Cardinal Classic XVII: The Stanford Quizzin’ Experiment

Packet by the UCI/UCLA bastard team (Ray Anderson, Ray Luo, Tirth Patel, Dwight Wynne)

1. A town in the north of its country was named after this battle, andafter economic decline, it served for a whileas as aprisoner and concentration camp. In the battle itself, the victorious army was significantly weakened from the army'snamesake mountains, but still had a significant numerical advantage over the Royalist forces. The defeated forces led by Rafael Maroto attempted to hold the victorious army at bay in the namesake valley while nearby reinforcements arrived. The victorious forces were divided into a flanking force lead by General Soler while the Royalists were directly engaged by Bernardo O'Higgins. For ten points, name this 1817 battle, a victory for Jose San Martin's Army of the Andes, and the first major battle in the campaign for Chilean independence.

ANSWER: Battle of Chacabuco

2. He hears "the sea breathe o'er [his] dying brain its last monotony" in one poem, and notes that "the flower that smiles today tomorrow dies" in another. In addition to "Stanzas Written in Dejection" and a version of "Mutability," he wrote a burlesque titled Posthumous Fragments of Margaret Nicholson. He signed his political tracts as "The Hermit of Marlow" and wrote Laon and Cythna, renaming it The Revolt of Islam. Along with Thomas Jefferson Hogg, he circulated The Necessity of Atheism, causing his expulsion from Oxford. Author of "England in 1819," "The Sensitive Plant," and "Mont Blanc," he wrote of "a traveler from an antique land," and a "blithe Spirit" to whom he hailed. For ten points, name this poet of "Ozymandias" and "To a Skylark."

ANSWER: Percy Bysshe Shelley

3. One character in this work counters the argument that he is "burnt out" by replying that "the memories are still there, clear, intact, indestructible," and goes on to suggest that "it doesn't matter a damn what we think, the only thing that matters is what they feel," while looking his tearful wife in the eye. That character earlier got some Oregon Boysenberry Sherbet at a drive-thru, while his wife Chris fires Hilary St. George for eavesdropping at the house. Joey had met her much older beau in Hawaii, and they decide to go to her parent's house in San Francisco to finalize marriage, surprising both the Draytons and the Prentices. Starring Sidney Poitier as a black doctor who falls for a white girl, FTP, name this Stanley Kramer film pairing Spencer Tracy and Katharine Hepburn for the last time, the first major film about interracial romance.

ANSWER: Guess Who's Coming to Dinner

4. The gene for BCP, a protein expressed in these cells, is found on chromosome 7, while two other related molecules, GCP and RCP, have high sequence homology and have genes in the X chromosome. Edwin Land wrote ratiometric equations for them, and they connect one on one to midget cells of the inner plexiform layer via bipolar cells. They lie mostly in a pitted region free of cell bodies and blood vessels, dependent on the choroid and pigment epithelium for metabolism. For ten points, name these cells with high acuity but low sensitivity found in the fovea of the retina, which as hypothesized by Thomas Young come in red, green, and blue varieties, as opposed to rods.

ANSWER: cones

5. At one point in this work, the author likens distinguishing true and false rules of logicto creating a Diana or Minerva out of a block of marble.Earlier, the author proclaims that cities built by single architects are better and nicer than cities built by a series of different architects.Inits fifthsection, the author reveals his deep interest in medicine by proposing that blood vaporizesin the heart and keeps the body running. Originally published along with three essayson Optics, Meteorology, and Geometry,in its second section,the author resolves not to accept anything without confirming its truth beyond doubt, which isthe first of his fourrulesfor "rightly conducting the reason." For ten points, in what 1637 work does Rene Descartes claim “I think, therefore I am”?

ANSWER: Discourse on the Method of Rightly Conducting the Reason, and Searching for Truth in the Sciences (or Discours de la méthode pour bien conduire sa raison, et chercher la verité dans les sciences)

6. In his best-known role, this man’s greatest act was to select Gideon Welles as Secretary of the Navy. As a member of the U.S. Senate, this man strongly argued against the practice of flogging in the navy. He died in 1882, shortly after returning from Spain as U.S. Minister, his last political post. After failing to win renomination, he briefly served as the Collector of the Port of Boston. He had previously served for one month in 1856 as the first Republican governor of Maine. After a successful stint in his most famous post, he was dropped by his new party in favor of southern Democrat Andrew Johnson. FTP, name this first vice-president of Abraham Lincoln from 1861 to 1865.

