The Western Michigan Chapter of the IIA and

The Lansing Chapter of the ACFE


2013 CPE Days

November 5 and 6

Davenport University, Lettinga Campus, Sneden Center

6191 Kraft Avenue S.E.

Grand Rapids, MI 49512Grand Rapids, MI

Pricing: One Day – Member $150, Non-Member $175, Student $40

Two Days – Member $275, Non-Members $325, Student $80

Day 1 – Speaker Toby Groves has been engaged to present two programs. With his work and story featured on NPR, in the CPA Journal, and studied by business schools around the country, Toby Groves presents groundbreaking behavioral research in engaging and entertaining demonstrations for professional and academic interests. His presentations are an eye-opening, “must see” for anyone interested in understanding the fascinating psychological science behind our organizational behaviors, and particularly those involved in auditing, governance, culture, compliance, or leadership.
Educated in psychology and forensic accounting, Groves researches the roles that individual and group psychology play in aberrant organizational behaviors. The results shattered his long-held assumptions about the processes behind these events. Using groundbreaking research, interactive demonstrations, and a compelling personal story, Groves inspires audiences around the country to think differently and make real progress towards understanding and improving our processes.

8:00 am to 12:00pm “The Psychology of Fraud” - Despite significant attention and effort, our understanding of how human behavior affects organizational decisions involving accounting, auditing and aberrant behaviors such as fraud are incomplete. Our assumptions regarding who is involved, how it starts, and why it grows are flawed, which leads to a variety of critical judgment errors. This presentation delves into the very latest breakthroughs in psychological research which uncover individual and group behaviors that reveal how our minds actually work in relation to these experiences. Interactive demonstrations dramatically exhibit to attendees how radically different our intuitions are in relation to the reality of these events, and how they can immediately use this new knowledge in their work.

1:00pm to 5:00pm “Essential Interviewing Skills for Auditors” - The importance of conducting successful client interviews in the fact finding process makes it one of the most important soft skills for auditors today. SAS 99 emphasizes the importance of these essential skills in detecting possible fraudulent activities. As opposed to other parts of the audit process, the techniques used in interviews must be highly adaptable, and dealing with the interviewee may require intuition and be much less rational than other aspects of the audit. The success of the interview relies on proper preparation, an understanding of key interpersonal techniques, and an understanding of the appropriate elements of behavioral science. This presentation uses the latest research in behavioral science to reveal the best methods for conducting such interviews.

Breakfast will be served at 7:30am and Lunch will be served at 12:00pm.

Day 2 – Brings three different speakers on three varied topics.

8:00am to 11:00am “Be Bright. Be Brief. Be Gone.™”

Sarah Flick, Varnum Consulting

Why is it more difficult to communicate today? How do you communicate difficult messages in a professional manner. We will discuss how your communication preparation, or lack of preparation, impacts your ability to influence others. This session will include tips on crafting messages that are clear, concise and focused to get your points across. Come and learn how to accomplish your communication objectives.

Sarah joined Nancy Skinner & Associates in 1996, which was acquired by Varnum Consulting LLC in 2003. Sarah serves as a coach in our Speak Up & Be Effective™ series and Advanced Sales Training for Kellogg’s, Boar’s Head, Meijer and Fifth Third Bank. Sarah’s business background prior to Varnum Consulting was in sales and training in the telecommunications industry. She is a graduate of Taylor University and received her Bachelor’s degree in Psychology. In the winter of 2000, Sarah was honored by Taylor as a” Lesson in Leadership.”

11:30am to 2:30pm “Mystery Fraud Lunch”


You won’t want to miss this highly interactive presentation on fraud. We don’t want to give away too much but the training objectives include:

• Interviewing skills

• Data analysis

• Planning and scoping

• Team building

• General fraud examination skills

Tim is a partner of Hungerford Vinton, LLC, a specialized auditing firm located in Rochester, NY. The organization is a NYS peer reviewed CPA firm that has been in existence since 1997. He is very active in the Rochester Chapters of the Institute of Internal Auditors and Institute of Management Accountants.

Tim serves on several accounting advisory boards, and serves as an adjunct professor of the SUNY Brockport master’s in forensic accounting program. He received his BBA in Accounting from Niagara University and his MBA in finance from the Rochester Institute of Technology. Tim uses actual fraud case experiences and examples to create evidence and a script for an entertaining and participative session.

3:00pm to 5:00pm “IT Hot Topics”

Sajay Rai, Securely Yours LLC

Mr Rai has more than 30 years of experience in information technology, specializing in information security, business continuity, privacy, IT audit and information risk. Mr. Rai is the Founder and CEO of Securely Yours LLC. Securely Yours LLC is focused on delivering innovative solutions through delivery channels like Software-as-a-Service, Managed Services and traditional IT consulting. Mr. Rai’s clients are in the financial, manufacturing, retail, healthcare and utility industry.
Prior to starting Securely Yours LLC, Mr. Rai was a Partner with Ernst & Young LLP for 10 years and was responsible for the information advisory practice in the Detroit Metro area. He also served as the national leader of EY’s Information Security practice.

Mr. Rai co-authored a recently published book, Defending the Digital Frontier – A Security Agenda, which guides business and IT executives on how to develop an effective and efficient information security program within their enterprise. He also led the publication of Institute of Internal Auditors’ (IIA) Global Technology Audit Guide (GTAG) No. 9 on the topic of Identity and Access Management.

Breakfast will be served at 7:30am and Lunch will be served during the Mystery Fraud Event.