The Washington Redskins supports GAME ON, GREATER WASHINGTON!
Saturday, October 22, 2016
Location: FedEx Field, Landover, MD
IFM Family,
This year we are making more of an effort to get our students out in the community. Our first Volunteer Venture is in support of the American Diabetes Association. We will be volunteering our time to support the first annual Game On, Greater Washington!WalkRunRideRappel Your Way to Your Health! They will be celebrating the 25th Anniversary of the Tour de Cure and Step Out: Walk to Stop Diabetes, as well as a 5k run, and health and wellness expo. The PTO would love for you to come join the fun. ALL ages can participate and I am working on getting specifics for our scholars that are eligible to earn service hours!! We are asking our IFM Family to come out and volunteer for the 9am -1pm Session, (Midday Glory), we will be working the following areas:
Rest Stop Crew
Our Rest Stop Crew will hand out water and cheer riders, runners and striders at intersections of the route. You will be our energy! Motivating the participant’s and cheering them on is the easiest way to thank them for coming out to support the American Diabetes Association - help us share that message!
Cheerleader Volunteers
Our cheerleader crew will be given pom-poms, hand clappers and cowbells to cheer on participants! The cheerleader crew will energize and motivate our participants at the start line/finish line. This volunteer position is great for groups and supporters of all ages.
Rest Stop & Water Stop Volunteers
Our rest stop crew will set up our rest stop areas with food and beverage supplies for our riders, runners and striders. Volunteers will also distribute food and beverages to riders as they stop to refuel along the route and cheer the riders on! This volunteer position is great for groups and supporters of all ages. We need people for 7 separate locations.
If you are interested in attending this event with us, please return the form on the following page, to the BLACK PTO Fundraising box located in the front office, NO LATER THAN Friday, September 30, 2016. Do not forget to note which of the three activities above you’d like to volunteer for.
Please contact the PTO at if you have any questions.
** All scholars must to be pre-registered and accompanied by a pre-registered adult at all times**
***Volunteer training MAY be required prior to the event. We will keep you posted on the dates/times for training calls***