The University of Warwick. Equality Monitoring Annual Report 2013/14

Equality Monitoring Annual Report

2013 - 2014

Sandra Beaufoy

October 2014



2.Key facts and figures

3.Gender profile

3.1.Promoting Gender Equality

3.2.University Gender Profile

3.3.University Gender Comparison

3.4.Faculty Gender Profile


4.Disability Profile

4.1.Promoting Disability Equality

4.2.University Disability Profile

4.3.University Disability Comparison

4.4.Faculty Disability Profile

4.5.Disabled Staff by Disability Types...... 19


5.BME Profile

5.1.Promoting Race and Ethnicity Equality

5.2.University BME Profile

5.3.University BME Comparison...... 22

5.4.Faculty BME Profile

5.5.University Ethnicity Profile...... 26


6.Age Profile

6.1.Promotion of Age Equality

6.2.University Age Profile


7.Turnover Profile...... 30

7.1.University Staff Turnover by Faculty

7.2.Female Staff Turnover by Faculty

7.3.Disabled Staff Turnover by Faculty

7.4.BME Staff Turnover by Faculty


8.Conclusion and Final Recommendations



This report provides information on how the University of Warwick is meeting its responsibilities under the Equality Act 2010. The report is published with regard to the specific duty, under the Act, to publish equality information to demonstrate compliance with the three aims of the Equality Duty. As an employer, education provider and public body the University is committed to tackling discrimination and providing equal opportunities for everybody and strives to createa positive working environment of mutual respect and dignity.

Under the Equality Act 2010 the University has responsibility for carrying out its activities with respect to such facets as:

-Elimination of unlawful discrimination, harassment and victimisation and other conduct prohibited by the Equality Act 2010;

-Advancement of equality of opportunity between people from different groups, with or without protected characteristics;

-Foster good relations between people from different groups

The report presents statistical data applied in relation to the following protected characteristics: Gender; Disability; Ethnicity and Age. Information on staff turnover is also included. Data is provided in tabular and graphical format and any trends identified, which provide contextualisation and suggestions of possible recommendations for future improvements. Two new data collection sets (Religion and Belief and Sexual Orientation) were due to commence in 2013, however due to complications of matching the required data on the HR system to the requirements of HESA data sets, the collection of data has been delayed whilst the systems team make the necessary changes to the HR system. We anticipate this will now take place later in 2014 or possibly 2015. Both collection sets will be included in the personal monitoring form for new members of staff. For existing staff, the data will be requested as part of the data cleansing process exercise which is anticipated to be scheduled in line with the implementation of the new HR system in 2015.

At the census date of 01 September 2014, there were 5,630 employees working for the University. The data was taken from the University HR data base and has been broken down into 6 staff categories: Academic; Research only staff; Teaching only staff; Clinical[1]; Levels 1a-5 support staff; Levels 6-9 support staff and Other[2]. The report covers the following faculties:

  • Faculty of Arts
  • Faculty of Medicine
  • Faculty of Science
  • Faculty of Social Sciences
  • Administration
  • Campus and Commercial Services Group (CCSG)

2.Key facts and figures

As of 01 September 2014 the profile of staff categories at Warwick is demonstrated in Figure 1. The overall number of employees is 5,630. The largest proportion of staff are employed in support roles, both in Levels 1a-5 (2,324 employees) and Levels 6-9 (1,113[3] employees).

Figure 1. Distribution of the total number of employees

According to the data, the majority of employees are working on anindefinite contract basis (Figure 2). Generally, part-time employment is less prevalent with the exception of staff category Levels 1a-5where almost half work part-time (Figure 3). Research only staff work mainly on fixed term contracts and are predominantly full-time. Full-time indefinite employment is predominant for Academic staff, Levels 6-9 and Levels 1a-5 support staff.

Figure 2. Distribution between fixed-term and indefinite employees

Figure 3. Distribution of the staff categories among different employment types

The overall picture is presented below in the University General Employee Profile (Table 1).

