic) / 2.90
Catalytic converter (ceramic core) / 1.20
Wheel arch liner / 0.30
Door card / 2.65
Air filter box / 1.30
Engine cover / 1.30
Coolant expansion tank / 0.42
Screen wash bottle / 1.00
Front panel / 4.35
Spare Parts – Guidance
Please remember that all the metallic content of the ELV, including that present in spare parts, is already taken full account of in the 75% metal protocol. Therefore, the figures you provide for spare parts should cover their non-metallic fraction only (e.g. primarily the glass and plastics). This means that if you sell an engine for reuse, the weight of the block and cylinder head do not count, but the still-attached ancillaries, such as the rubber hoses, plastic distributor cap, etc, do. A suggested typical weight of these non-metallic components is 7kg per engine.
The weights shown in the table were produced from information provided by a number of major vehicle dismantlers. It is a table of average weights, and is intended to be used alongside the average ELV weight of 1,130kg which resulted from the 2015 shredder trial. The use of these average weights is intended to reduce the burden on ATFs, which would otherwise need to weigh vehicles, and their component parts, individually to produce the required annual return.
It is also worth highlighting that the part-sales claimed should broadly reflect the number of vehicles treated in 2016. If this is not the case, you should explain why. We recognise, for example, that some parts sold in 2016 may well have been removed from ELVs taken in by your ATF prior to 2016, and similarly you will have treated vehicles in 2015 from which you are yet to remove any parts. Over the course of a year, most of this should roughly balance out, but there will be instances where either the number of vehicles treated, or the level of parts sales, is significantly different between reporting periods. We will examine closely returns which show particularly high levels of parts sales per vehicle.
Not all ATFs keep detailed records of their part-sales. If you are unable to calculate an annual figure based on your existing records, we would suggest that you sample sales over a sufficient time period to produce a representative figure. That time period may be a week or may be a month, but we would suggest that most ATFs should have a good feel for the level of their part sales.
Whether your figures are based directly on annual sales or derived from a representative sample, you should be capable of justifying these figures. As part of our auditing of target returns we may ask for further evidence.
Also included in the table an additional row to enable differentiation of home and export part sales. We fully recognise that precise figures on this are unlikely to be available, but we would ask that if you are able to estimate the broad split between your home and export part sales you do so by completing row 12 of the main table. For example figures of 80%/20% would indicate that 80% of sales were for the home market and the balance of 20% for the export market.