The Working Men’s College Corporation
Draft Minutes of the Annual General Meeting of the Corporation held on Wednesday, March 30th 2011 commencing at 6.10 p.m. in Room 305, The Working Men’s College, Crowndale Road, London, NW1 1TR.
Members ( Appointed Governors ): Governors Attending ( Directors )
Kate Bell Appointed Satnam Gill Principal Ex Officio
Leslie Coupland Student Nom. Shingo Nakatani Nominated Staff
Lucy de Groot Appointed
Martin Jones Appointed Staff Attended:
Shingo Nakatani Nom. Staff Stewart Cross VP Resources
David Offenbach Appointed Theresa Hoenig Deputy Principal
Abdul Quadir Appointed Kanwal Pattar VP Innov & Partnerships
Roger Robinson Appointed Susie Wright Head of Arts and Humanities
Tom Schuller Appointed Alan Conway Clerk
Paula Whittle Appointed
A1.11 Declarations of Interest
There were none.
A2.11 Apologies for Absence
Barbara Burman, Kazi Nessa, Margaret Alexander, Ruth Hawthorn, Nigel Franklin, Abdul Quadir, Avnish Savjani (Buzzacott ).
A3.11 Minutes of the March 31st 2010 AGM
The Minutes were approved and signed as a correct record.
A4.11 End- of -Year Report & Financial Statements and Auditors’ to 31.07.2010
The Management Letters from Buzzacott for the Financial Statements Audit and the Regularity Audit provided an Unqualified Opinion, giving assurance.
Corporation Confirmed Approval of the End of Year Report and Financial statements for the year to July 31st 2010 and the Auditor’s report; these having already been signed off by the Chair, approval having been given at the December 15th 2010 Meeting of the Board.
A5.11 Appointment of Governors in the place of those due to Retire by Rotation
at the end of the AGM
A5.01.11 In accordance with this Article 39 of the WMC Articles of Association one third of the Governors retire by rotation in any year, via cohort arrangements; this year 5 governors were due to retire by rotation. Four of the governors due to retire by rotation indicated a request to be considered for re-appointment : Margaret Alexander, Ruth Hawthorn, Nigel Franklin and Abdul Quadir.
The Board considered these governors had all made a valuable contribution to the work of the Governing Body and the College and that their knowledge and experience complemented that of the rest of the Board.
Particular attention was given to the two 9-Year Governors, Abdul Quadir, and Nigel Franklin, who, being nine-year governors, were not in attendance at the meeting to consider their re-appointment. Abdul Quadir had extensive financial experience as a qualified accountant and longstanding contacts with the local community, not least with knowledge of the needs of the Bangladeshi community and women within that community who need the educational opportunities WMC cam provide. He also had valuable knowledge gained as a longstanding Camden Councillor. Nigel Franklin had an association with the College directly and through his family that covered a period that stretched back to 1908. He has experience in business and makes a particularly helpful contribution to the quality and Standard Committee’s consideration of data presentation and analysis. These governors added to the collective skill-set of the Board.
The Board approved the re-appointment of Abdul Quadir, Nigel Franklin, Margaret Alexander and Ruth Hawthorn.
The Board Agreed that 9-Year Governors being considered for re-appointment should provide a statement regarding their motivation, willingness to serve and the skills and experience they bring.
A5.02.11 Bipin Patel had chosen to stand down having been a governor since 2001. His experience and specialist knowledge with regard to building and finance issues has been really important to the College; especially, regarding his period as Chair of Finance Committee and as Chair of the Building Working Group. He played a pivotal role you played during a key period, with regard to the main phases of building works, which have enabled the successful development of College site. The Board wished to record their thanks to Bipin Patel and Agreed that he should be offered the honorary position of Fellow of the College ( Emeritus ).
A6.10 Report on Governors’ Attendance at Corporation and Committee
Meetings During 2009/2010 Academic Year
Corporation attendance targets are 75% for WMC Corporation meetings and 66.6% for Committee meetings. For 2009/10 average attendance at Ordinary Meetings of the Board was slightly below target at 73%. (Attendance at Strategy Day was 65%). Average attendance at all Committees at 77.1% was above target 66% save for Search Committee ( 60% ).
WMC Corporation received the Attendance Report for 2009/10.
A7.10 Appointment of Financial Statements Auditor of the WMC Corporation until the end of Corporation’s next AGM/Board meeting in April 2011
Members agreed that Buzzacott continued to be diligent and effective.
As recommended by the Audit Committee, the Board Approved Re-appointment of Buzzacott as Financial Statements Auditor and Regularity Auditor of the Corporation until the end of Corporation’s next AGM / Board meeting in April 2012.
The fees for auditing the final accounts for 2009/10 were Financial Statements Audit ( £12,050 ) and Regularity Audit ( £3,280 ) giving a total of £ 15,330
( excluding VAT ). The fee increase for the 2010/11 accounts should be in line with wage inflation and will be confirmed in a report to the Summer meeting of the Audit Committee. Any additional work would be separately charged.
The Standard Rate Fee charges were approved on the above basis:
A8.10 Closure of the Annual General Meeting
There were no further items.
A9.10 Date of the Next AGM
March 28th 2012
Chair:______Date: ______