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These policies have been adopted by the Board of Directors of the Wonderful Optimist Club. The date of adoption is listed directly under the policy listing.
Along with each motion in these policies, there appear in order the names of those who made and seconded each motion. Unless otherwise stated, the motion was unanimously adopted.
1. Bank Named: Approve that the depository for club funds will be **************.
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Club Member Name that made the motion/Club member name that seconded the motion
2. Authorized Approve that the authorized signatures for withdrawal of club funds Signatures will be those of the President, the Vice-President(s), and the (08/25/14) Secretary/Treasurer of the club.
3. Dues:Approve that the dues established in the By-Laws ( $**** per year not including meals ) shall be due on the first day of each quarter.
4. Meal fees:Guests-
Approve that the club will pay for the meal fees of first time guests who are (08/25/14) true prospective members for the club. The club will also pay the meal fee for official guests such as speakers. Club members who bring relatives or friends to club meetings are welcome to do so, however the member is expected to pay the meal cost for these non-prospect guests.
5. Financial Approve that the Board of Directors must give specific and prior Obligations: approval to all financial obligations or expenditures, to include verbal or written contracts for any activity, other than normal operating (08/25/14) expenses such as dues, supplies, or meals.
6. SupplyApprove that all supply orders on behalf of the club shall be made only Orders: by the Club's President or Secretary / Treasurer, or Secretary or
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7. DistrictApprove that the club pay the costs of registration of the Club members Registration: at District conferences and the District Convention. When funds are available. To be discussed and approved at a board meeting prior to
each conference.
8. InternationalThe Club is encouraged to pay the registration and reasonable travel Registration: expenses for the President-Elect to attend the International Convention, if financially able. To be discussed and approved at a board meeting prior to each conference.
9. Politics:Approve that this club will affirm it's role in civic affairs, but will not (08/25/14 ) take positions in matters of partisan politics, non-partisan elections or public issues.
10. Alcohol: Approve that this club will not have alcoholic beverages on sale, for (08/25/14 ) consumption, or in personal possession at any meeting or event involving youth, or when the public image of the club would be adversely affected.
11. Smoking:Approve that all regular club meetings and all meetings of the Board of (08/25/14) Directors shall be non-smoking.
12. Solicitation:Approve that the directory of members from Optimist International, (08/25/14) the District, or any Optimist club shall not be used for commercial or solicitation purposes.
13. Special EventsApprove that each member who signs up for a special meal function
Member’sof the club will be charged for that meal in the event that they do not
Obligation:attend or cancel 48 hours prior to the event, except for events that have to be prepaid.
14. New MemberApprove that the club will hold an induction for new members
Induction:within one month of the date of that member’s acceptance.
15. GuestApprove that all guest speakers at club meetings will be coordinated
Speakers:with and through the Program Chair. There will be only one program
(08/25/14)or speaker at each club meeting. Members who wish to have someone
make a presentation to the club shall pre-schedule such appearance
with the Program Chair.
Last Reviewed on August 25, 2014