As stated previously the largest number of employees are in Levels 1a-5 support roles, who work mainly on indefinite contracts in both full and part-time capacities. Levels 6-9 support staff also work mainly on indefinite contracts, with 778 staff working full-time and 182 part-time. Academic staff are predominantly full-time and on indefinite contracts – 903 out of total count of 1,013. In contrast, most research only staff have fixed-term contracts, 549 work full-time and 84 part-time out of a total of 752 employees. Teaching only staff work mainly full-time on an open-ended basis – 156 out of total 312 staff (Table 1).

Table 1. University General Employee Working Pattern Profile

Academic / Research only staff / Teaching only staff / Clinical / Levels 6 to 9 support staff / Levels 1a to 5 support staff / Other
Total Headcount / Total
Full Time / Fixed Term / 28 / 549 / 56 / 24 / 107 / 145 / 17 / 926
Indefinite / 903 / 89 / 156 / 38 / 778 / 1,160 / 5 / 3,129
Part Time / Fixed Term / 17 / 84 / 40 / 17 / 46 / 64 / 268
Open Ended / 65 / 30 / 60 / 15 / 182 / 955 / 1,307
Indefinite / 1,013 / 752 / 312 / 94 / 1,113 / 2,324 / 22 / 5,630

There has been a general increase in the staff population employed by the University over the last few years as can be seen below:

According to the Higher Education Statistics Agency (2013)[4], there are twice as many people working full-time (254,490) than part-time (128,025).

The increase in staff may be due to a number of factors, increase in the number of buildings, services provided and research centres plus the growing reputation of Warwick both nationally and internationally.

3.Gender profile

3.1.Promoting Gender Equality

The ECU Equality in Higher Education Statistical Report (2013) declares that in 2011/12, 53.8% of staff working in UK higher education institutions were women. In nine years, the proportion of female staff has increased by 1.4%, from 52.4% in 2003/4 to 53.8% in 2011/12. The increase in the proportion of female staff has chiefly occurred within academic staff. While men still constitute the majority of academic staff, the proportion of academic female staff has steadily increased from 40.0% in 2003/4 to 44.5% in 2011/12. However the gender profile of professional and support staff, in contrast, has remained largely static, staying within 0.5% of 2003/4 levels in the last nine years, currently 62.3% female and 37.7% male.

The University encourages and supports women’s employment across all categories of roles, ensuring that policies and processes are fair and transparent, whilst working hard to ensure equality of pay. During the equal pay review in 2011, an analysis of the gender pay disparities for professorial staff was compared to Russell Group market data for the same mix of academic disciplines as represented at Warwick. This indicated that Warwick is comparable to other Russell Group universities.

Warwick is one of only four institutions that holds an Athena SWAN Silver Institutional award and only one of three institutions where all of its STEMM departments hold at least a Bronze Athena SWAN award. The achievement of these awards demonstrates the University’s commitment to the Charter’s values and principals. Warwick Business School have also taken part in the pilot of the Gender Equality Charter Mark (GEM) in 2013/14 and have recently been awarded a Bronze award (September 2014). An Athena/GEM Steering Group, chaired by the Pro-Vice Chancellor for Research (Science and Engineering), Knowledge Transfer and Business Engagement was established in 2010, and meets on a termly basis. This group works in partnership with the University’s Athena Network Group(which has representation from all STEMM departments as well as central administrative staff). It is Warwick’s strategy that any improvement in policies and processes is of benefit not only to women but to all employees.

There are many Athena initiatives that have helped to support women progress their STEMM careers and most of these initiatives have been shared as best practice with non STEMM departments. In addition the University provides a variety of support for employees returning from maternity/ adoption/paternity leave. The Warwick Conference Care Fund also assists with the financial costs incurred by staff with caring responsibilities to attend conferences and workshops. The Learning and Development Centre offers a mentoring scheme for returning parents helping them to cope with balancing work responsibilities with family life, and in addition, there is a Staff Network Group for Working Parents.

3.2.University Gender Profile

The University’s total staff population is evenly balanced between female and male staff. Figure 4 shows the split - 2667 male and 2963 female employees, 47.4% and 52.6% respectively (Table 2). However as can be seen the highest levels of employment are in support roles (Levels 1a to 5) – 767 males (33.0%) and 1,557 females (67.0%).

