Themes and Implications

Themes and Implications

POSC 215Part II

Kesselman, pgs. 55-58, C:CP7-12

Themes and Implications

True or False Questions

1. Britain was able to control the terms of trade and master political alliances during the nineteenth century. True or False

2. The fact that Britain still sits asapermanent member of the United Nations Security Council and a leading member of the world’s select club of nuclear powers makes it a world power and not just a second tier country, argue Kesselman, et. al. True or False

3. Many countries in Europe, including Britain, have adopted a common currency, the euro, to further integrate its economies.True or False

4. Britain almost always plays second fiddle in its special relationship to the United States, which has exposed British foreign policy to extraordinary pressures. True or False

5. Since the dawn of Britain’s Industrial Revolution, prosperity at home has reliedon superior competitiveness abroad.True or False

6. The majority of British public reject monarchy outright and want this undemocratic institution with its scandalous family removed from the public trough altogether. True or False

7. Through the immigration of former colonial subjects to the United Kingdom, decolonization has created a multiracial and multiethnic society.True or False

8. Unlike Gordon Brown, David Cameron comes across as pompous, arrogant, and ill-at-ease whenever being challenged by reporters, unwilling to expose any part of his personal life. True or False

9. Britain has served as a model of gradual and peaceful evolution of democratic government in a world where transitions to democracy are often turbulent, interrupted, and uncertain.True or False

Multiple Choice Questions

1. To allow markets to act freely, with a minimum ofstate regulation: a) laissez faire, b) keynesian, c) demand management, d) mixed economy.

2. A form of democracy based on the supreme authority of Parliament and the accountability of its elected representatives: a) Federalism, b) Confederation, c) Westminster model, d) Checks and Balances.

3. A term used to describe government policies aiming to promote free competition among business firms within the market, including reduced governmental regulation and social spending: a) cultural conservatism, b) classical republicanism, c) dialectical materialism, d) neoliberalism.

4. The British election of 2010 was: a) won by the Conservative party, b) won by the Labour Party, c) won by the Liberal Democratic party, d) In a sense, no party won the election.

5. Britain’s current Prime Minister, David Cameron, comes from: a) a lower middle-class family where religious faith and moral values were emphasized, b) a family where substance abuse and instability were rampant, c) a privileged background with a stock-broker father, having attended elite schools. d) the nobility where is grandfather was a viscount and great-grandfather was an earl.

6. What was the primary reason why Tony Blair lost the support of his party and was forced to hand over the reins of government to Gordon Brown? a) his habitual infidelity and lack of honesty, b) his willingness to compromise and be coopted by the Conservative party, c) his support for the war in Iraq, d) his inability to connect with the British electorate.

Fill-in Questions

1. How did Britain fall to second-tier status in the global arena of nation-states?

a) Its formal empire began to shrink between the two world wars (1919–1939) as the “white dominions” of ______, Australia, and New Zealand gained independence.

b) During World War II and after, Britain’s Asian, ______, and African colonies increased pressure for political reforms that would lead to independence.

c) Beginning with the formal independence of ______and ______in 1947, an enormous empire had dissolved in less than twenty years.

2. Britain was:

a) the first country to ______,

b) for much of the 19th century the world's most ______, with a fast network of colonies throughout the world,

d) also the first nation to develop an effective ______democracy.


True or False Questions

1. True

3. False

5. True

7. True

9. True

Multiple Choice Questions

1. a

3. d

5. c

Fill-in Questions

1. a) Canada, b) Middle Eastern, c) India, Pakistan
