Call for Papers for 2009 IMIA Conference – Deadline is May 15, 2009 5pm EST

Theme:Global Perspectives on Professional Medical Interpreters

We encourage innovative ideas for presentations and activities that support the theme of the year. The theme –Global Perspectives on Professional Medical Interpreters– reflects two thoughts, first that the right to a competent medical interpreter in all medically related encounters is not a local issue only but is a right in all parts of the world. Language access is a right that is protected by local, state, federal, and even international laws. The second belief is that medical interpreters are professionals that deserve the recognition and working conditions of comparable professions. While the interpreting profession is well established in the business and conference sectors, it is not as recognizedor understood in the health care sector.

How is the interpreting profession doing in other parts of the world?

What are the training opportunities and requirements in other countries?

How are the roles of the medical interpreter viewed elsewhere?

In addition, interpreter professional development workshop topics are always welcomed and need to be included each year. The overriding mission of the conference is to offer opportunities to develop the knowledge, wisdom, and practices of all through educational and cultural events and to promote participation in networking and leadership opportunities, to advance individuals, the profession, and improve quality in medical interpreting services.

1. Contact Information:




Street Address:




Title of Presentation:

2. Up to two-sentence description to be used in Conference Booklet:

3. Type of Presentation: (please check only one)

□ Language Specific Meeting □ Interactive Workshop □ Presentation Workshop

Powerpoint Projector needed? □ Yes □ NoAre there co-presenters? □ Yes□ No

If yes, please be aware that a limited number of presentations will be allowed with co-presenters.

Name / Title / Organization / Telephone / Email

4. Presentation Abstract (150 words maximum) to be used in the conference program:

5. Bio (100 words maximum for each speaker)

6. Rules of Participation:By submitting an abstract, the presenter(s) agrees, if accepted, to:

  1. Register for the conference. All confirmed presenters will be registered for the conference to cover costs for meals and materials.
  2. Submit required supporting materials by the due dates indicated on the IMIA website, which includes an electronic copy of presentation.
  3. Hard copy handouts prior to the conference date are the responsibility of the speaker.
  4. Allow presentation to be photographed, and/or recorded.
  5. Allow abstract, bio and contact information to be printed in the conference booklet.
  6. Please indicate here if you will allow your PowerPoint presentation/handouts to be posted on the IMIA website.

□ Yes□ No

Thank you for your workshop proposal submission. You will hear from the IMIA Conference Committee shortly after May 15th.