Module III.

Theme: “Metabolism and its investigation methods”

Variant 1.


1. Expenditure of energy of a young man increased from 500 kJ to 2000 kJ in 1 hour. Which of the following process may be the reason for it?

A. Physical activity

B. Increase of environment T

C. Mental work

D. Food intake

E. Transition from sleep to wake

2. During physical activity a young man’s O2 consumption and CO2 elimination per 1 min is 1000 ml. What substances are oxidized in the cells of his organism?

A. Carbohydrates

B. Proteins

C. Lipids

D. Carbohydrates and lipids

E. Carbohydrates and proteins

3. By the method of indirect calorimetry it was determined that the basic metabolism of an examined person is 40% lower than it should be. The dysfunction of the activity of what endocrine gland is the reason for such state?

A. Pancreas

B Thymus

C. Thyroid gland

D. Epiphysis

E. Adrenal glands

4. During a patient’s examination the increase of basic metabolism level by 50% was determined. The increasing secretion of what hormone did cause this change?

A. Prolactin

B. Insulin

C. Parathormone

D. Somatotropin

E. Thyroxin

5. A teenager of 14 has got positive nitrogen balance. Which of the following may be reason for it?

A. Starvation

B. Growth of organism

C. Deficient of dietary protein

D. Considerable physical activity

E. Emotional tension

6. What type of condition a person has if the index of his expenditure of energy is lower than the level of basal metabolism?

A. State of rest

B. State of relaxation

C. State of light work

D. State of nervous tension

E. Sleep

7. It measures a person’s expenditure of energy on an empty stomach, in the lying position, in the state of physical and mental rest, comfort temperature. At what time the person’s expenditure of energy will be the least?

A. 5-6 p.m

B. 7-8 p.m

C. 10-12 a.m

D. 3-4 a.m

E. 2-4 p.m

8. It measures a person’s expenditure of energy on an empty stomach, in the lying position, in the state of physical and mental rest, comfort temperature. At what time the person’s expenditure of energy will be the greatest?

A. 5-6 p.m

B. 7-8 p.m

C. 10-12 a.m

D. 2-4 p.m

E. 3-4 a.m

9. By the method of indirect calorimetry it was determined that the volume of O2 consumption is 100ml/min and the volume of CO2 elimination is 800 ml/min?

A. 1,0

B. 1,25

C. 0,9

D. 0,84

E. 0,8

10. During measuring a patient’s expenditure of energy it was determined that the respiratory quotient is 1,0. What substances are oxidized in the cells of his organism?

A. Carbohydrates

B. Proteins

C. Lipids

D. Proteins and lipids

E. Carbohydrates and lipids.


Answers:1- A, 2-A, 3-C, 4-E, 5-B, 6-E, 7-D, 8-A, 9- E, 10 –A.


Module III.

Theme: “Metabolism and its investigation methods”

Variant 2.


1. During measuring a patient’s expenditure of energy it was determined that the respiratory quotient is 0,7. What substances are oxidized in the cells of his organism?

A. Carbohydrates

B. Proteins

C. Lipids

D. Proteins and lipids

E. Carbohydrates and lipids

2. During a 35-year-old woman’s examination the increase of basic metabolism level was determined. The increasing secretion of what hormone caused this change?

A. Triiodothyronine

B. Somatotropin

C. Insulin

D. Cortisol

E. Glucagon

3. By the method of indirect calorimetry it was determined that the basic metabolism of an examined 30-year-old man is 30% lower than it should be. The decreasing secretion of what hormone caused this change?

A. Triiodothyronine, tetraiodothyronine

B. Tyrocalcitonin, parathormone

C. Glucocorticoid

D. Catecholamine

E. Growth hormone-releasing factor, somatostatin.

4.Hormones that may cause negative nitrogen balance include all of the following, EXCEPT:

A. Glucagon

B. Thyroid hormone

C. Cortisol

D. Growth hormone (GH)

E. Parathormone

5. Active vitamin D3(calcitriol) and parathyroid hormone (PTH) have many similar effects. Which of the following physiologic effects is specific only for calcitriol?

