Mr. SchwentName:

English IVBlock #:

The Wu-Vocabulary Clan

Term 1, Week 1

Directions: Write a complete sentence for each of the following sentences that illustrates the meaning of each word. Pay attention to spelling, grammar, and each word’s part of speech (verb, adjective, noun); write neatly, please.

  1. to writhe (verb): to twist so as to distort; to twist in pain; to suffer greatly

ex. She writhed in the corner as her enemy tried to beat her senselessly with a sack of nickels.

  1. solace (noun): comfort or relief

ex. As we walked hand-in-hand, we found solace in the beach's peacefulness until a flock of seagulls tried to peck out our eyes.

  1. to purge (verb): to purify or cleanse

ex. I went to the priest so that I could purge myself of all of my sins and bad behavior.

ex. We purged the odor from our bathroom by setting it on fire.

  1. loathsome (adjective): disgusting and repulsive

ex. Henry had the loathsome habit of picking his teeth with his toenail clippings.

  1. massive (adjective): big and solid; bulky

ex. Every year, the boy would get a massive pimple on his nose right before picture day.

  1. innumerable (adjective): too many to count; lots

ex. I slapped him innumerable times with a white glove when I learned that he disrespected my waffle-making skills in front of my friends.

  1. to ravage (verb): to destroy

ex. The angry students ravaged the school once they learned that there would be a Macarena-dancing requirement for graduation.

  1. solicitous (adjective): showing care or concern; full of concern

ex. My students were quite solicitous towards Jimmy concerning the injuries he received from competing in the annual White Glove "Slap-o-Rama."

  1. sanguine (adjective): cheerful, ruddy, confident, and optimistic

ex. The sanguine group of students thought it would be funny to toilet paper their friend's house, but they were soon caught and beaten thoroughly with rubber hoses.

  1. to prevaricate (verb): to deviate from the truth (noun form: prevarication: a lie or fib)

ex. In order to protect himself from being fired, Pantuflasprevaricated about who filled the hotel’s Jacuzzi with dish soap.

ex. The boy's parents knew that his excuse for being late was a prevarication, so they made him scrub the entire swimming pool with a toothbrush.

  1. timorous (adjective): timid, shy, or fearful

ex. Everyone regarded her as a timorous child, but once she learned the Macarena at twelve, she became the most boisterous person in town.

  1. boisterous (adjective): rowdy, loud, noisy, and turbulent

ex. When a student becomes boisterous during class, the teacher has the right to slap him with a white glove and call their parents.

Mr. Schwent

British Literature/ Semester #1

Vocabulary Word Chains #1

Directions: Using the “Word Pool” below, first determine the antonym for each vocabulary word. Then, find the two synonyms for that word. Good luck.

For example: polite: nice -- snotty -- rude

Word Pool

abhorrent agitation attentive “be honest” “be still” brazen build calm cheerful clamorous cleanse colossal comfort concerned countless delightful devastate dirty eradicate fabricate few fib gargantuan gloomy heedless meek myriad pity raze revolting riotous spirited squirm teeny timid wince

Vocabulary WordSynonym#1Synonym#2 Antonym

  1. writhe ______
  2. solace ______
  3. purge ______
  4. loathsome ______
  5. massive ______
  6. innumerable ______
  7. ravage ______
  8. solicitous ______
  9. sanguine ______
  10. prevaricate ______
  11. timorous ______
  12. boisterous ______

Mr. Schwent/ British Literature / Name:______

Vocabulary Term 1, Week 1

Across: / Down:
2 - The student had ______tardies to first block, so the teacher beat him with a sack of nickels for a good ten minutes.
6 - The students got ______when the teacher was outside of the room for a few minutes, so when he returned, he slapped each of them crisply with a white glove.
8 - Many freshmen are ______on the first day of school, especially when seniors give them fake maps and make them ride the panther like rodeo cowboys.
9 - When she burned herself badly on a waffle iron, Joyce received many ______cards and even a few gift certificates from IHOP.
11 - Her ______to her parents about having good grades was ruined when the teacher called home and told them that he didn't even know what she looked like because she'd never been to class. / 1 - Many people ______when they think of being locked in tight places; when they do this, I point at them, laugh at them, and then lock them in my car trunk.
3 - After having to deal with freshmen every day in the first semester, the teacher had ______headaches regularly and contemplated joining the circus.
4 - Every year, hurricanes ______the south and east coast and leave many people without access to the Gangnam style video for months.
5 - When I got to the dump, I could barely tolerate the ______smell of rotting trash and spoiled food.
7 - On graduation day, the students were ______about their futures; two months later, this feeling had melted away into depression and Gangnam-style addictions.
10 - Her kind words gave me the ______I needed to move on with my life and to forget my relationship with Lady Rah-Rah, a cheerleader that dressed in strange costumes daily.
11 - Brenda tried to ______from her mind all of the rumors she had heard about her date, Frankie, a guy who's 45 years old and lives in a van down by the river..