שם הקורס:
Course Name:
Academic English for PhD Students
א.מטרות הקורס (מטרות על / מטרות ספציפיות):
Course purpose and overview:
The main objective of the PhD Academic English Writing course is to help doctoral students develop independent writing and speaking abilities in English for the purpose of publicizing their work in international journals and presenting at international academic conferences. The course focuses on the generic, textual, and linguistic features of scientific writing to provide students with guidelines for producing writing appropriate to their academic fields. Participation in the course offers the opportunity for students to write about their research and receive individualized feedback on their writing and speaking.
ב.תוכן הקורס: (רציונל, נושאים)
מהלך השיעורים: (שיטות ההוראה, שימוש בטכנולוגיה, מרצים אורחים)
Teaching techniques, technology use, guest speakers:
Frontal lectures
Pair/group work
Individual tutorials
Class discussions
Moodle assignments (e.g. forums)
Internet use: videos, supplementary material (in class/homework)
תכנית הוראה מפורטת לכל השיעורים: (רשימה או טבלה כדוגמת המצ"ב)
Reading strategies, language components and related reading selections:
Below is a list of the writing and language skills taught and practiced in the course.
Writing for an audience
Academic biographical statements
Abstracts for research articles
Sections of research articles: introduction, literature review, methods and materials, results, discussion
Summarizing and paraphrasing sources
Writing from sources (citation, quoting, plagiarism)
Paragraph writing (structure and development)
Cohesion (transitions and rhetorical markers)
Academic language and register (e.g. hedging, formality)
Relevant grammatical and mechanical issues
Preparing academic/professional presentations (structure, presentation skills, PPT preparation)
ג.תוצרי למידה:
Learning Outcomes:
Upon completion of this course, students will be able to do the following:
Recognize and use various genres of academic research writing for publication purposes (e.g. research articles, abstracts, conference papers, dissertation chapters)
Select and organize material to facilitate presentation of arguments
Identify and correct linguistic problems in their writing
Demonstrate enhanced oral proficiency as a result of participating in class discussions and activities
Prepare and deliver a professional/academic oral presentation
ד. חובות הקורס:
Course requirements:
Attendance and active participation in class sessions
Successful completion of class assignments and homework
Oral presentation
ה. מרכיבי הציון הסופי (ציון מספרי / ציון עובר):
Components of the class grade:
The course grade is based on a series of assignments completed throughout the semester as follows:
A variety of short texts (3-4 shorter assignments) varying in length from a paragraph to two pages
A final project of eight to ten pages in the form of a mini-research article
Oral presentation appropriate for a conference
The final course grade is pass/fail, with all coursework earning a minimum of 75 to merit a passing grade. There is no exam in the course.