Application Period:26 April–2 May, 2012 Please submit to the ITP Office
Young Researcher International Training Program (ITP)
“On-site Education of Practical Languages for Area Studies”
Output Level (International Communication Capabilities Improvement) Dispatch
“The United Kingdom”
Application Form (2012 Academic Year)
Name of Applicant:
Affiliation: ( ASAFAS / CSEAS )
Status: ( Assistant Prof. / PhD student ( ) / Other ( ) )
Desired Period of Dispatch (Generally between June 15.2012 andOctober15. 2012)Departure Date:
Date of Return to Japan:
(Total period should be between 2 and3 months)
Research theme:
Recent language examination score* (*Please attach the official results of your recent language examination score.)
IELTS / Cambridge / TOEFL(P/C/I)*
*Please select. / BEC / TOEIC / BULATS / STEP
As of today do you have other sources of financial assistance in this academic year? [Yes] [No] [Application Pending]
If “Yes” or “Application Pending,” please state the assisting institution, period and amount:
Research content:
Research plan:
Please state as concretely as possible the themes and contents of international conference sessions that you envisage yourself organizing in the future:
Research publications: (Under the following headings (1) – (4), please state separately those for which you were the MAIN contributor. Underline your name.)
(1) Articles in academic journals(including university research journals, compendia of research papers and so on) and
other publications.
(Please state separately those which were reviewed and those whichwere not reviewed. If reviewed, include only those already printed orthose for which you have received definite notification of acceptance for publication.
. EXCLUDE those which are in the process of being refereed or have been submitted but not yet accepted.
Please state in the order of: Author (names of all the authors including the applicant in the order in which they appear on the paper), title, name of publication, publisher, volume and issue no., pp from first page to last page, year of publication.
(2) Commentaries or review articles published in academic journals or trademagazines
(3) Presentations at international conferences (Please state separately those which were refereed, which were not refereed, and whether oral presentations or poster presentations)
Please state presenter (names of all the presenters including the applicant in the order in which they appear on the
posteror presentation), title, name of academic association of presentation, number of paper or presentation, location
and date of presentation.
(4) Presentations at academic conferences and symposia and so on inside Japan
Please state details as in (3).