The Worshipful Company of Masons

Application for consideration as a candidate for Yeoman Mason in 2018/19

Applications to be admitted as a Yeoman Mason in The Worshipful Company of Masons are first considered by The Worshipful Company of Masons’ Craft and Training Committee, which then recommends those candidates working in stone in the UK considered worthy of being Yeoman Masons to the Court of the Company that takes the final decision on those admitted as a Yeoman Mason.

You should be approved as long as you demonstrate on your application form that you meet the requirements set out below.

The Company’s Standing Orders define "Yeoman Mason" as “Any person who has been granted this status by the Court under Standing Order 8.” These were amended at Epiphany Court on 12 January 2016 and at Mid-Summer Court on 5 July 2016. You should therefore demonstrate on the application form if you meet any of the following requirements:

  • You have been an apprentice or student supported by the Company, who has qualified at NVQ3 level or equivalent and who is currently working in stone in the United Kingdom.
  • You have voluntarily helped in promoting the Company [ Blists Hill Victorian Town at the Ironbridge Gorge Museums or the Weald & Downland Museum or are an apprentice mason who took part during events like Livery Showcase or a stone festival sponsored by the Mason’s Company Charitable Trust or Mason’s Company Craft Fund].
  • You are a holder of the Duke of Gloucester Award or been awarded a prize by the Company.
  • You area stone mason or stone carver whose work has been acknowledged by any Award Scheme supported by the Company, such as The Worshipful Company of Masons’ Master Craftsman’s Certificate Award.
  • You are a lecturer in stone related topics at approved colleges.

A Yeoman Mason shall enjoy the following privileges:

• Association with the Company - marked by the issue of a certificate.

• Opportunities to meet, perhaps once or twice a year, with other Yeoman Masons and to hear from leading members of the craft within the Company about latest techniques, job opportunities, training courses etc.

• To receive the Company Newsletter, the Annual List of Members and any other suitable publications as directed by the Court.

The Worshipful Company of Masons’ Court agreed at its meeting on Tuesday 9thJanuary 2018 to introduce The Worshipful Company of Masons’Journeyman Masons Certificate Award later this year. At the same meeting it was agreed to introduce an annual membership fee of £10 per year for Yeoman Masons from 1stJuly 2018 known historically in Livery Companies as quarterage to cover administrative costs.

We are introducing The Worshipful Company of Masons’Journeyman Mason’s Certificate Award later this year. The Worshipful Company of Masons’ Journeyman Mason’s Certificate Award is not intended to be a new class of membership, but an award open to Yeoman Masons and Freemen who have 10 years’ experience gained following obtaining an NVQ Level 3 standard.

The scheme will be agreed with The City and Guilds Council through the Livery Company Skills Council and Stone Federation GB as was done with The Worshipful Company of Masons’ Master Craftsman’s Certificate Award.

It is hoped that the Certificate will be signed by those who currently sign The Worshipful Company of Masons’ Master Craftsman’s Certificate Award including the Lord Mayor of the City of London and be presented by the Lord Mayor at the annual event when The Worshipful Company of Masons’ Master Craftsman’s Certificate Awards are presented.

The requirement to receive The Worshipful Company of Masons’ Journeyman Mason’s Certificate Award has been agreed in principle and will be as follows:

  • Work in stone in the UK as a mason (in any of the recognised branches of the industry, banker mason, fixer mason, marble or granite mason, draughtsman mason) as their main occupation (at least three days per week [but not precluding additional training]).
  • Be a Yeoman Mason or Freeman in The Worshipful Company of Masons who has improved their skills working in stone through mentoring and gaining experience over a ten years period since gaining an NVQ Level 3 qualification.
  • Be invited by The Worshipful Company of Masons to become a holder of the WCM’s Journeyman Mason’s Certificate Award following assessment by their mentor(s) and the Craft and Training Committee by recommendation to Standing Committee and Court.

The intention is that those registering for the award will be asked to complete a journal to record their progress over a 10 years period following obtaining their NVQ Level 3 qualification. This would provide the evidence base for securing The Worshipful Company of Masons’ Journeyman Mason’s Certificate Award. The candidates would complete a monthly record on each page of what they have done and learnt, and their mentors would check the journals at an appropriate frequency and provide a short annual report on a page in the journal summarising their assessment of the candidate’s progress.

Yeoman Masons may make application to become a Freeman of the Company and I hope that they might want to do so. More information available on request.

Please complete the application form below if you meet the membership criteria to be admitted as a Yeoman Mason, sign it and return it to:

Court Assistant Martin Low, Chairman, Craft and Training Committee, c/o The Worshipful Company of Masons, 8 Little Trinity Lane, EC4V 2AN

The original form should be printed, signed and posted to the above address. Alternatively you may scan it and then return your signed application form as a pdf copy by email to:

(Please put “Application to be a Yeoman Mason: Your name” in the title of the email)

The next Court meetings where applications might be considered on the recommendation of the Craft and Training Committee are as follows:

  • Mid-Summer Court on Tuesday 10thJuly 2018
  • Epiphany Court on Tuesday 8thJanuary 2019

The Worshipful Company of Masons

Application for consideration as a candidate for Yeoman Mason 2018/19

Name in Full:

Contact address for correspondence (including post code):

Contact Telephone Numbers:


Contact E-mail address:

Date of birth:


Current Employment

Are you working in stone in the UK? Yes/No (please delete as appropriate)

If you are not working in stone in the UK, are you working in stone abroad? Yes/No

If yes to either question:

Your Job Title:

Name of Employer: Employer’s Address:

Contact at Employer (name, email and telephone number)

Employer Contact name:

Employer Contact email address:

Employer Contact telephone number:

If you are not working in stone, when were you last working in stone in the UK?



Do you still want to work in stone? Yes/No

Have you have been an apprentice or student supported by the Company? Yes/No

Have you qualified at NVQ3 level or equivalent? Yes/No If yes, please give details?


Qualification received:

Date Qualification received:

Have you voluntarily helped in promoting the Company [ Blists Hill Victorian Town at the Ironbridge Gorge Museums or the Weald & Downland Museum or are an apprentice mason who took part during events like Livery Showcase or a stone festival sponsored by the Mason’s Company Charitable Trust or Mason’s Company Craft Fund]? Yes/No

If yes, please give details:

Date(s) you helped:

What did you do?

Are you are a holder of the Duke of Gloucester Award or been awarded a prize by the Company? Yes/No

If yes, please give details:

Are you a stone mason or stone carver whose work has been acknowledged by any Award Scheme supported by the Company, such as The Worshipful Company of Masons’ Master Craftsman’s Certificate Award? Yes/No

If yes, please give details:

Are you are a lecturer in stone related topics at approved colleges? Yes/No

If yes, please give details:

Do you have any interests and outside activities? Yes/No

If yes, please give details:

Please provide contact details for someone who is able to give you a reference such as your current employer or a college tutor.

Name & Address of Reference:

Telephone Number:

E-mail address:

Consent Request:

“If I am admitted intoThe Worshipful Company of Masonsas a Yeoman MasonI agree/do not agree* to my details and picture supplied by me being shared with others within The Worshipful Company of Masons for social and company purposes and give consent/do not give consent* to my contact details shown above being published in the Livery List and on the Company website”. Please confirm which of the following details you are content others being given by answering the following: Name: Yes/No*

Picture: Yes/No* Contact Postal Address: Yes/No* Mobile telephone number: Yes/No* Work telephone number: Yes/No* Home telephone number: Yes/No*

Contact E-mail address: Yes/No* (*Please delete as appropriate)

Applicant's signature:​​​​​
