Planaria rubric

Report is due on Dec ¾-We will have one day in the computer room to write it up and we will also go over graphing the growth of the planaria then. Included must be your original data report with at least 4 observations, 3 large pictures including date, sizes in mm, colored, and which pieces they are including sketches of death and or them eating.

Your report should make it easy enough so anyone could follow what you have done and what you discovered.

Rubric highest above medium poor

Cover/Title-10 / Creative design, humorous, applies, includes 3 pieces. Title has puns, meaning. / Color, creative, not innovative / Color, thought to title. / Looks like you did it in 3 minutes
Problem/purpose-15 / States what we were trying to solve, then goes on and tells why it is relevant for science, other research similar to it, and why we are doing this experiment and all we can get out of it. Makes you realize the importance. / Knows what we are observing, has knowledge as to why. Incorporates at least one worldly issue that is similar to our experiment. / States correctly what we are trying to discover. Uses examples from class as to why it is important. / Basic understanding of what we are doing. Lacks relevance and importance of it
Materials-10 / Shows all materials used, what they were used for, and a picture of them. / Shows most materials used, has either explanation or picture / Lists the materials used, some explanation of what they were used for. / Misconceptions as to what we were using. Lists only some. No explanations or pictures.
Summary procedure-10 / Uses a step by step explanation of the procedures with either a day to day timeline, or divided into specific tasks and how they changed through out experiment. Easily repeated by the reader. / Steps are explained well, but lack some details. / Steps are listed, some details, hard to follow, not organized. / Confusing, lacking important information necessary for success of experiment.
Summary observations.-10 / Shows day by day, or piece by piece changes in behavior, size, coloring and new growth. / Shows changes, but lacking some details. / Days missing, not observed well. Information missing. / You can tell they just made it up.
Graph line/bar-10 / Axis labeled correctly for time, and mm size change.(linear..days are real) Uses both a line graph and a bar graph. Colors, or other creative feature. / Line or bar graph, correctly labeled. 1 mistake or lacking creativity / Many errors in graph / You can tell they just drew something that looked like someone else’s graph
Pictures/data table-15 / 3 + color pictures, size and date. Accurate / 3 pictures, o.k. some details missing / Lacking one or more pictures / You can tell they just drew something that looked like a cut up planaria.
Conclusion-10 / All answered correctly. Thought out, includes concepts we’ve learned in class.
Incorporates societal issues, keen observations, innovative ideas. Shows scientific method. / Questions answered correctly
Some societal issues, insight into experiment. / One or more questions missing, or answered incorrectly.
Just answers the question, does not go above or beyond. / One word answers, incorrect answers.
Not much though. Not sophisticated.