BOARD MEETING – June 11th, 2014

The Yellowstone Regional Airport Regular Board Meeting was called to order at 8:00 a.m.

Board Present: Chairman Doug Johnston, Jim Vanaman, Jack Way, Craig Wilbur, Bob Whisonant, and Bryan Edwards.

Absent: Ché Eissinger

Also Present: Bob Hooper, Nancy Werner,Lori Rhodes, Bruce Ransom,Jeff Higgs, Tim Wick, Gene Wasia, Michael Witiw, Bucky Hall, Joel Simmons, John Brouilette, and Steve Browne.

Pledge of Allegiance

Verification of Quorum: Craig Wilbur verified that Ché Eissinger was not present, and there was a quorum.

Acceptance of Agenda: Chairman Johnston asked for a motion to accept the agenda. Craig Wilbur made the motion to accept the agenda, Bob Whisonant seconded. All present voted AYE. Motion carried.

Reading / Approval of the May 14th 2014 Board Minutes: Chairman Johnston asked for motion to accept the minutes after the addition of who made the motion, and who seconded the motion to accept the agenda, is added. Craig Wilbur made the motion to accept the minutes, with the adjustment, Bryan Edwards seconded. All present voted AYE. Motion carried.

Review / Approval of Bills and Bank Reconciliations: Jim Vanaman stated that he has reviewed the bills and agrees with the charges. Chairman Johnston asked for a motion to approve the bills. Craig Wilbur made motion to accept the bills, Jim Vanaman seconded. All present voted AYE. Motion carried.

Committee / Tenant Reports / Public Comments: John Brouilette stated that the American Yankee Association is looking at Yellowstone Regional Airport for a fly-in, in 2016. The airport would need to accommodate approximately 60 planes, and John Brouilette’s concern was parking for the planes. Bob Hooper reported that he has worked with the Morrison & Maierle engineers on a solution for aircraft tie downs in the field to the south of the GA Ramp area. Joel Simmons expressed that the Flying Dentists Association is scheduled for a fly-in in the end of June 2016, in an effort to avoid a scheduling conflict.

Airport Manager’s Report:

  • Bob Hooper reported that enplanements are up 5% for the year. The first plane from Chicago is fully booked.
  • Bob Hooper reported that car rentals are up for the month of May.

Unfinished Business:

  • Scott Kolpitcke is working with Larry Schmidt’s attorney on the proposed project development and lease agreement for the convenience store.
  • Bob stated that the airport and National Guard are ready to move forward on signing documents on the armory building/land trade as soon as a date and time are set by the title company. Scott Kolpitcke has recommended that the Board designate someone to sign all the documents on behalf of the airport, as the title company will probably want to see the minutes of a meeting in which the Board votes to authorize someone to sign all the necessary documents. Bryan Edwards recommended making Bob Hooper the primary person, and Craig Wilbur volunteered to be the alternate person. Jack Way made the motion to designate Bob Hooper and Craig Wilbur to sign the documents, Bryan Edwards seconded. All present voted AYE. Motion carried.
  • Gene Wasia explained that additional procedures will need to be put in place for the armory building demolition project to address air quality and hazardous waste, due to lead and asbestos contaminants in the building. Demolition is due to begin in August or September of 2014, depending on funding constraints.
  • Bob Hooper requested Board approval for final payment to Morrison-Maierle for construction management on the GA ramp in 2013, in the amount of $33,601.22. Chairman Johnston requested a motion for payment. Jim Vanaman made the motion, Jack Way seconded. All those present voted AYE. Motion carried.
  • Tim Wick provided an update on the Runway 4-22 Rehab project. The preconstruction meeting for the electrical portion of the project was held with the contractors on June 4th. Electrical work will start on June 16th. The evening runway closures will begin June 22nd, on Sundays through Thursdays. Another preconstruction meeting for the paving portion of the project will be held in August.
  • Bob Hooper requested Board approval for AIP 32 Pay Request #1 for $231,528.10 to Morrison-Maierle, for construction design fees. Chairman Johnston requested a motion to approve. Bob Whisonant made the motion, Craig Wilbur seconded. All those present voted AYE. Motion carried.
  • Bob Hooper requested Board approval of a lease agreement with KOA/High Mountain Outfitters to operate trail rides on Airport property located on Beacon Hill, not including the property that is part of the trade agreement with the National Guard. The agreement will be for the months of June through September, at a rate of $50 per month, plus 3% of gross receipts. Chairman Johnston asked for a motion to accept. Craig Wilbur made the motion, Jack Way seconded. All those present voted AYE. Motion carried.
  • Bob Hooper requested Board approval to enter into a new 20 year lease agreement with Robin and Connie Dallman for Lot 26. The Dallmans have purchased Cliff Main’s hangar. Chairman Johnston asked for a motion. Jim Vanaman made the motion, Bryan Edwards seconded. All those present voted AYE. Motion carried.
  • Bob Hooper requested Board approval to renew 20 year lease agreements with Amy Norby, Burns C. Brimhall, Jr., and Jack Brimhall for Lot 23, and EAA, John Elgin, Chuck Stump, Valley Ranch and Hertz Car Wash, for Lots 24, 28, 27, 25, and 36C, respectively. Chairman Johnston requested a motion. Jim Vanaman made the motion, Jack Way seconded, all those present voted AYE. Motion carried.
  • Bob Hooper requested Board approval and signature of an Acknowledgement and Waiver of Conflict of Interest between the City of Cody and the Yellowstone Regional Airport Joint Powers Board with regards to both parties being provided legal counsel from same firm. YRA is requesting said firm prepare an Agreement for Temporary Use of the Armory Building between City and YRA, for the dates of July 28th, 2014 through August 4th, 2014. The agreement will have the City of Cody responsible for any financial issues associated with such use. Chairman Johnston asked or a motion. Craig Wilbur made the motion, Jack Way seconded. All those present voted AYE. Motion carried.

Executive Session: Craig Wilbur made the motion to move into Executive Session, to discuss personnel evaluation for Larry White. Jack Way seconded the motion. All those present voted AYE. Motion carried. Chairman Johnston asked for a motion to move out of executive session. Jack Way made the motion, Jim Vanaman seconded. All present voted AYE. Motion carried. Chairman Johnston asked for a motion to move into regular session. Jim Vanaman made the motion, Bob Whisonant seconded. All those present voted AYE. Motion carried.

Staff & Board Member Update: Chairman Johnston asked for a motion to approve a salary increase of 3.5% for Larry White. Jim Vanaman made the motion, Bryan Edwards seconded. All those present voted AYE. Motion carried.

Looking Ahead:

Next Board Meeting, Wednesday July 9th, 2014 at 8:00 a.m.


Chairman Johnston asked for a motion to adjourn. Jim Vanaman made the motion to adjourn, Bob Whisonant seconded. All those present voted AYE. Motion carried. Meeting was adjourned at 8:45 am.

Respectfully submitted,

Lori Rhodes

Office Administration Assistant

Approved By,

Craig Wilbur

Secretary, Joint Powers Board