August 22, 2017
The board meeting of the Board of Directors for The Village Del Prado Condominium Association, Inc. was held this date and time in the Clubhouse of the Ocean Gallery, 4600 A1A South, St. Augustine, FL 32080.
President Stelbrink called the meeting to order at 9:00am
Call To Order: Absent:
David Stelbrink Ana Bailey
Robert Woodward
Alex Stamatelos
Jim Cargilo
Carol McGee
Steve Stowe via phone
Proof on Notice:
Notice of the meeting was posted on the website and on Channel 8001 and all association bulletin boards in accordance with the FS718 on August 15, 2017.
Approval of Minutes:
The minutes were approved with a motion made by Carol McGee and seconded by Steve Stowe with amendments. All members were in favor and the motion passed.
Treasurer’s Report:
Rob Woodward, treasurer, gave a brief overview of the financials and also noted that the maturing CD has been moved into Everbank at a good rate. See attached reports dated July 31, 2017.
General Manager’s Report:
Scott gave his management report with items of interest such as the continuation of the painting project, cleaning of the rocks at the pool deck, two hose bibs remain to be repaired, OGPOA is obtaining bids for a new lawn care contract, Turner Pest is making good headway in reducing the mole activity and reducing dollar weed, OGPOA moving forward with addressing the islands on the property over the next few years, bee problem at building 5 is resolved.
Committee Reports:
Old Business:
The cleaning of the dryer vents is scheduled to start on October 2 with All American Air. Mr. Stamatelos noted that there are dead oleanders on the island strip and Mr. Cargilo said he would address the area. Mr. Cargilo asked Scott about the common conduit wiring Scott advised he has spoken to owner of All American Air, Steve Chapman with no real resolve. He also asked about the repainting of the yellow safety stripes around the association and Eric has completed the most of those stripes.
New Business:
President Stelbrink asked about installing sod at this time. Scott said it was up to the board. Rob Woodward suggested to wait and discuss at the October meeting since there has been such a huge recovery already. Scott advised that he is trying to lump the ornamental tree trimming into the new lawn care contract. He noted that the trees on A1A that have been hacked were not done by our palm tree trimmer, but by FPL.
The unit owner at 4-6 has requested an extension of the hand rail into the hallway and will pay for it. Alex Stamatelos made a motion to approve the request which was seconded by Carol McGee. All were in favor and the motion passed. The board mentioned that they would like the handrail at 5-5 painted and also the pool house if the project remains on budget.
Mr. Stamatelos asked about the deteriorated plantings in front of the Del Prado sign and at the Northern Passage. Mr. Cargilo said he will address those areas and asked for a budget amount. Alex Stamatelos made the motion to allow $300 for the project, which was seconded by Rob Woodward. All were in favor and the motion passed. The owner in 4-2 advised that it looks like there is a substance spilled on the back roof of his building. Special Teams will look at this when they are painting the roof vents. The issue of recycling was discussed. Rob volunteered to meet with our current waste contractor to discuss options for recycling within Del Prado and bring that information back to the board in October.
The board scheduled a budget work shop on Sept 12 at 9am and the next meeting is the annual meeting on October 24, 2017 at 9am.
With no further business to discuss, a motion was made by Steve Stowe and seconded by Carol McGee to adjourn and with all in favor the meeting was adjourned at 10:15am.
Respectfully submitted,
Prepared for the board by Prop Mgmt