/ Initial Issue or Concern
Reporting Form
Updated September 2015 /
Please use this form to report any concerns you may have relating to someone or something that occurs at your rugby club or when visiting another rugby club.
Name of the Child or Adult:Address:
Age or DOB: / Age Grade: / Male/Female:
What is the concern or incident that you wish to report?
When and where did this concern or incident occur?
Do you have any other comments?
Your name
Your Club:
Your Role:
Your Address:
Email: / Mobile:
CRFC has appointed a Safeguarding Team to be your first point of contact for any concerns that you might have relating to abuse, bullying or poor practice. In the first instance you should send this form to them and they will take responsibility for investigating your concerns.
Their contact details are as follows:
CRFC Safeguarding OfficerName: Frances Davies
Home: 01892 663915
Mobile: 07788 203525
Email: / CRFC Assistant Safeguarding Officer
Name: Karen Rosier
Home: 01892 660267
Mobile: 07786 327412
If you feel, for any reason, that you are unable to discuss your concerns with the CRFC Safeguarding Team or a member of the CRFC Executive Committee then you should send this form to theSRFU Safeguarding Jacqui Coleman. Her contact details are as follows:
SRFU Safeguarding Officer
Name: Jacqui Coleman
Home: 01323 506104
Mobile: 07932 436647
Use of the Initial Issue or Concern Reporting FormWhat should be reported?
The welfare of children and vulnerable adults is paramount. In order to assist the RFU and CRFC in upholding this principle you are asked to complete the form for any issues, concerns or incidents. When completing the form please give full names and their club roles. Concerns may be about the behaviour of any child or adult involved in rugby or any spectator at your club or a club that you are visiting and could include:
- General concerns about a child’s welfare.
- Concerns related to a safeguarding incident (e.g. bullying or poor practice)
- Suspicions or allegations of misconduct.
- Allegations of abuse made by or against any young person or adult
- Breaches of the RFU Code of Rugby or the CRFC Codes of Conduct.
NEVER ignore abuse, bullying or poor practice.
NEVER, under any circumstance, investigate an alleged incident yourself or approach the individual suspected of abuse, bullying or poor practice.
ALWAYS report your concerns to the CRFC Safeguarding Team or a member of the CRFC Executive Committee.
ALWAYS maintain confidentiality. Information must only be shared on a need to know basis and confidentiality must be maintained until an incident has been fully investigated and proven.