Figure 4. General gender representation

Table 2. University Gender Profile on 01/09/2014

Staff Category / Total Headcount / No. Male / % Male / No. Female / % Female
Academic / 1,013 / 733 / 72.4% / 280 / 27.6%
Research only staff / 752 / 457 / 60.8% / 295 / 39.2%
Teaching only staff / 312 / 153 / 49.0% / 159 / 51.0%
Clinical / 94 / 61 / 64.9% / 33 / 35.1%
Levels 6 to 9 support staff / 1,113 / 482 / 43.3% / 631 / 56.7%
Levels 1a to 5 support staff / 2,324 / 767 / 33.0% / 1,557 / 67.0%
Other / 22 / 14 / 63.6% / 8 / 36.4%
Overall - Summary / 5630 / 2667 / 47.4% / 2963 / 52.6%
Total for previous year / 5017 / 2307 / 46.0% / 2710 / 54.0%

3.3.University Gender Comparison

The proportion of each gender varies by staff category. There are a higher number of female employees in support roles with 56.7% for Levels 6-9 and 67.0% for Levels 1a-5 staff. Academic roles together with Clinical remain prevalent with males – 72.4 % and 64.9%. The data shows that the proportion of academic male staff is remaining fairly static from 72.2% in previous years to 72.4 % in 2014. All other categories remain relatively equal (Table 2, Figure 5).

Figure 5. Gender distribution among different employee categories.

The number of female employees dropped slightly in 2011 to 2,603, then recovered showing a peak in this year with 2,963. This may be due to the general growth of staff numbers in all categories. As it has been already noted previously, the highest number of female employees is within support roles Levels 1a-5 and 6-9.

In previous years males predominated academic roles - approximately two and half times more than females. However, the number of female academics is starting to very slightly increase in comparison to the two previous years, 257 in 2012, 279 in 2013 to 280 in 2014. There is a slight increase in both the Faculty of Science (16.2% in 2013 to 17.2% in 2014) and Warwick Medical School (36.8% in 2013 to 39.3% in 2014), which may be indicative of the Athena work being done at both institutional and faculty level. Both Research and Teaching only staff have also shown an increase in number of females, with Research Only staff – 251 in 2012, 279 in 2013 and now peaking at 295 in 2014; Teaching only staff – 114 in 2012, 134 in 2013 and peaking at 159 in 2014 as can be seen in Table 3 and Figure 7which describes the trends during recent years.

3.4.Faculty Gender Profile

Despite the figures reported above, the proportion of academic female roles in the Faculty of Science continues to be the lowest compared to the other faculties. This is a national trend as reported in the ECU Equality in Higher Education: Statistical Report 2013, which reports that the majority of female academic staff worked in non-SET subject areas (51.4%). The opposite was true for male academic staff, 57.6% of whom worked in SET subject areas.

Teaching only staff are mainly represented by females (over 75%) in Warwick Medical School and Administration*. There remains a relatively high proportion of females employed on research only roles, Faculty of Arts (51.6%), Warwick Medical School (62.3%) and Administration* (62.5) (Table 4).

* Due to the organisational system of the University, certain teaching departments fall into Administration, such as: Centre for Life Long Learning, Institute for Advanced Teaching and Learning, Institute for Advanced Study and the Language Centre. Therefore, Administration includes academic employees.

Figure 6. Proportion of academic roles occupied by females.


