I’ve had a busy year. The divorce will be final this month and Wayne plans to retire next October. I refinanced most of my debt and was able to afford a new Dell P4 desktop computer through Dell’s federal employee purchase program. It includes a “smart display” which acts as a remote terminal with a touch screen and ports for a keyboard and mouse. I can put it in a stand and use it as a second computer or use it from my chair to check email while I relax and watch TV. Since I maxed out the technology, I shouldn’t need to buy another computer for 4 or 5 years! My next purchases will be a 17-19 inch LCD monitor
and a portable DVD player with mini-LCD screen. I’ve been haunting the auctions on eBay and Ubid.
I found alternate dental insurance via the FEHB (federal employee health benefits) program which will even cover the cost of eyeglasses and acupuncture. I am having my last crown done this month and should only need preventive dental care now. I also cashed in one of my life insurance policies and changed the beneficiaries everywhere else. I plan on trying acupuncture for my TMJ, fibromyalgia, and general health after the first of the year.
I went to Point Defiance Zoo on my birthday for the sea horse exhibit and to Copalis Beach for a week over the 4th of July with Mom and Dave. We saw a great fireworks display on the beach and visited the rain forest. And I have yet another hobby and three new kites to prove it. Mom and Dave spent Thanksgiving with me. We had dinner at the American Lake Club, but cooked a small turkey and dressing at home in order to have leftovers. We saw the Rockettes at the Paramount in Seattle and had dinner afterwards with Anita in Everett. Anita, Nicole (her stepdaughter), Mom and I are all going to see Shania Twain at the Rose Garden in Portland this month, and I expect to host Christmas at my house this year.
I had a great time this summer when my friend Jessica visited from D.C. - despite the traffic ticket. I thought a traffic redirection display at night near Safeco Field was a hazard barrier. At least they forgave the ticket and it won’t even go on my driving record. We went hiking at Mt. Rainier, shopping at Pike Place Market, out to Blake Island/Tillicum Village, and saw Rascal Flats at the Puyallup Fair. I am planning a trip to visit her in D.C. this coming April. Meanwhile, the annual “Women of Wisdom” event is coming up in February and I’ve enrolled in two classes thru Pierce College that start in January: Wire-wrapping Jewelry and Beginning Tarot. Hopefully, I’ll meet some kindred spirits. I still see my friend Eilene regularly, but she’s nearly impossible to pry loose from her farm and all her animals (horse, sheep, goats, German shepherd dogs, cats, turkeys, ducks, chickens, etc.).
Clancy (Wayne’s Sheltie) is going blind with what his regular vet thinks is some type of retinopathy. He does pretty well in familiar surroundings, but Wayne plans to take him to an ophthalmologist in Olympia for evaluation soon. Katie (Pomeranian), Grace (oldest cat from Arizona), Christmas (cat from Georgia), Molly (new cat), and Erin (parrot) are all fine. Grace is getting old (around 16 years) and needs a checkup every six months, but is aging pretty well. I gave Merlin (Wayne’s cat from Arizona) to Jessica a couple years before we left Georgia and he passed away this year. At least he had a good life at the top of the pecking order with her instead of a poor one on the bottom with us. I am trying to avoid adding any more to the family … honestly!!! Moving to Alaska with this many is pretty daunting and I am still applying for positions up there that are willing to pay actual relocation expenses.
Okay, I have to do at least one shocking thing a year. This year I am having my left nostril discreetly pierced for a 2 mm emerald stud. I’ve ordered the stud and will go back for the actual piercing soon. Next year, I’ll probably be getting the tattoo I’ve been contemplating – a seahorse with a trident in its tail. I will then have a tattoo for each element: hummingbird for air, sun/moon/star for fire, oak and holly for earth, and seahorse for water. I just haven’t decided where to put the seahorse yet.
I hope you’re all happy and healthy. My website address is: www.brightwing.net