Curriculum For Excellence Planned Activities Overview –Term 1_

Class – P6/7Teacher(s): Mrs Brown, Mrs Ingram & Mrs Edwards

Experiences & Outcomes
Having determined which calculations are needed, I can solve problems involving whole numbers using a range of methods, sharing my approaches and solutions with others.
MNU 2-03a
I have extended the range of whole numbers I can work with and can explain the link between a digit, its place and its value.
MNU 2-02a
I can use my knowledge of rounding to routinely estimate the answer to a problem, then after calculating, decide if my answer is reasonable, sharing my solution with others.
MNU 2-01a
I can explain how different methods can be used to find the perimeter and area of a simple 2D shape or volume of a simple 3D object.
MNU 2-11c / Literacy
Experiences & Outcomes
I regularly select and read, listen to or watch texts which I enjoy and find interesting, and I can explain why I prefer certain texts and authors.
LIT 1-11a / LIT 2-11a
In both short and extended texts, I can use appropriate punctuation, vary my sentence structures and divide my work into paragraphs in a way that makes sense to my reader.
LIT 2-22a
I can spell most of the words I need to communicate, using spelling rules, specialist vocabulary, self-correction techniques and a range of resources.
LIT 2-21a
Through developing my knowledge of context clues, punctuation, grammar and layout, I can read unfamiliar texts with increasing fluency, understanding and expression.
ENG 2-12a / ENG 3-12a / Health & Wellbeing
Experiences & Outcomes
I am aware of and able to express my feelings and am developing the ability to talk about them.
HWB 2-01a
I know that friendship, caring, sharing, fairness, equality and love are important in building positive relationships. As I develop and value relationships, I care and show respect for myself and others.
HWB 2-05a
I have investigated the role of sport and the opportunities it may offer me. I am able to access opportunities for participation in sport and the development of my performance in my place of learning and beyond.
HWB 2-26a / Social Studies
Experiences & Outcomes
I can investigate a Scottish historical theme to discover how past events or the actions of individuals or groups have shaped Scottish society.
SOC 2-03a
Contexts for Learning
  • Calculations involving the four operations: add, subtract, multiply & divide.
  • Place Value
  • Rounding numbers to the nearest ten, hundred, thousand etc.
  • Mental maths booklets
  • Measuring areas and perimeters both inside and outside school
/ Contexts for Learning
  • Daily reading tasks in class/class novel.
  • Weekly spelling, grammar & punctuation lessons.
  • Comprehension tasks related to Topic work.
  • Novel study: ‘Iron Man’ by Ted Hughes
/ Contexts for Learning
  • Weekly PE lessons (Basketball/Netball)
  • Class Charter (links with Rights Respecting Schools)
  • Bikeability training
/ Contexts for Learning

  • Medieval Scotland
  • Battle of Hastings
  • Scottish Wars of Independence
  • Castles
  • William Wallace and Robert the Bruce
  • Visit to Drum Castle

  • Continue to practise times tables (nrich
  • Weekly homework tasks will be issued related to the work going on in class.
/ Home links
  • Reading Journal activities
  • Encourage your child to read a wide variety of texts/watch films which are thought provoking & encourage discussion.
  • Weekly spelling homework tasks.
/ Home links
  • Encourage your child to join after-school clubs.
  • Ensure that your child practises cycling safely around the village/surrounding countryside and always wears a helmet.
/ Home links
  • Visit local castles to look at specific defence features such as ramparts, moatsand arrow slits etc.
(Dunnottar Castle and Crathes Castle would be very relevant)
Expressive Arts
Experiences & Outcomes
I can create and present work that shows developing skill in using the visual elementsand concepts. EXA 2-03a
I have listened to a range of music and can respond by discussing my thoughts and feelings. I can give and accept constructive comment on my own and others’ work. EXA 2-19a / RME
Experiences & Outcomes
Through investigating and reflecting upon stories of world religions, I can show my understanding of these stories. RME 2-04a
Through exploring the lives and teachings of significant figures from world religions, I am increasing my knowledge and understanding of their key beliefs. RME 2-04b
I can show understanding of the beliefs of world religions and explore the similarities and differences between these and my developing beliefs. RME 2-04c
I am increasing my knowledge and understanding of different forms of worship and artefacts within world religions and can explain their importance for followers of world religions. RME 2-06a
Through investigating and reflecting upon the ways in which followers of world religions mark major life events and times of year, I can explain key features of such festivals and celebrations. RME 2-06b
I can describe and reflect upon practices and traditions of world religions. RME 2-06c / Science
Experiences and Outcomes
By observing and researching features of our solar system, I can use simple models to communicate my understanding of size, scale, time and relative motion within it. SCN 2-06a
Develop skills for learning, life and work.
Develop the skills of scientific inquiry and investigation using practical techniques. / Technology/Digital Literacy
Experiences & Outcomes
As I extend and enhance my knowledge of features of various types of software, including those which help find, organise, manage and access information, I can apply what I learn in different situations.
TCH 2-03a
Throughout all my learning, I can use search facilities of electronic sources to access and retrieve information, recognising the importance this has in my place of learning, at home and in the workplace.
TCH 2-03b
I explore and experiment with the features and functions of computer technology and I can use what I learn to support and enhance my learning in different contexts.
TCH 2-04a
Contexts for Learning
  • Bayeux Tapestry pictures
  • Annotated drawings of castles, catapults etc.
  • Giant Iron man model
  • Black pen drawings
  • Music lessons to learn about the different instruments of the orchestra
  • Music appreciation of different musical genres
/ Contexts for Learning
  • Hinduism (festivals, Creation story, clothing, practises, gods and goddesses)
/ Contexts for Learning
  • The Solar System/planets
  • Tech Fest: Dentistry workshop, Body Visions (hands on exhibits) & H2O Show
/ Contexts for Learning
  • Pupils will be using computers, laptops and I-pads for various research tasks throughout the term.
  • Pupils will be encouraged to use Read & Write Gold as a useful writing aid.
  • Tech Fest visit

Home links / Home links / Home links
Look at the sky at night and star constellations / Home links
  • Please allow your child access to computers a home for Homework tasks etc.
  • Use of mobile phonesfor texts, photographs etc.