Video Fundamentals


Teacher: Mr. Metcalf


Plan Period: 5th Hour

Hour: 1st and 2nd Hour

Textbook: None required


In video fundamentals students will learn the basics of how to plan, setup, shoot, edit, and export videos and also the basics of live event broadcasting. Students will learn basic lighting, audio, and camera techniques. By the end of the semester students will have basic knowledge of Final Cut Pro X and the Mac operating system. In addition to creating videosin class students will be expected to complete some work outside of the classroom such as filming and editing if they are unable to finish during class periods and also two (2) internships or shadows at live events during the football or basketball season.

Teaching Methods:

Each student is expected to follow instructions given. This course will focus primarily on hands on instruction and examples. Students will have to follow step by step instructions in order to gain the skills required to have the chance to createtheir own videos during the course.

Course Fee:

The course fee of $25 will be collected immediately so that storage devices can be ordered. All students will receive their own SD card to use in cameras and for saving projects on the computer. It will be the student’s responsibility to keep up with their own card and will need to be replaced if lost, forgotten, or stolen. Please be responsible and keep this safe.


As a school it is very important that we all respect each other and learn to work with one another. Verbal abuse, physical abuse, or bullying of any kind will not be tolerated.

Food and Drink:

Because of the technology in this course there will be no food, gum or drinks allowed in the classroom, failure to comply will result in detentions.


Cell Phones: While Mustang High school is a BYOD school this technology course will allow students access to computers to use during class and because of this cell phones are to be on silent and put away unless otherwise instructed by the instructor.

Computers: Students will have a computer in class each day that they will work on individually. Students will be expected to be working on assigned work only and should not be using the computer for other reasons than those assigned, failure to comply will result in detention and book work to be given.


We will be using mac in this class. The start of the school year we will discuss the basics of mac for those students not familiar with the differences between Mac and PC. We will also be utilizing Final Cut Pro X as it is one of the industry standards currently.


Grading will be participation and performance based and will be calculated on total points.

Grading scale set forth by the Policies of the Mustang Board

90-100 =A

80 – 89 =B

70 - 79 = C

60 - 69 =D

50 – 59 =F


Attendance will be taken daily and will be important, as class will begin immediately to ensure time for students to work. Tardies will be recorded and will turn into an absences and detentions in accordance with the school policy.

Classroom Equipment:

We are very fortunate to have a lot of very expensive equipment in our classroom. It is expected and required that students will not touch any equipment that is sitting out other than their assigned computer without permission from the teacher. When equipment is checked out such as cameras, microphones, batteries, tripods, lighting, etc students will be held responsible for that equipment. Failure to return or returning broken or damaged equipment may result in charges for all equipment that was checked out to that student.