Special Notice: Graduate students must be officially enrolled at the time the degree is awarded. The only acceptable evidence of official enrollment is the student’s name on the official class lists, rosters, etc. issued by the Office of the Registrar.September 25 - REGISTRATION FOR GRADUATION
All prospective graduates must submit a Registration for Graduation Cardto the GraduateSchool.
October 16 - Submit applications for renewal of courses and transfer of credit.
Degree requirements for the master's and doctorate must be completed within a maximum of five and seven years, respectively, from the date of initial registration. Courses taken more than five and seven years prior to applying for graduation must be revalidated in accordance with GraduateSchool guidelines. For documentation, a restoration of course credit form must be filled out and submitted to the Office of Educational and Research Affairs.
October 30 - MASTER'S CANDIDATES - Last day to submit applications for Admission to Candidacy.
October 30 – PH.D. CANDIDATES – Doctoral candidates planning to graduate for spring 2018 are required to submit the formal application for Admission to Candidacy.
November 13 - PH.D. CANDIDATES - Last day to submit requests for oral defense examinations. Submit requests for oral defense examinations (Forms GS-EA-1 through GS-EA-4), the Originality Report, and the curriculum vitae for the external examiner. A final copyof the dissertation must accompany the requests.Oral defense examinations will be scheduled only after dissertations have been checked thoroughly and approved by the Office of Educational and Research Affairs.
Doctoral candidates planning to graduate for fall 2017 were required to submit the formal application for candidacy not later than June 22, 2017.November 17– MASTER’S THESIS CANDIDATES – Submit the notification of defense. The notification must include a memo listing the student’s name, names of the committee members, as well as the date, time, and place of the final oral examination. Form GS-EA-3,and the Turnitin.comOriginality Report must be attached. A final copy of the thesis must accompany the requests.
November 28 – PH.D. CANDIDATES – In order to allow students ten working days following their defense examinations to make any necessary corrections in their dissertations, this is the last date on which defense examinations will be scheduled.
December 12 – Electronic Submission of Theses and Dissertations are due. All degree candidates who have successfully defended the dissertation or the thesis must upload the final document to UMI Dissertation Publishing –
PLEASE NOTE: All degree candidates must submit the electronic versions of their theses or dissertations no later than ten working days after the oral defense.
December 12– Certification Forms GS-EA-5 and 6 are due for all degree candidates who have successfully defended the dissertation or the thesis.
December 12 – Certification Form GS-EA-6 for all non-thesis degree candidates is due.
December 12 – Certification Form GS-EA-7 for all graduate certificate candidates is due.