ANSWER: Hannibal Hamlin

7. William Cochran analyzed some unusual spectral emissions from it which were more fully explained by Diane Paulson, who suggested that the event was unusual for objects of its age. Its rotation period proves that it was born before other objects of its class increased the amount of stellar metal, and as a consequence it has a very low metallicity. In 1973, the British Interplanatary Society launched Project Daedalus to send an unmanned spacecraft to study its astrometry. Van Kemp famously speculated the existence of planets revolving around it, a claim later proven to be false. Located in the constellation Ophiuchus, for ten points, this is what red dwarf with the largest proper motion of any star, named after its American discoverer?

ANSWER: Barnard’s star

8. Lakes in this city include Lake of the Isles, Calhoun, Harriet, Hiawatha, and Nokomis. For most of the late 19th and early 20th century, this city was the leading center of grain milling in the United States, and today many of the mill ruins can be found in a park near the Falls of St. Anthony on a major river that flows through it. Cultural institutions in this city include the Walker Art Museum, the American-Swedish institute, and the Guthrie Theater, and one can also enjoy natural attractions including the aforementioned lakes and Minnehaha Falls. It is the seat of Hennepin County, while its largest newspaper is the Star Tribune. For ten points, R.T. Rybak is the current mayor of what major Midwestern city located on the Mississippi River, the largest city in Minnesota?

ANSWER: Minneapolis

9. Of one character in this play, a servant exclaims, “What a lot of people he must have killed to become so rich!” That character, Purgon, promises the title character that he will be able to make his wife conceive a child. As in The Taming of the Shrew, a woman is courted by a man pretending to be a music teacher; to that end, he makes up an opera about Phyllis and Tircis that summarizes the situation. Louisson pretends to be dead after her father threatens to flog her, but it is that father whose fake death sets the denouement in motion. After he is revealed to be alive, Cleante promises to become a doctor and apothecary to win the hand of Angelique, but Beralde convinces the title character to just become a doctor himself. For ten points, name this last play of Moliere, who died while playing Argan, the titular hypochondriac.

ANSWER: The Imaginary Invalid or Le Malade Imaginaire (accept “The Hypochondriac” before mentioned)

10. This deity killed his own goats for food and forbade anyone from breaking the bones, but a local lad broke one and atoned for it by becoming this god’s assistant. After recounting how he threw Aurvandil’s Toe into the sky, Groa forgot the incantations she was reciting and failed to dislodge the hone stuck in his head, which he received in his battle with Hrungnir. He tricked the suitor of his daughter Thrud, a dwarf named Alvis, by pestering him with questions until the sun’s rays turned him to stone. At Heimdall’s suggestion, he went to Thrym’s hall dressed as Freya in order to retrieve an item Thrym had stolen from him. That item had been forged by the dwarves Brokk and Eitri. At Ragnarok, this god will kill–and be killed by–his arch-enemy, Jormungand. FTP, name this Mjollnir-wielding Norse war god.


11. Scandal hit thisgovernment when Daniel Wilson was found guilty of fraud, leading to an election in which one party attempted to engineer the election of Ferry as president in order to cause its downfall. It was saved after the most popular man in the country inexplicably went into exile; reaction against the Boulangist movement led to a law forbidding candidates to run for parliament in multiple constituencies. Other crises occurred when Marshal MacMahon unsuccessfully tried to dissolve it, worthless bonds introduced by Stavisky caused a fascist mob to riot at the Place de la Concorde, and Alfred Dreyfuss was unjustly convicted of treason. Finally falling after the Nazis captured Paris, for ten points, name this longest-lived French Republic.