A. Increased renalphosphate reabsorbtion

B. Increased renal Ca2+ reabsorbtion

C. Increased intestinal Ca2+ absorbtion

D. Increased plasma [Ca2+]

E. Decreased plasma [HPO42-]

6. How will respiratory quotient change after long-term hyperventilation?

A. It will increase till 3,0

B. It will increase till 2,5

C. It will increase till 1,5

D. It will not change

E. It will decrease till 0,5

7. What O2 volumeis inhaled by person during experiment ifonly carbohydrates areoxidized and this person exhaled 6l of CO2?

A. 5l

B. 6l

C. 8l


E. 12l

8. What is theaveragelevel of daily basic metabolism in man?

A. 3000 kcal

B. 1000 kcal

C. 2500 kcal

D. 1700 kcal

E. 1400 kcal

9. What type of energy in organism doesn’t use for carrying-out of work?

A. Chemical

B. Mechanical

C. Electrical

D. Heat

E. All of listing types

10. What is the daily intake of retinol (A) forhealthy organism?

A. 0,5 mg

B. 1,0 mg

C. 1,5 mg

D. 2,0 mg

E. 2,5 mg


Answers: 1- C, 2-A, 3-A, 4-D, 5-A, 6-E, 7-B, 8-D, 9-D, 10–C.


Module III.

Theme: “Metabolism and its investigation methods”

Variant 3.


1. How much entering energy will organism excrete as a heat after all stages of energy metabolism?

A. 20%

B. 100%

C. 40%

D. 60%

E. 80%

2. Calorific (heat) oxygen equivalent – this is a ...

A. Ratio of the exhalant CO2 toinhalant O2

B. Quantity of excretingenergy during 1l O2inhalation

C. Ratio of the inhalant O2 toexhalant CO2

D. Quantity of excretingenergy during 1l O2exhalation

E. Quantity of excretingenergy per 1 min during pure O2 respiration

3. Specific value of basic metabolism in men onaverage is….

A. 1 kcal/kg/h

B. 2 kcal/kg/h

C. 3kcal/kg/h

D. 10kcal/kg/h

E. 5kcal/kg/h

4. During the experiment a person inhales 0,4 l O2, respiratory quotient is 1. How much litres of CO2 the patient exhales?

A. 0,6 l

B. 0,8 l

C. 0,4 l

D. 1,0l

E. 0,2 l

5.The expenditure of energy of 40-year-old miner is more than 5000 kcal per day. What substances in his dietary intake are necessary to increase for the recovery of such expenditure of energy?

A. Vitamins

B. Liquid

C. Proteins

D. Carbohydrates

E. Lipids

6. Women have the different level of basic metabolism from men on:

A. it’s not different

B. it’s less on 10-15%

C. it’s more on 10-15 %

D. it’s less on 30-40%

E. it’s more on 30-40%

7. What part of daily entering energy is used by organism to work?

A. 20-30%

B. 30-40%

C. 10-20%


E. 100%

8. Utilization of complex organic compounds to simple with energy release is named of …

A. Assimilation

B. Energetic balance

C. Dissimilation

D. Basic metabolism

E. Heat loss

9. List of conditions of basic metabolism measuring, EXEPT:

A. in the morning

B. in conditions of temperature comfort

C. in state of rest

D. on empty stomach

E. graduated exercise

10. What is the daily intake of pantothenic acid (B3) forhealthy organism?

A. 6 mg

B. 12 mg

C. 24 mg

D. 46 mg

E. 62 mg


Answers: 1-B, 2- B, 3- A,4-C, 5-E, 6-B, 7- C, 8- C, 9-E, 10- B.


Module III.

Theme: “Metabolism and its investigation methods”

Variant 4.


