9:15 a.m.

Piano PreludeJudy Finnell

Celebration in SongJim Patterson

Theme Song “Spirit of the Living God”No. 672

Superintendent’s WelcomePeggy Hoffmeyer

Opening Hymn “There’s Sunshine in my Soul Today”No. 470


Mission ReportMission Spotlight

Superintendent’s RemarksPeggy Hoffmeyer

Study of God’s WordIn Classes


WELCOME -- We are so glad that you have joined us.What is the object of assembling together? Is it to inform God; to instruct Him by telling Him all we know in prayer? We meet together to encourage one another by our interchange of thoughts and feelings, to gather strength and light by becoming acquainted with one another’s hopes; and by our earnest heartfelt prayers, offered up in faith, we receive refreshment from Jesus, the source of our strength. We welcome you to our Worship Service today and hope that you, too, find refreshment and strength.

WORSHIP IN STEWARDSHIPof Tithes and Offerings. Our offering today is for the North American Division Women’s Ministries.

VISITORS –You are invited to join us in the church fellowship room after the Worship Service today for a meal hosted by the Prossers, Yastes, and Mary Lou Bauer. Please stay so we can become better acquainted and can share the Sabbath Day blessing together.



Pastor: David Salazar

Head Elder: Jim Prosser

Personal Ministries Leader: Paula Prosser


SUNDAY: 9:00 a.m. Set-Up for VBS

MONDAY:6:00-8:00 p.m. “Trip Around the World VBS”

TUESDAY: 10:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m. CommunityServicesCenter

6:00-8:00 p.m. “Trip Around the World VBS”

WEDNESDAY:6:00-8:00 p.m. “Trip Around the World VBS”

THURSDAY: 6:00-8:00 p.m. “Trip Around the World VBS”

FRIDAY:6:00-8:00 p.m. “Trip Around the World VBS”


9:15 a.m. SabbathSchool

10:40 a.m. Worship Service – Pastor David Salazar

Offering–Holly Church Combined Budget


VacationBibleSchool starting Monday evening -- staff as they interact with the students, helpers to assist, and 70 children to attend

Bible Study requests -- continuing requests, that their interest in studying will continue; church members to lead out in the studies

New students for AdelphianJuniorAcademy

Those with health problems, including Tom Garner, Kari’s brother; Gary Morgan, non-attending member recuperating from a fall on Mount Hood last month; Carmi Edwards; and Marsha Lynch, Deb Ward’s sister

Those whohave lost loved ones

Those facing spiritual, financial, or personal problems

Those suffering from the many natural and man-made disasters that are troubling our world

Our governments and preservation of our Religious Liberty

IT’S FINALLY HERE! ! --“THE TRIP AROUND THE WORLD VBS” starts next week! Please come out tomorrow morning at 9:00 a.m. to help set up. VBS will be stating Monday night, July 16, at6:00 p.m. If you haven’t signed up to help or bring a donation item, please take a look at the Personal Ministries counter to see what is still needed. If you need more information, contactl Tracy Morgan.

HOSPITALITY MEALS serve as both an outreach to visitors with a chance to serve them and get to know them; but it is also a nurture to regular members, helping them interact with each other and hopefully developing closer relationships.

However we need a small group each week to sponsor, set up and serve the meal. If we can get five groups, that is one Sabbath per month, which is not a burden. Last Sabbath, Sybil Kott, who is the overall coordinator, only had two groups. If you are willing to help with one Sabbath a month, please contact Sybil.


Jim Prosser, head elder

Jeff DollBrian Roux

Alan PattersonHobert Ward

Ulrich PiekarekTom Yaste

Bobt PotterRudy Piekarek, emeritus


If you have web access, be sure and check it out for all the information, pictures, videos;listen to sermons, and much more that is available on site.

ADVENTIST MAGAZINES -- Jerry Marino has an outlet for any Adventist Literature he can collect. If you have magazines or other reading supplies from our church that you are through with and would like to put to good use, you can drop them off at the church. Contact Jerryfor more info.

BULLETIN INFORMATION should be turned in to Luvamay Dovich by 6:00 p.m. Wednesday evening in order to be included in the next Sabbath’s bulletin.

THE AJA HOME AND SCHOOL PANTRY is closed for the summer vacation. If you need vegetarian food products, contact Cathy Oliver to arrange a time when you can meet at the school to pick up what you need.


Family Camps at CampAu SableJuly 22-29,

July 29-August 5, and August 5-12

40 Days of PrayerJuly 29-September 7

Finance Committee6:15 p.m. Monday, August 6

Church Board meeting7:00 p.m. Monday, August 6

AJASchool Cleaning BeeSunday, August 12

AJA RegistrationMonday evening, August 13

AJA School Board meeting6:00 p.m. Tuesday, August 14

AJA Classes beginMonday morning, August 20

AJA Prayer VespersSabbath evening, August 25

AJA Open HouseTuesday evening, August 28

Agape Feast to end 40 Days of PrayerFriday, August 7

Church Directory pictures takenSeptember 10, 11, & 12

Evangelistic series with Elder Dan Towar

Starting September 14, 2012

July 14, 2012


Organ PreludeJudy Finnell

Songs of FellowshipJordan Hickman

Welcome and Church LifeBob Potter


Call to WorshipBob Potter

IntroitCongregation, please stand and sing

“Jesus Stand Among Us”No. 683



Hymn of Praise No. 469

“Leaning on the Everlasting Arms”

Tithes and OfferingsNAD Women’s Ministries

PrayerBob Potter

OffertoryJudy Finnell


Lamb’s OfferingVacation Bible School

Children’s StoryVBS Team

Scripture Reading Tom Yaste

Romans 7:12

Prayer SongCongregation, please kneel, if possible, and sing

“As We Come to You in Prayer” No. 671

PrayerTom Yaste

Worship in MusicLarry Hubbell


“Better Homes and Gardens”


Hymn of DedicationNo. 522

“My Hope is Built on Nothing Less”

BenedictionCarla Carlton


As the deacons dismiss you, please show your respect for the Sanctuary and help maintain reverence by waiting to do your visiting in the foyer.



