’’International Borders – Geoenvironmental Concerns”
Krynica Morska, June 19–20, 2004
The aim of the International Workshop was to discuss and promote the better applications of geoscientific information for planning and development in the cross-border areas of the Baltic Sea countries, and encourage international geoenvironmental cooperation.
The workshop was organized jointly by the Working group IBC of the COGEOENVIRONMENT (the Commission on “Geological Sciences for Environmental Planning” of the International Union of Geological Sciences (IUGS), Polish Geological Institute, Geological Survey of Lithuania and the EAGE (European Association of Geoscientists & Engineers).
The workshop was attended by 30 registered participants from 5 countries (Poland, Lithuania, Latvia, Russia, Belarus).
The Workshop was opened 19th June, Wednesday in Krynica Morska by Director of Polish Geological Institute Prof. Leszek Marks. Welcome addresses were given by Co-Chairmen of the Organizing Committe Prof. Dr. Marek Graniczny (Polish Geological Institute), Dr. Jonas Satkunas (Geological Survey of Lithuania) and Vice-Chairman-Elect European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers (EAGE) Dr. Tadeusz Wilczek.
The afternoon session 19th June was devoted to the general problems of the environmental geological cooperation in the cross-border areas in the international context – three presentations were devoted to this topic (see the Abstracts of the presentations).
During 20th June session 11 presentations were devoted to general geological mapping, application of remote sensing data, geomorphology, geomorphological dynamic and the other issues concerning cross-border areas, the Baltic Sea coastline and Nemunas trans-border zone and the other territories.
The evening Poster Session with 7 presentations shed the light on current trends of research, concrete activities and results of applications of geoscientific data.
Field trip to the Wisla river outlets, focusing on comparence of present day and former outlets of Wisla, was organized 21th June.
During the workshop the Meeting of IBC Core Working Group was held in order to discus further aims and tasks of IBS working group and, predominantly, the further activities of the project in respect to IUGS Project Proposal “Application of geosciences for sustainable development of cross-border areas” (GEOCrossBorder).
The workshop materials (Volume of Abstracts, workshop programme list of participants) are located and available from the website of Polish Geological Institute and IBC Working Group website:
Jurga Lazauskiene, Szymon Uscinowitz