1. What is the respiratory quotient?

A. Ratio of the inhalant O2to exhalant CO2

B. Ratio of the exhalant CO2 toinhalant O2

C. Difference between inhalant O2 and exhalant CO2

D. Ratio of the inhalant CO2 to exhalant O2

E. Ratio of the exhalant O2 to inhalant O2

2. What kinds of works are carrying-out in human organism?

A. Chemical, mechanical, atomic, kinetic

B. Chemical, mechanical, electroosmotic

C. Chemical, mechanical, thermal, potential

D. Thermal, electrical, atomic, potential

E. All answers are correct

3. Whatis the main principleofthe direct calorimetry?

A. Direct measuring ofexcretion body heat

B. Calculation of quantity of inhaling O2

C. Measuring of the respiratory quotient

D. Isodynamic principle

E. Calculation of quantity of exhaling O2

4. Expenditure of energy is formed by…

A.Specificdynamic food action + working addition

B. Basic metabolism + specificdynamic food action

C. Basic metabolism+ working addition

D. Basic metabolism

E. Specificdynamic food action

5. What is the basic metabolism?

A. Quantity of energy for life in standard conditions

B. All amount of energy for maintenance of life

C. Maximal amount of energy for life

D. Minimal amount of energy for maintenance of life

E. Quantity of expenditure of energy in state of rest per 1 hour

6. What vitamins are soluble in water?

A. Retinol

B. Ergocalciferol

C. Tocopherol

D. Arachidonic acid

E. Lipoic acid

7. What is the daily intake of ascorbic acid (C)forhealthy organism?

A. 25 mg

B. 55 mg

C. 75 mg

D. 95 mg

E. 115 mg

8. How much energy will organism receive after dissociation of 10g NaCl?

A. 50 kcal

B. 100 kcal

C. 0 kcal

D. 25 kcal

E. 10 kcal

9. What is the daily intake of folic acid (B9) forhealthy organism?

A. 120microgram

B. 220 microgram

C. 320 microgram

D. 420 microgram

E. 520 microgram

10. What is the average level of expenditure of energy inmental work people?

A. 2500 - 3000 kcal

B. 2100 - 2450 kcal

C. 3000 - 4000 kcal

D. 1500 -1700 kcal

E. 3000 – 4000 kcal



Answers: 1-B, 2-B, 3-A, 4-C, 5- D, 6-E, 7- C, 8-C, 9-C, 10-D.


Module III.

Theme: “Thermoregulation and its investigation methods”

Variant 1


1. The air temperature is 38ººC, relative humidity of the air is 80 %, wind speed – 0 m/sec.In what way the maximum amount of heat is emitted on these conditions?

A. Convection

B. Heat irradiation

C. Sweat evaporation

D. Heat conduction

E. Radiation convection

2. Thelightly clothed man is standing in a room where the air temperature is 14º C. Windows and doors are closed. In what way the maximum amount of heat is emitted on these conditions?

A. Convection

B. Heat irradiation

C. Sweat evaporation

D. Heat conduction

E. Radiation convection

3. What mechanism of heat emission is the most effective if a person is on the condition of 80% air humidity and the environment temperatureis 35ºC?

A. Convection

B. Heat irradiation

C. Sweat evaporation

D. Heat conduction

E. Radiation convection

4. In cold windy weather people become frozen quicker than in windless weather. What type of the heat emission is increased by wind?

A. Convection

B. Heat irradiation

C. Sweat evaporation

D. Heat conduction

E. Radiation convection

5. The inhabitants of areas with cold weather have an increased content of special hormone in blood, which has an adaptive heat regulation meaning. The increasing secretion of what hormone does cause the development of adaptation?

A. Thyroxin

B. Insulin

C. Glucagon

D. Somatotropin

E. Cortisol

6. In what conditions the increasing of sweat evaporation is not cause the heat emission?

A. In condition of big amount of sweat evaporation

B. In condition of concentrated sweatevaporation

C. In condition of very low relative humidity

D. In condition of very high relative humidity

E. All answers are incorrect

7. People adapted to the action of high external temperature don’t lose a large amount of sodium chloride with sweat. What hormone does cause such effect on sudoriferous glands?

