January 10, 2018
FortCalhounHigh School
Attendees: Don Johnson, Jerry Green, Coach Andy Christensen, Amy Melville, Dara Waters, Robyn Lammers, Melanie Bonacci, Joey Iwen
Old Business
- WaterBottles
- Approximately 16 left - $8.00 each
- Will sent out another FB post or order form in March/April
- Winter Basket Raffle
- PFE raised $977 with this fundraiser.
- Thank you to Nicole Duros, all the other volunteers who helped sell raffle tickets, and all the businesses/people that donated items
- Membership Directory (Robyn Lammers)
- PFE Membership Directories were sent home with students. We do have approximately 20 extra copies that are available for purchase for $5.
Treasurer Report (Dara Waters)
- See Treasurer Report and Budget Documents
Current Business
- Elementary School Assemblies
- Second Semester – Artist in Residence (Robyn Lammers)
- Need to finalize project and location for elementary mural; cost $2000
- Meeting set up For Jan 22nd to meet Artist and finalize plans
- PFE Fund Requests
- Approved Knee Flexion/Extension H.S. Weight Room request - $4500 (Requested by Coach Christensen)
- Approved & Wrote Check for New Basketball Hoops for Elementary school gym - $1200 (Requested by Don Johnson)
- Volunteer Needs
- Staff Appreciation Week-need 1-2 people to head this up (Joey Iwen may have interest in this and will touch base with Ronee Christensen for more info)
- Melanie will send emails to all people who expressed interest on PFE membership forms with helping out with certain activities/fundraisers….Original Works, Donuts, OneBook-OneSchool, Fish Fry, etc.
- Original Works Art Program ( Melanie Bonacci)
- Artwork begins February 5th and info will be sent home with students February 9th
- Students will receive their orders on April 19th
- Carnival (Amy Melville)
- April 20th, 2018
- Discussed pros/cons of two different carnival companies
- Decided to stay with current carnival company even though more expensive
- PFE Family Movie Night
- Decided to forgo Family Movie Night due to low interest and feedback
- May look into family bounce night at Culture Remix instead
- Donuts with Dad/Mornings with Mom (Michelle & Wendi)
- February 2nd- Donuts with Dad
- March 2nd-Mornings with Mom
- 2018-2019 PFE Officers Needed
- We are in need of New PFE Officers for next school year
- Letter will be sent out soon; send home in Thursday folders and emailed to PFE members
- Please contact us with questions or if interested and we will guide you
Progress on New Ideas
- Elementary Yearbook (Melanie Bonacci)
- Administration expressed interest in this project over winter break, but it is too late in the year to execute this project (Yearbook needs to be completed and ordered in March).Will put yearbook on future fundraiser/project list for next year due to level of interest.
- Buddy Bench
- Discussed this idea and Boy Scouts willingness to make a bench. Dr. Johnson stated that elementary school already has plenty of benches so this idea will not be pursued at this time.
New Wants/Needs/Ideas
- Dr. Johnson discussed 50/50 Grant that FC Schools could probably apply for to help defray cost for finishing elementary school Playground flooring. Total cost to finish playground flooring tiles is $70,000. Dr. Johnson will look into grant and the possibility of city keno money and PFE funds to cover the cost.
- FC Elementary preschool needs a outdoor shed to store wagons, balls, and tricycles so all of this equipment does not have to be hauled outside everyday and will free up some much needed space into eh classroom. Dr. Johnson will look into this and touch base with MR. Wagner and Mrs. Royuk about this need.
Questions/Concerns/Open Floor
- Thank you to Megan Johnson and Devon Ellis for providing childcare for our PFE meeting today!
Next Meeting – March 14 @ 3:15-4:15pm (Elementary School)