Thursday, February 11, 2010
1. Call to Order
- The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m.
2. Additions/Deletions to the Agenda
- Agenda was approved.
3. Adoption of Minutes Meeting
- Minutes were approved.
4. Outstanding Action Items
5. Reports
Principal’s Report
- We have 1096 students at the moment. We lost a few Gr. 12’s but also gained some from last year that came back to finish up their grade.
- The new portables were used for exams and are now being used for classrooms. They still need projectors, a smart board and blinds, but here is wireless internet there so teachers can use their laptops. The Administration will try to send out the report cards on time, since they are experiencing computer problems,
- The Eco-club received a civic award from the city for their effort on behalf of ecology.
- Mr. Kinnell was in Ontario doing recruiting for teachers for our district. They interviewed very good potential teachers.
Upcoming events
- Feb 15 Family day – no school
- Feb 22-24No school
- Feb 25 -26 Teachers Convention
- Mar 15 -19 Graduation and Friendship Photos
- March 20 Westwood Spring Market
- March 24Progress reports (A-L)
- March 25 Progress reports (M-Z)
- April 1Day in Lieu
- April 2Good Friday
- April 5-9 Spring Break
- April 21Term 4 begins
- April 23 Report Cards mailed
- April 26-27 Grad Photo retakes
- May 24 Victoria Day
Student Council
- Still working on the match up game called iFlurtz,
- They are doing a Valentines Day dance tomorrow.
- Talent Show There was a very large turnout as it was held in the pit.
Around 20 students participated as contestants and a small cash prize was awarded to the top three contestants
- Eco Club Stickers In support of the Eco-Club, we have provided them with a couple hundred dollars to purchase stickers to put on water-bottles for their environmental campaign.
Networks Report
- There were two Networks meetings since previous School Council meeting. They were trying to change the way networks is run by getting the parents more involved but for now things will just stay the same.
- There were some discussions on the budget. They are running at a 2% deficit, but cuts were not made as predicted.
Arbitration on the teacher’s salaries was in favour of the teachers – so now there is not enough funds to pay the teachers. New ways of getting funds for teachers will have to be worked out.
- The board approved to covering the cost for two representatives from each school to go to the
ASCA Convention in April 23-25, 2010. The school will cover the cost of the travel and accommodation. Volunteers were being called for – so far it seems like only Funmi is interested in going.
- The report from the Jan 23,24 meeting in Edmonton: They are looking for more parent engagement in school. They found that the older the student is when entering the school system, the better the results.
6. Bylaws
Jim and Wendy P. and Jim H. volunteered to finish the bylaws for February 2010.
Jim says the by-laws cannot be changed without a special meeting.
He could organize a seminar on how to understand and change by-laws. Three dates were selected: March 01, 11, or 18.2010. He will see when it can be done and have the appropriate letters send out to see if we can have more representation here from the parents.
7. Spirit of Harambe Project
- A community meeting is being held tonight to see who will be interested to go to Kenya this summer.
- Silent Auction during parent-teacher interviews on March 24 & 25.. All proceeds go to the construction of and renovations to IkongePrimary School in Kenya.
- We will have a 3 day electronics week just before Spring Break from Monday, March 29 – Wednesday, March 31. $5 (for the week) allows students to use their electronic devices in the halls and in class with teacher permission
- End of April will be our annual “Get Locked Up for a Better World.”
A project was also done for Haiti – In just two days they collected just over $2000 from the school and $20 000 from the district!
8. Parent Association Update:
- Extra funding for Athletes.
- A motion was made to apply for 12 bingos for the 2010-2011. Kim K. motioned. Paul. seconded. Motion carried.
- A motion was made to open a second account for non gaming money and for the signing authority to remain the same for this new account as for our existing account at the Royal Bank. Jim P. motioned. Kim K. seconded. Motion carried.
- Fundraising: - sell food at Basketball Zones March 11,12,13.2010
-Magazine subscriptions online
-Grants that is available
7. New Business/Correspondence
9. Next Meeting: March 11.10@ 7pm in school office. Meeting dates for the rest of the school year are: April 15.10, May 13.10 and June 10.10.
10. Adjournment: 8h20