Glendale Community College
Noncredit ESL Division Meeting
October 6, 2009
Division Chair: Pat Zayas
Full Time Faculty: Barbara Assadi, Megan Ernst, Paul Mayer, Debbie Robiglio
Morning: Susanna Aramyan, Harriet Cohen, Ani Davison,Karen Deukmejian, Fanshen DiGovanni, Kathy Grammer, Deborah Henneker, Daniel Janoyan, Annette Kargodorian, Jane Lin, Kay Lincoln,Sara Mam, Kim MacDonald, Jill McDowell, Rob Mott,Joanne Muldoon, Kirk Olgin, Michelle Pallazzo, Wayne Qian, Lenore Rodah, Kathryn Son, Eileen St. Amand, Debbie Tannenbaum, Estella Torres-Siegrist, Noriko Yamamoto, Nune Yeganyan.
Evening: Eileen Adamian, Molly Arevalo, Bob Ballenger, Bette Bond, Rodney Borr,Misty Cho, Dana Eusan, Edwin Fallahi,Cheryl Johnson, Sandra Limina, Alfred Porter, Susan Ryan, KatherineSaran,Tina Tarnelli, Thelma Torio, Hasmik Tovmasian, Larry Watts, Charlene Worthley, Dennis Van Bremen.
Guests: Margaret Mansour—Mental Health Counselor
Minutes approved as written with the addition of adding Sara Mam to the last meeting.
Ill Students
Instructors should ask students who are ill to stay home. They can also encouragefrequent hand washing and covering of nose and mouth when one sneezes and/or coughs. Students should not be required to produce a doctor’s note for absences.
Board presentation—Debbie Robiglio
Debbie Robiglio shared the Noncredit ESL presentation that she presented at the June board meeting.
Senate—Paul Mayer
Pat is on the hiring committee for the college president. A debate is on the Senate floor if GCC should allow students to double dip. After a discussion, it was decided that instructors should email Paul with their opinions. Rick Perez, the VP of student services, has been given the authority to oversee the IT S department to try and solve the problems IT has been experiencing. The senate has appointed Steve Marsden to investigate why the college is spending close to 90% on benefits and salary, while the average at other community colleges is closer to 86%. The senate will also be investigating budgets with accounts over $10,000,that rollover each year, to determine if the accounts are necessary.
Guild—Marcia Sibony
Guild meetings are the 3rd Tuesday of the month. At this time there is a discussion regarding the parity cut. However, Marcia is not at liberty to provide further information. Isabel Sabersends out negotiations notes via email. Marcia strongly advised the instructors to read the emails.
SLO Workshops—Alice Mecom
Alice is scheduling training meetings for all faculty to attend. Instructors have requested reading, listening, and writing assessments.
Passport Day—Margaret Mansour
Levels 3, 4, 5 are included for passport day. Presentations will be provided to most of the classes, but due to lack of staff, some instructors will need to give the presentation to their class.and, there will be no presentations for the Main Campus classes. However, Main Campus classes can join the tours. Bus schedules for the Main Campus tours may change, so instructors should pay attention to all announcements. If there are any questions, faculty should contact Elodia Collins.
ESL Workshop—Steven Maggiore
The time has changed to 11:15 to 12:15. The workshop topic is what is your grammar style and will be held in Trailer 6. Food and flex will be available.
Karen Holden—KH Group and Parking
Karen joined the meeting to address the concerns raised over the hiringof the KH Group to conduct surveys. As the Garfield Campus has been given center status, the college wants to create a combined strategic master plan for both campuses.Measure G fundswere used to pay for the services of the KHGroup. It was mentioned that two letters from credit students were written to the local newspaper complaining about the amount of money being spent for the students at the Garfield Campus. Parking is going to become a big problem with the beginning of the construction. A faculty and student shuttle may be implemented. Campus police is the only college department that can make shuttle arrangements. Parking at the hospital was discussed. The hospital is not interested in working with Garfield. Karen assured the faculty that she is advocating for them.
Winter Intersession
Pat addressed faculty concerns over the Winterintersession scheduling. To best serve the needs of the students and Instructors, classes were scheduled at 10 hourtime blocks. This scheduling allowed 6 additional classes to be scheduled and employment for 6 instructors
A drawing was held for the teachers to teach at CCBC for the fall. Kirk Olgin decided to stay at the church. Laurel Rudd/Kim MacDonald, who team teach, were drawn.
Peoplesoft Software
When the college goes to the PeopleSoft software, all students will need an email address in order to register for classes. This was tabled until next month as it will be integrated into student registration training day.
FSA – Faculty Service Area
Before the college switches to the Peoplesoft software, each instructor should check with Human Resources to ensure they have an FSA on file. A discussion followed if adjunct faculty needed to have an FSA on file. Pat will call Human Resources and provide an answer at the next meeting.
Due to an unexpected visit from Karen Holden, the following agenda items were tabled to the next meeting: Certificate program, Registration training day,Priority registration, Holiday Party date and time.
Meeting Adjourned