Organist Judy Finnell


Deacons:Corbett Cole

Greeters:Dina Cole, Mike Yaste, and Doug Clayton


The Sabbath concludes at sunset tonight at9:13 p.m.

and begins again at sunset next Friday at 9:08 p.m.


GO -- Make Disciples

And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come. -- Mathew 24:14

This is the first month of thenew Church Officers year and the new officershave assumed responsibilities. Some are serving God and their church in a new area, while others are continuing in an area they have been serving in. We are grateful for those who have accepted these responsibilities, but we need to remember that they are only leadership positions – positions to help us all work more efficiently. (Remember our Sabbath School Bible lessons from last quarter.) We are all needed to be workers for God. If your name is not on the church officers list, that does not mean that you are not needed. You are just as important to God and to His work.

Right now is a time of organizing, making plans for how to help the church witness. The leaders need to have the encouragement of knowing that the rest of the church members will help and support them. Please look at the Nominating Committee list of outreach and nurture opportunities and decide where you would like to help and where you could make a contribution -- talk to those who have been asked to facilitate that area. You will probably be the answer to their prayer for more help and ideas.

From Christ’s Object Lessons by E. G. White, pp.326,327 “Each has his place in the eternal plan of heaven. Each is to work in co-operation with Christ for the salvation of souls. Not more surely is the place prepared for us in the heavenly mansions than is the special place designated on earth where we are to work for God.”

For those who would like to help but are physically unable, prayer is an important part. You can still contact the leaders so they know that you are praying for them and they can share special prayer needs with you.

Let’s all work together and finish the work that God has given us to do.


Children’s Sabbath School helpers -- Contact Peggy Hoffmeyer, Sabbath School Superintendent, or Arlene Campbell, Children’s Division Coordinator

VacationBibleSchool -- Contact Tracy Morgan

Bible Studies -- Contact Paula Prosser or Pastor Salazar

Community Services -- Contact Jerry Marino



16180 Fish Lake Road

Holly, Michigan 48442

248 634 8371 ---

July 14, 2012



In joyful anticipation of the Second Coming of Jesus Christ, we, the HollySeventh-dayAdventistChurch, seek to assist all in developing a grace-saving relationship with our Lord and Saviour. Through training, and empowered by the Holy Spirit, we will meet the needs of our local, neighboring, and worldwide communities and reveal the character of God.



GO -- Make Disciples

And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come. -- Mathew 24:14

Women’s' Ministries Mission Statement: To address the spiritual, emotional, physical, and social needs of women; to improve their potential for more effective roles in their families, churches, professions, and communities.

Many people misunderstand what "Women’s' Ministries" truly is. They think of tea parties and get-togethers and that's about it. Although those activities are a nice chance for our sister's to get together to visit and lift each other up in prayer, this is not all there is to Women’s' Ministries. Women are doing "ministry" everyday whether they realize it or not. Whenever we make a meal for a family who has been through a loss or whatever other reason, make a call to someone they haven't seen in church for awhile, being a prayer warrior, meeting the needs of someone in crisis, or even just an encouraging hug are ALL just a part of "Women’s' Ministries". The women of our church are all women’s' ministries leaders in their own special way as they allow the Lord to work through them and use the talents He gave them.

Through guidance in prayer, it would wonderful to see the women in our church coming together in achieving the common goal - spreading the gospel so Christ can come - more Outreach! -- To our loved ones, friends as well as community.

Women’s Ministriesinvolves encouraging women to discover and use their gifts to help others and further God’s work. InEvangelism,page 465, Ellen White says that women “can do a work that men cannot do. They can come close to the hearts of those whom men cannot reach. Their labor is needed.”

"At times we may ask ourselves whether there are some groups whom women especially are able to reach. One answer is anyone with whom we come in contact, including…

•Our families. There are many non-Christians in our own families who need to be reached. Sometimeswe try to reach people in far off places, forgetting thereare people right in our own homes who needto know Jesus.

•Our neighbors. Many can be reached with simple acts of kindness and friendship.

•The men in our lives. Our husbands, our sons, our neighbors, our work associates—all may be candidates for gentle, personal evangelism.

•The youth. The ones in our church or our neighborhood; the youth who are at risk; those who needlove, guidance, training, and mentoring.

•The elderly. Those in need of kind, loving words and help;

•The lonely. The ones who have gradually losttheir whole network of friends and relatives.


especially women.

•The young women who need mentors in adjusting to new families and husbands;

•Ones who need a listening, accepting ear and words of encouragement;

•Women new to thecommunity;

•Single mothers;

•Women struggling with sin who are searching for God;

•Women in ourown neighborhoods,in the beauty shops, in the stores, at work.

Many of these women are longing forsomething better."

~ 'Outreach is for Everyone' (Women’s' Ministries Evangelism Manual)

"When a Great and decisive work is to be done, God chooses men and womento do this work, and it will feel the loss if the talents of both are not combined."

-- Evangelism, p . 469

If any of you have ideas or thoughts on outreach, please see Maria Garner or Tracy Morgan.