Madrasah Naqeebul-Islam, 27 William Henry Street, Preston, PR1 4XH, TEL: 01772 798847 Email:
Quarterly Madrasah Class Report for ParentsName of Teacher / Appa Shenaz / Class / 8g/9g / Month/Year / Jan – Mar 2011
Syllabus covered during the period
Qur’aan / Revision of previous Paras. 8g New Sabak Para’s 22 – 24 (8 Paras)
9g Revision of all Para’s
Urdu / Completed half of Peyghambaroun ke Mutalik
English Kitaab / Complete Revision. New Sabak – Zad-ut-Talibeen (4 Hadiths and Commentary)
20 Lessons for Muslim Women – Chapter 1 complete
Surahs / Students working at their own pace learning Surah-e-Yaseen.
Duas / Revision of Class 1 - 8
In January, revision took place in readiness for the Mid-Term Exams. In February, the class had their mid-term examinations. The teacher has been working hard on the student’s fluency and tajweed. They are also having makharaj lessons and have been picking it up really well. They need to continue reciting with makharaj and tajweed to improve further and become proficient. Through the advice of the teacher, we have slightly changed the syllabus where we have introduced new kitaabs. It’s pleasing to note that the students are really enjoying the hadith and commentaries, which has increased their general knowledge.
We had a Madrasah Free day in February where the children were treated by the teachers. This highlighted the bonding between the children and students.
Suggestions for Parents
We had our mid-term examinations and are pleased to announce that the results were very good which means that the hard work is paying off and the standards are improving. There are a few areas where we still need to make improvements, and the Madrasah will work hard at these with the teachers, to enable us to progress further.
The top two students in each class were awarded with certificates of acheivement – so well done to them. Did you put time and extra effort into your child? Did all the revision pay-off?
We have generated Mid-term student reports, which will highlight the progresssion of your child. Please assess these reports very carefully, and take on board the comments from the teachers. You should now use this as a platform to make your children improve and put in extra time and effort, to be prepared for the end of year examinations, so they can progress further. The best way to ensure that your children do not forget is to do weekly revision, to ensure that they do not forget what they have learnt. This will help you and their teacher, as they will have less pressure before the end of year examination.
Please can you highlight the importance of treating/carrying their Jusdaans properly and with respect as most of these contain the Quran. We have seen children dragging these and throwing these which is showing disrespect to the holy books. We have also seen girls in this class having water fights between themselves. This set’s bad example to younger children.
We would like to thank parents who have sent in their contributions. Please continue sending these on time. We would like to remind parents that it is ultimately your responsibility to ensure that contributions are given to the Madrasah. There are a number of parents who have stated that they have paid, when their is no records of any payment. We also get quite a few parents sending in fees for February when their January fees are still outstanding. When the Madrasah receives your contribution, we update the spreadsheet on the computer. We also keep your envelope that you have sent your contribution in as an audit. Following on from queries from some parents, we have performed a full audit and can verify every payment received. I can confirm that our records are correct and the spreadsheet matches the payments sent through the envelopes. I would like to re-iterate that the first payment started in September and not October!
Parents are advised to continue checking the Madrasah Diaries on a daily basis as any concerns or issues can be acknowledged and dealt with by the parents. This will act as daily feedback as to how the child behaved, and will confirm whether he/she knew their sabak. We have invested time and effort into providing you with communication as to how your child is progressing daily. The teachers are stating that parents are not checking these and this is a wasted effort. Please ensure that that this is not the case as this is for your child’s development!
Please be courteous when you come to pick up your children from the Madrasah. A number of parents come to pick up their children in cars, and park in a way which is obstructive to others, or come and wait in the middle of the road. This is
not only causing trouble to others, but it’s also a health and safety issue.
To keep the traffic flowing, please treat Lex Street as a one way street (enter from Fishwick Parade and not from Brockholes View). If you park your car in William Henry street, please be aware of the children running and playing. The weather is improving, so parents are advised to come on foot if possible.
We are now going to start some Tarbiyah lessons. The main cause of children being spoilt is our lack of interest in their Tarbiyah. It is the incumbent responsibility of both the parents to bring up and nurture their children Islamically. However, a greater responsibility lies upon the mother, since the children grow up mainly in her care.
Parents should try and gain the maximum out of their children by moulding their behaviour in accordance with the Shariah. Besides benefiting the children it will also benefit us. Whatever good accrues from them, we will also have a share in the reward they attain. Every Salaah they perform, every aayah of the Qur’aan they recite and every other good deed that they may perform, a share of the reward will also be reserved for us as well. How do we make the tarbiyah of our children?
1. Win their confidence. Firstly we have to win the confidence of our children. This can be obtained by adopting the characteristics mentioned above. By winning their confidence, they will take their parents to be role models and take to heart whatever advices are given to them.
2. Narrate to them incidents of the pious. Stories play a vital role in moulding the mind of a child. Whatever a child hears in the form of a story is more impressionable than just mere facts. Daily fix some time to read an incident from the lives of the Ambiyaa, Sahaabah, Taabieen and the Salaf-e-Saaliheen (pious predecessors) before putting them to bed. This is extremely beneficial. Experience bears testimony that this method is very effective for tarbiyah. The greatest benefit of narrating stories to children is that it instils the value of Deen into their minds and hearts. After narrating the incident, enlighten them of the moral or the lesson learnt.
3. Ta’leem (Daily kitaab reading) - Our pious Ulama e Kiraam and elders have mentioned that among the most powerful tools for the tarbiyah of any household is daily ta’leem at home. They have advised the reading of the fadhaail kitaabs viz. Fadhaail e Aamaal and Fadhaail e Sadaqaat. This should be fixed as a daily practice. The entire family should be gathered at a suitable time when everyone is free and spend approximately 5-10 minutes in reading the incidents and Ahaadith from these books.
4. Dressing - Be extremely particular about their dressing. From a young age, get them into the habit of dressing according to the sunnah. Children should neither be made to wear clothing that resembles the west nor should they be made to wear clothing resembling that of the opposite gender (e.g. girls wearing jeans and boys wearing earrings). This impacts negatively upon the tarbiyah of our children.
5. Mobile Phones and Computers - Be extremely cautious about giving them Mobile phones and allowing them free usage of the computer. If under extreme circumstances you are forced to use the Mobile phone or the computer, then this should be allowed only under your strict supervision. These modern day tools are like dangerous weapons which can be detrimental to the child’s Imaan. i.e. Facebook! PLEASE NOTE THAT NO MOBILE PHONES ARE ALLOWED IN THE MADRASAH. If any student’s are found with mobile phones, they will be confiscated! We have found that girls in this class have been bringing their mobiles to class.
6. Salaah - Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) has commanded us to encourage our children to perform salaah from the age of seven. It is thus the duty of the parents to ensure that this greatest form of Ibaadah is instilled deeply in the hearts of our children from a young age. Are your children praying Salaah? It is your duty to make them pray!
7. Dua - Daily make dua for them. Allah Ta’ala readily accepts the dua of a parent for his child. Many a great scholar of Deen flourished as a result of the duas of his parents.
8. Entrust them to Allah Ta’ala - Keep in mind that Allah Ta’ala is the Murabbi e Haqeeqi (The True Mentor) and it is only with His help that our children’s tarbiyah can be made. Therefore entrust them totally in the care of Allah Ta’ala and beseech Him to nurture them correctly.
May Allah Ta’ala assist us all in the upbringing of our children. Aameen.
If you are unclear about anything or would like further information then please do not hesitate to contact the Madrasah committee.
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