American Pageant Chapter 22 p. 479-510

1.  What were the four questions to be answered after the war?

The Problems of Peace

2.  What was ultimately done to the Confederate ringleaders?

3.  How had the war affected the South’s economy?

Freedmen Define Freedom

4.  How did blacks respond to news of their emancipation?

5.  Why did tens of thousands take to the roads?

6.  Who were Exodusters?

7.  What institution became the focus of the black community?

8.  Why were black freedmen so eager for an education?

The Freedmen’s Bureau

9.  What were the problems that freedmen faced?

10.  What were the goals of the Bureau?

11.  What was the Bureau’s greatest success?

12.  To what extent was the Bureau successful in helping the Freedmen?

13.  Why did Southerners resent the Bureau?

Johnson: The Tailor President

14.  Which social class had Johnson come from?

15.  Why did Lincoln put him on the ticket in 1864?

Presidential Reconstruction

16.  What was the foundation of Lincoln’s 10% Plan

17.  How did the Radicals’ Wade-Davis Bill differ from Lincoln’s plan?

18.  What did Lincoln do with the Wade -Davis Bill?

19.  How did Congress disagree with Lincoln’s concept of secession?

20.  Describe the divisions in the Republicans in Congress.

21.  What was the goal of the Radicals?

22.  What were the key features of Johnson’s plan for Reconstruction?

23.  Was Johnson’s plan closer to the Lincoln plan or closer to the Radical’s plan?

The Baleful Black Codes

24.  What was the common aim of the Black Codes in all the southern states?

25.  Which rights were forbidden to blacks under the codes?

26.  What was sharecropping?

Congressional Reconstruction

27.  Why were Republicans shocked when Congress reconvened in 1865?

28.  Which party did most of the southern Congressmen belong to?

29.  What had the Republicans done in congress when given a free hand from 1861-1865?

30.  What was at risk if the Democrats regained control?

31.  What did emancipation mean for southern states’ representation in Congress?

Johnson Clashes with Congress

32.  What two bills did Andrew Johnson veto in 1866?

33.  What were the 4 parts of the 14th Amendment?

34.  What did Johnson advise the southern states to do with the 14th Amendment?

Swinging ‘Round the Circle with Johnson

35.  Did Johnson’s behavior during his “swing round the circle” lend dignity to the office of the president?

36.  What were the results of the midterm, Congressional Election of 1866?

Republican Principles and Programs

37.  Who was Charles Sumner?

38.  Who was Thaddeus Stevens?

39.  What was the goal of the Radicals for the South during Reconstruction?

40.  What was the goal of the moderates for the South during Reconstruction?

41.  What issue did both moderates and Radicals agree on by 1867?

Reconstruction by the Sword

42.  Describe the 2 parts of the Reconstruction Act of 1867.

43.  What was the overriding purpose of the moderates?

44.  What did the Fifteenth Amendment protect?

45.  Why didn’t the Supreme Court step in and curtail the military tribunals and martial law of the Radical Reconstruction period?

46.  What would happen in the Southern states once the federal troops left?

No Women Voters

47.  Why did women’s rights advocates, like Stanton and Anthony feel betrayed by the 14th and 15th Amendments?

48.  What word was used in the 14th Amendment?

49.  Why did Frederick Douglass plead with them to support the 14th Amendment anyway?

50.  What word did the women want added to the 15th Amendment?

The Realities of Radical Reconstruction in the South

51.  What qualifications did both Lincoln and Johnson think should be required before a black man was allowed to vote?

52.  Why was it ironic that by 1867 the Republicans were pushing for universal manhood suffrage without racial distinctions in the South?

53.  What were the goals and activities of the Union League?

54.  Give evidence cited in the text of black political participation at the state level during Radical Reconstruction.

55.  Who were Hiram Revels and Blanche Bruce?

56.  Who were the scalawags?

57.  Who were the carpetbaggers?

58.  What areas of southern life were addressed and reformed by these Reconstruction state governments?

59.  What was the weakness of some of these governments?

60.  How did these southern governments compare with the North at the time in this aspect?

The Ku Klux Klan

61.  How did southern whites attempt to cope with this loss of power?

62.  How did the terror methods of the Klan affect the ex-bondsmen’s willingness to vote?

63.  What did the Force Acts of 1870-71 provide for?

64.  Was this an effective means of solving the problem?

65.  What other methods besides terror and intimidation were used by southern states to reduce black voting and maintain white supremacy?

Johnson Walks the Impeachment Plank

66.  What did the Radical Republicans attempt to do to the “drunken tailor?”

67.  What was the Tenure of Office Act?

68.  How did Johnson fall into their trap?

A Not-Guilty Verdict for Johnson

69.  Although the House did vote articles of impeachment, was Johnson found guilty?

70.  Explain the four factors that shaped the outcome.

71.  What was Johnson actually guilty of?

72.  Is this cause for impeachment?

The Heritage of Reconstruction

73.  What did the South resent about the Reconstruction period?

74.  What motivated the Radical Republicans?

75.  Were they successful in achieving their goals?

76.  Which three basic American characteristics combined with eventual disinterest to prevent the success of Reconstruction?