The Workforce Connection, Inc.
Workforce Development Board for Boone, Winnebago, and Stephenson Counties
Programming Sought: The Workforce Connection, Inc. (TWC), the Workforce Development Board for Boone, Winnebago, and Stephenson counties, is seeking proposals for Workforce Essential Skillstraining that includes the following activities/services for Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) enrolled Adult and Dislocated Worker participants and Trade Act participants: 1)Workforce Essential Skillstraining modules related to Job Search, 2) Workforce Essential Skills training modules for Employability, 3)Computer Technologyassessment and skills training; 4)Job-Search related workshops, 5) Proctor WorkKeys and other employment assessments, and 6) job placement assistance, coordinated with The Workforce Connection Career Planners and Business Team. The programming sought through this Request for Proposals will be housed at The Workforce Connection, 303 North Main Street, Rockford, Illinois.
The subaward period for the Workforce Essential Skills training, will be July 1, 2018 - June 30, 2019.
The Workforce Essential Skills training modules related to Job Search will total 20 hours per month,Workforce Essential Skills training modules for Employability will total 20 hours per month. Workforce Essential Skills training modules will be conducted as needed through an open entry/open exit system, but not less than once per month. Workshops on various job-search related topics will be held at least monthly. Individual and small group training for basic and intermediate skill levels will be provided through an Open Lab for computer technologyassessment and skills for 20 hours per week. Proctoring for WorkKeys and other employment assessments will be provided. Individual job seeking skills assistance for WIOA participants enrolled in Adult/Dislocated Worker/Trade Act programs will be on-going.
Payment will be through a line-item reimbursement budget. The bidder will submit a line-item budget as part of the proposal.
Eligible Bidders: Training providers who are currently approved by a Workforce Development Board and listed on-line in the Illinois Workforce Development System (IWDS) may submit proposals to conduct the requested programming.
Proposals are due to TWC by4:00 pm
, Thursday, May 10, 2018.
The Request for Proposals is available at or by contacting ValJohnson,. Please direct questions via email to Val.
The Workforce Connection
303 North Main Street, Rockford, IL 61101
998 Belvidere Road, Suite 7,Belvidere, IL 61008
27 West Stephenson Street, Freeport, IL 61032