A. Atrial natriuretic factor (atriopeptin)

B. Antidiuretic hormone (vasopressin)

C. Cortisol

D. Thyroxin

E. Aldosteron

8. Andressed person is being taken test of the heat emission determination at room temperature. In what way the maximum amount of heat is emitted under such condition?

A. Convection

B. Heat irradiation

C. Sweat evaporation

D. Heat conduction

E. Radiation convection

9. A man went out from a conditioned medium to the street with the air temperature was 40ºC, relative humidity was 60%. In what way the maximum amount of heat isemitted under such condition?

A. Convection

B. Heat irradiation

C. Sweat evaporation

D. Heat conduction

E. Radiation convection

10. During the thermometry it was determined that the temperature of skin open parts is by 1-1,5ºC lower than the temperature of the dress covered parts. What type of the heat emissionis reduced bydress?

A. Convection

B. Heat irradiation

C. Sweat evaporation

D. Heat conduction

E. Radiation convection

Answers: 1-C, 2-B, 3-C,4-A, 5-A, 6-D, 7- C, 8-B, 9-C, 10-A


Module III.

Theme: “Thermoregulation and its investigation methods”

Variant 2.


1. The air temperature is 36ºC, relative humidity is 80% indoors. In what way the maximum amount of heat is emitted on these conditions?

A. Convection

B. Heat irradiation

C. Sweat evaporation

D. Heat conduction

E. Radiation convection

2. The workers of hot workshops of metallurgical enterprises lose a lot of water with sweat. What drink is it necessary to take for optimum compensation of this state?

A. Salt water

B. Soda water

C. Milk

D. Natural juices

E. Kvass

3. Experimental surgical procedure caused a violation of the animal ability to maintenance of the body temperature on constant level under the conditions of external low temperature. What is the probable reason of this violation?

A. The hypophysis is injured

B. The disfunction of anterior hypothalamus nuclei

C. The epiphysis is injured

D. The disfunction of posterior hypothalamus nuclei

E. The cortex of cerebrum is injured

4. In what temperature range warm receptors have gotamaximum level of the activity?

A. 20-25 ºC

B. 25-30 ºC

C. 40-46 ºC

D. 30-35 ºC

E. 35-40 ºC

5. People at the same temperature are colder in rainy weather than in dry weather. What is the main reason of this phenomenon?

A. The sweat evaporation is reduced

B. The convection is increased

C. The heat irradiation is increased

D. The sweat evaporation is increased

E. The air heat conduction is increased

6. During an experiments rats were adapted to living oncold conditions at the T= +5ºC. The increasing secretion of what hormone caused the development of adaptation?

A. Glucagon

B. Insulin

C. Thyroxin

D. Somatotropin

E. Cortisol

7. In what daily period a human organism has got a maximal temperature?

A. 6.00 p.m

B. 4.00 p.m

C. 7 p.m

D. 10 p.m

E. 12 p.m

8. People suffer from the hot weather more in nylon shirts than in cottons. What is the main reason of this phenomenon?

A. The convection is increased

B. The heat irradiation is increased

C. The convection and sweat evaporation are decreased

D. Sweat evaporation is increased

D. Radiation convection is increased

9. What type of thermal receptors is located in skin with high density?

A. Warm

B. Density is equal

C. Hot

D. Cold

E. Cool

10. Which of the hypothalamic area has the centre of heat emission?

A. The anterior and posterior nucleus groups

B. The posterior nucleus group

C. The dorsal nucleus group

D. The anterior nucleus group

E. All answers are correct.


Answers: 1-C, 2-A, 3-D, 4-C, 5-E, 6-C, 7-A, 8-C, 9-D, 10-D.



Module III.

Theme: “Thermoregulation and its investigation methods”

Variant 3.


