Part A.
Please try to fill out this form as fully as possible but do ask your Business Boating Manager for assistance if required. We will use the information provided to assess your proposals for navigational safety, water resource and quality and other likely impacts on the waterway.
Please ensure you include photos and location map highlighting the proposed site (we are unable to process your application without this information).
Upon receipt of your proposal, we will write and confirm receipt and give you an in principle decision within 6 weeks. Please note that if you may need to obtain agreements for using our property this may take much longer to finalise.
A1.Customer details (the legal entity responsible for the boat and paying the business licence fee):
Company Name or the name of an individual:
(We cannot contract with a ‘trading name’ – only a registered company or an individual.)
Company Registration No:
(if applicable)
Name of principal contact:
Address for correspondence:
Contact Telephone No:
Website: (if applicable)
If you have a CRT customer no. please give it here (7 digit no. beginning with an 8):
Date of submission:
Proposed start date for business licence
(This must always be the 1st day of any given month)
Details of your proposed operation
You will need a permanent mooring, where will the boats be moored? (site name and waterway).
Please include photos and a plan highlighting the exact mooring location & berth. Please tick to confirm the supporting information is attached.
Please confirm if this is a new or existing mooring site:
- If this is a new mooring location, we will need to assess this as part of your Operating Proposal.
If this is an existing mooring location, we will require confirmation from the mooring provider. (If this is a CRT mooring please ensure you have confirmation from your local Mooring Manager).
Please describe your proposed business (we require this information to review and approve your application, so please consider this carefully and provide as much information as possible). This should include type of let i.e. long or short term, length of stay etc.
What services are you proposing to provide on-site or, if none, where will the boats be serviced? (Re-fuelled, water tanks filled, sewage tanks emptied, rubbish emptied, electricity).
What provision do you have for customer parking?
In order to let a boat out for long term residential use the boat must be on a mooring that has consent for residential use - have you contacted your Local Planning Authority about planning permission?
Are you aware that boats let out for hire need a non-private BSS certificate?
You will also require a Landlords Gas Certificate.
Have you prepared a detailed Handover Procedure
clearly describing how to operate the boat and all of the equipment on board safely? This must include a 24 hour emergency call out service.
Do you have a British Marine Handover Audit Certificate?
Where will you be advertising your business?
If you already own the boat(s) intended to be used please fill in (leave blank if you do not yet own the boat):
A3.Boat details: (Please complete a new sheet for each boat).
Boat Name:
Is this a new boat?
Index no:
Length in metres :
Beam in metres :
Hull Identification No:
Year of construction:
Name of boat builder:
Hull Material :
Engine size:
(Please write ‘unpowered’ if the boat has no engine)
Does the craft have an inboard electric engine?
Proposed start date for licence:
(This must always be the 1st day of any given month)
Discounts Available: / Please indicate those that apply:
Prompt Payment - 10%
Electric Motor – 25%
Historic Boat – 10%
River only - 40%
Disconnected Waterway (this discount will reduce over the next 3 years):
2016 (01.04.16 to 31.03.17) 10%
2017 (01.04.17 to 31.03.18) 5%
2018 (01.04.18 to 31.03.19) 0%
If your proposal is approved, you will need to submit:
- Insurance: We do not require a copy of your current commercial insurance certificate, however we may carry out random checks on declarations. Your policy should provide third party and public liability cover for tenants
- Non-private BSS Certificate
- Full handover document or BMF Handover Audit Certificate
- Letter from mooring provider confirming planning consent is in place for this site and they consent to the letting out of the boat
Please email this form to:
Or post it to:
Business Boating, Trencherfield Mill, Heritage Way, Wigan, WN3 4BN
Upon receipt of your proposal, we will write and confirm receipt and give you an in principle decision within 6 weeks. Please note that you if you need to obtain planning consent and negotiate agreements for using our property this could take much longer to finalise.
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November 2016