Theme 2. Employment and Growth - Lead Board Member: Andrew Granger

Support Officer: Peter McLaren

LRP Priority 2.

Sustainable growth, high quality employment opportunities and increased vocational training in rural priority sectors including land based, food & drink, equestrian, visitor economy, creative and knowledge-based.

Action / Achievements
Disseminate and embed use of the Rural Economy Planning Toolkit with businesses and LA planning depts. / Funding secured to support Rose Regeneration facilitate testing the toolkit with ‘live’ pre-apps
HarboroughDC and MeltonBC actively seeking suitable cases for consideration
Charnwood recently engaged in process
No suitable pre-apps identified in HarboroughDC and MeltonBC
Consideration required on how best to take forward the toolkit following disappointing take-up
Promote and support business take-up of RDPE, ERDF and other funds in priority sectors. / Ongoing promotion of opportunities through ‘oakleaves’ news alerts, partners and other means of communication for specific projects e.g. local radio
Requirement to engage in the development of the new Structural Funds and actively support opportunities for the rural economy to access available funding (including the next LEADER programme).
Lead on the Leicestershire Food and Drink Strategy on behalf of the LLEP. / Task and Finish Group established (first meeting in November)
Promotion and support of local food activities/events e.g. ‘Food and Drink Fortnight 2012’ celebrated
Food Enterprise Centre feasibility study underway
Planning for ‘Food and Drink Fortnight’ 2013 progressing
Champion the adoption of a Tourism Strategy and appropriate delivery mechanisms for the sub region. (to be advised following tourism review) / A report will be made to the LRP Board in June 2013
Tourism Board established
2013/14 delivery plan drafted
Establish network to improve management and coordination of workspace/incubator units in rural areas. / Exploring 2 potential business park pilots for Superfast Broadband.
Consider advantages of linking with Food Enterprise Centre model.
Need to investigate how this aligns to ERDF / RDPE funds.
Manage rural business grants to support the growth of priority sectors and farm diversification. / Rural Capital Programme launched - £300K over 3 years secured from LCC capital funds
2012-13 programme agreed and promoted through local media, ‘oakleaves’ website and partners
2012/13 projects agreed and supported toward delivery (7 projects, £76,070)
Procurement exercise underway to secure business advice/support for 2013/14 programme
Engage with and influence other partners to ensure training meets the needs of rural businesses. / Ongoing discussions with BrooksbyMeltonCollege regarding Food & Drink skills opportunities, to be explored further on completion of the feasibility study (other FE / HE opportunities to be explored).
Promote the positive career opportunities within the rural priority sectors, particularly to young people. / Still to be actioned (link to LCC ‘worklessness’ theme?)