  1. Where is the thermoregulation centre located?
  1. In the medulla oblongata
  2. In the midbrain
  3. In the hypothalamus
  4. In the cerebellum
  5. In the pons varolii

2. What maximal amount of sweat might be secreted by human sweatglands per day?

A. 10 l

B. 5 l

C. 20 l

D. 25 l

E. 2 l

3. What part of heat is emitted from the body by skin?

A. 20%

B. 40%

C. 80%

D. 60%

E. 100%

4. What part of heat is emitted from the body by conduction and convection at comfort temperature and 40% relative humidity?

A. 70%

B. 40%

C. 60%

D. 50%

E. 25%

5. What type of heat emission mainly functions at 40ºC external temperature and normal relative humidity?

A. Convection

B. Heat irradiation

C. Sweat evaporation

D. Heat conduction

E. Radiation convection

6. What is the thermal (heat) balance?

A. The equilibrium between heat conduction and thermogenesis in the body.

B. All answers are correct

C. The equilibrium between thermogenesis and heat emission in the body

D. The equilibrium between retractive and unretractive thermogenesis

E. All answers are incorrect

7. What main function of the brown adipose tissue?

A. It increases the level of thermogenesis

B. It stimulates the synthesis of ATP

C. It stimulates the energy synthesis

D. It stimulates glycogen mobilization

E. All answers are correct

8. What is the basic mechanism of unretractive thermogenesis?

A. The increasing of the chemical work of cells

B. Stimulation of muscle shivering

C. Stimulation of conjugation betweenoxidative phosphorylation and tissue respiration

D. Stimulation of dissociation between oxidative phosphorylation and tissue respiration

E. All answers are correct

9. Cold muscle shivering is thespecial case of

A. Physical thermoregulation

B. Thermal preference

C. Chemical thermoregulation

D. All answers are correct

E. Not of all answers are correct

10. What is the main mechanism of body heat emission in sauna conditions?

A. Convection

B. Heat irradiation

C. Sweat evaporation

D. Heat conduction

E. Radiation convection


Answers: 1-C, 2-A, 3-C, 4-E, 5-C, 6-C, 7-A, 8-A, 9-C, 10-C.


Module III.

Theme: “Thermoregulation and its investigation methods”

Variant 4.


1. Whichhormone does increase thermogenesis and body temperature?

A. Aldosterone

B. Insulin

C. Parathormone

D. Vasopressin

E. Thyroxin

2. The air temperature is 18ºC, relative humidity of the air is 100 %, wind speed – 0 m/sec. Due to what mechanism will there be heat emission under these conditions?

A. Convection

B. Heat irradiation

C. Sweat evaporation

D. Heat conduction

E. Radiation convection

3. In what daily period human organism has got a minimal temperature?

A. 6.00 p.m

B. 4.00 p.m

C. 7 p.m

D. 10 p.m

E. 12 p.m

4. Whichtemperature rangeis comfort for light dressed person at 50% relative humidity of environment?

A. 16 - 18 ºC

B. 22 - 24 ºC

C. 26 - 28 ºC

D. 18 - 20 ºC

E. 20 - 22 ºC

5. What is the physical thermoregulation?

A. It’s mechanism of perspiration increasing

B. It’s mechanism of heat exchange changing

C. It’s mechanism of heat emission increasing

D. It’s mechanism of metabolism level decreasing

E. It’s mechanism of physical adaptation

6. What is the chemical thermoregulation?

A. It’s change of carbohydratesbreaking up speed

B. It’s change of lipolysis intensity

C. It’s change of proteolysis intensity

D. It’s change of thermogenesis intensity

E. It’s change of metabolism intensity.

7. What is the health-giving adaptive result of thermoregulation functional system?

A. Muscle shivering

B. Increasing of sweat evaporation

C. Constancy ofbody temperature

D. Changing of body temperature

E. Behavioural reaction

8. What processes are main in the mechanism of body heat emission in ordinary conditions?

A. Increasing of muscle tonus and shivering

B. Activation of unretractive thermogenesis

C. Convection, irradiation, evaporation, conduction

D. Only convection, irradiation, conduction

E. Convection, irradiation, evaporation, thermogenesis

9. In what temperature range cold receptors have got the maximum level of activity?

A. 20-25 ºC

B. 25-30 ºC

C. 40-46 ºC

D. 30-35 ºC

E. 35-40 ºC

10. What is themain type of body heat emission in cold water?

A. Convection

B. Heat irradiation

C. Sweat evaporation

D. Heat conduction

E. Radiation convection


Answers: 1-E, 2-B, 3-B, 4-D, 5-B, 6-D, 7-C, 8-C, 9-A, 10-D


Module III.