ANSWER: Third Republic (prompt on anything mentioning Grevy before end of second sentence)

12. The "giant" version of this effect has been observed in excitons in quantum wells. The Hamiltonian governing it is proportional to the orbital angular momentum plus twice the spin angular momentum, while Faraday rotation can be viewed as a consequence of this effect. Its strength calculated with perturbation theory is proportional to the Bohr magneton and the Lande g-factor, while spin-orbit coupling breaks down in the presence of a strong field, which yields a variety of this phenomenon known as the Paschen-Back effect. For ten points, name this phenomenon first explained by a Dutch scientist that describes the splitting of energy levels in the presence of an external magnetic field.

ANSWER: Zeeman effect

13. One work for this instrumentation is a “study on a Jewish theme” that incorporates quarter tones, Aaron Copland’s Vitebsk. The second movement of the one by Charles Ives is titled “TSIAJ,” for “This Scherzo is a Joke,” and the last movement of that piece, which quotes Ives’s earlier song “The All-Enduring,” culminates with a quotation of the hymn “Rock of Ages.” “Pantoum” is the label given to the second movement of the one in A minor by Maurice Ravel, and Shostakovich’s second, in E minor, was written in response to the death of Ivan Sollertinsky. The two most famous ones by Beethoven are known as the “Ghost” and the “Archduke.” FTP, identify this type of chamber piece, written for cello, violin, and piano.

ANSWER: piano trio

14. At one point, Steve tells us that although he thought he knew something about this, in fact, he knew nothing, while another character claims that she imagines furniture and "little velvet settees" in place of it until a "Bob" came upon the scene "because he liked to look at it." A "high-powered businesswoman" claims that she didn't have time for it, because looking after it is "a full day's work." Also called "nishi," "monkey box," "connie," "mimi" in Miami, and "schmende" in the Bronx, it'd rather wear a earring and spotted leather pants, travel around the world, or become bald or nudist. Discussed in sections like "My Short Skirt" and "The Flood," it needs "Hair" for its protection. Asking us to yell "cunt, cunt, cunt!," For ten points, name this anatomical subject of monologues by Eve Ensler about female sex life.

ANSWER: vaginas; accept The Vagina Monologues

15. Lipid peroxidation begins when this molecule attacks fatty acid chains. It can be created by the Haber-Weiss reaction, though yield is poor. As such, the Fenton reaction is preferred, which combines an Fe2+ (“iron two-plus”) ion with hydrogen peroxide to produce one molecule of it alongside hydroxide ion. In cells, the superoxide ion is one of its sources, though this radical is best known for its atmospheric role, where it can be measured from sulfur dioxide levels. It is the strongest oxidant in the atmosphere, where it reacts with and neutralizes pollutants such as carbon monoxide, methane, and nitrogen dioxide. For ten points, name this radical with chemical symbol OH (read as individual letters).

ANSWER: hydroxyl radical (accept OH before mention)

16. One section of this book classifies food into three classes based on its taste, while another says that although a noble task seems cumbersome in the beginning, its rewards are sweet like nectar. Yet another section lists a number of ways of attaining salvation, such as abnegation of earthly desires and devotion to God. Part of the sixth parvan of a larger work, its quote “Now I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds,” was used by Robert Oppenheimer immediately after the Trinity explosion, while text from this work was adapted by Constance de Jong and Philip Glass for the libretto to Satyagraha. For ten points, name this holy book, part of the Hindu epic Mahabharata, where Krishna talks to Arjuna about the immortality of the soul and the theory of Karma.

ANSWER: Bhagavad Gita (do not prompt on early “Mahabharata”)

17. Among his subordinates were Too-hul-hul-sote and this man’s brother Olikut. After his capture by the U.S. Army, he was relocated to Kansas and then to the Colville Indian Reservation in Washington, where he died in 1904. His most famous accomplishment, recorded by C.E.S. Wood, came after the battle of Bear Paw Mountain. Despite his nickname of the “Red Napoleon”, historians have claimed that Ollikut and Looking Glass were the true strategists of his campaign, which led the non-reservation band of his tribe from their native Wallowa Valley in Oregon to northern Montana. There he met Colonel Nelson Miles, to whom he surrendered just 40 miles away from the Canadian Border. FTP, name this Nez Perce chief who famously declared at his surrender, “I will fight no more forever.”