Theme: “General properties of the digestion system, digestion in the oral cavity”

Variant 1.


1. Animal’s chorda tympani is being taken irritation during an acute experiment. How will the parotid salivary gland secretion change?

A. Saliva will not be secreted

B. It’ll be a small volume of the liquid saliva

C. It’ll be a big volume of the liquid saliva

D. It’ll be a small volume of the viscid saliva

E. It’ll be a big volume of viscid saliva

2. During tests a student’s mouth got too dry. The increased realization of what reflexes was the mechanism caused the development of this state?

A. Unconditional sympathetic.

B. Unconditional parasympathetic

C. Conditional parasympathetic

D. Conditional sympathetic

E. Unconditional metasympathetic

3. In Ancient India a person suspected of crime committing was required to swallow a handful of dry rice. Criminals could not swallow the rice because of decreased salivation. What process is the reason for such state?

A. Inhibition of adrenal sympathetic system

B. Activation of parasympathetic nucleus of the facial nerve

C. Inadequate blood supply of salivary glands

D. Activation of parasympathetic nucleus of the glossopharingeal nerve

E. Activation ofadrenal sympathetic system

4. Which of the following is LEAST likely to be found in saliva?

A. Salivary α-amylase

B. Na+

C. Renin

D. HCO3-

E. Chymotrypsinogen

5. A peripheral part of animal’s sympathetic nerve fiber is being taken irritation. How will the sublingual (Rivinus') gland secretion change?

A. Saliva will not be secreted.

B. It’ll be a small volume of the liquid saliva

C. It’ll be a big volume of the liquid saliva

D. It’ll be a smallvolume of the viscid saliva

E. It’ll be a big volume of viscid saliva

6. A patient has got a chronic neuritis of the n. trigeminus. Which of the digestive processes might be broken in this case?

A. Mastication

B. Salivation

C. Formation of taste feeling

D. Deglutition

E. Salivation

7. A small volume of the viscid saliva is secreted by the person’s salivary glands. Dysfunction of what salivary glands is developed in this case?

A. Parotid glands

B. Small oral glands

C. Sublingual (Rivinus') glands

D. Submandibular glands

E. Proper lingual glands

8. Patient’s tonguetip is being taken anesthetization. What type of taste sensation will disappear?

A. sour

B. salty

C. sweet

D. bitter

E. sour-salty

9. The patient has glossopharingeal nerve (IX) dysfunction. What type of taste sensation will disappear in this case?


B. salty

C. sweet

D. bitter

E. sour-salty

10. Patient’s tongueroot is being taken anesthetization by procainamide hydrochloride. What type of taste sensation will disappear?

A. sour

B. salty

C. sweet

D. bitter

E. sour-salty



Answers: 1-C, 2-D, 3-E, 4-E, 5-D, 6-A, 7-A, 8-C, 9-D, 10-D.


Module III.

Theme: “General properties of the digestion system, digestion in the oral cavity”

Variant 2.


1. A stroke patient has got a dysphagia. What part of the brain is suffered?

A. Neoencephalon

B. Cervical part of spinal cord

C. Brainstem

D. Thalamencephalon

E. Mesencephalon

2. Patient’s saliva pH is 8,0 according test. What process will be result of this state?

A. Dentaltissue hyperplasia

B. Dental caries

C. Dental fluorosis

D. Odontolith

E. Dentaltissue hypoplasia

3. Secondary oesophageal peristalsis

A. Is preceded by an oral-pharyngeal phase of swallowing

B. involves activation of medullary swallowing centers

C. Is accompanied by lower esophageal sphincter relaxation