The University of Warwick. Equality Monitoring Annual Report 2013/14

Table3. UniversityGender Comparison over time
2006 / 2007 / 2008 / 2009 / 2010 / 2011 / 2012 / 2013 / 2014
M / F / M / F / M / F / M / F / M / F / M / F / M / F / M / F / M / F
Academic / 599 / 252 / 685 / 270 / 679 / 268 / 664 / 268 / 642 / 265 / 617 / 261 / 646 / 257 / 720 / 279 / 733 / 280
Research only staff / 319 / 251 / 324 / 270 / 344 / 290 / 388 / 289 / 386 / 290 / 354 / 256 / 319 / 251 / 390 / 279 / 457 / 295
Teaching only staff / 78 / 70 / 82 / 94 / 91 / 95 / 96 / 91 / 99 / 92 / 103 / 103 / 124 / 114 / 144 / 134 / 153 / 159
Clinical / 41 / 15 / 50 / 16 / 50 / 20 / 56 / 23 / 52 / 30 / 59 / 31 / 64 / 31 / 62 / 34 / 61 / 33
Levels 6 to 9 support staff / 389 / 380 / 398 / 403 / 394 / 423 / 398 / 455 / 385 / 469 / 391 / 503 / 402 / 541 / 442 / 592 / 482 / 631
Levels 1a to 5 support staff / 627 / 1,453 / 661 / 1,481 / 655 / 1,518 / 671 / 1,479 / 659 / 1,439 / 656 / 1,430 / 699 / 1,462 / 732 / 1,530 / 767 / 1,558
Other / 72 / 65 / 76 / 63 / 62 / 55 / 38 / 29 / 28 / 25 / 15 / 19 / 16 / 19 / 11 / 9 / 14 / 8
Summary / 2,125 / 2,486 / 2,276 / 2,597 / 2,275 / 2,669 / 2,311 / 2,634 / 2,251 / 2,610 / 2,195 / 2,603 / 2,270 / 2,675 / 2,501 / 2,857 / 2,667 / 2,964

Figure 7: UniversityGender Comparison.


The University of Warwick. Equality Monitoring Annual Report 2013/14

The data shows that the highest proportion of females roles in almost all the faculties are in Levels 1a-5 followed by Levels 6-9 support staff. Teaching only staff are represented by over 70% of females in Administration and in Warwick Medical School followed closely by the Faculty of Arts (65.6%). The category ‘Other’ is represented only in Administration (71.4%), Warwick Medical School (25%), CCSG (25%) and the Faculty of Science (14.3%), however it should be noted that the actual numbers in this category are low. The lowest represented category is the Academic one with below 50 % around the faculties (Table 4, Figure 8).

The percentage of females in Academic positions is 27.6% (Table 4), which is just over half the average in the market – 44.5% (Equality Challenge Unit, 2013). The ECU Equality in Higher Education: Statistical Report 2013 states that the increase in the proportion of female staff has chiefly occurred within academic staff. While men still constitute the majority of academic staff, the proportion of academic female staff has steadily increased from 40.0% in 2003/4 to 44.5% in 2011/12.

Teaching only positions have a higher figure with 51.0%, compared to 48.2% in 2013, whereas Research only positions have dropped from 41.6% in 2013 to 39.2% in 2014. The proportion of women in support roles as it has been already mentioned is high presenting 56.7% in Levels 6-9 and 67.0% in Levels 1a-5. The departments with most representation of female employees are: Warwick Medical School – 63.9%, Administration – 71% and CCSG with 55.2% (Tables 4).

Figure 8. Faculty Gender Profile: Females


The University of Warwick. Equality Monitoring Annual Report 2013/14

Table 4. Detailed Faculty Gender Profile

Academic Level 9 / Academic Level 8 / Academic Level 7 / Research Only / Teaching Only / Clinical / Levels 6 to 9 support staff / Other / Levels 1a to 5 support staff / Total Headcount / Summary
No. Female / % Female / No. Female / % Female / No. Female / % Female / No. Female / % Female / No. Female / % Female / No. Female / % Female / No. Female / % Female / No. Female / % Female / No. Female / % Female
Administration / 0 / 0.0% / 2 / 66.7% / 0 / 0.0% / 15 / 62.5% / 24 / 77.4% / 317 / 68.2% / 11 / 84.6% / 372 / 73.7% / 1,044 / 71.0%
Faculty of Arts / 18 / 31.6% / 39 / 50.0% / 9 / 39.1% / 16 / 51.6% / 21 / 65.6% / 12 / 80.0% / 0 / 0.0% / 28 / 84.8% / 270 / 53.0%
Faculty of Science / 22 / 12.7% / 36 / 22.1% / 11 / 16.7% / 123 / 26.6% / 28 / 33.7% / 0 / 0.0% / 64 / 39.3% / 4 / 40.0% / 156 / 58.4% / 1,389 / 32.0%
Faculty of Social Sciences / 34 / 20.9% / 53 / 40.5% / 32 / 35.2% / 55 / 57.3% / 68 / 47.9% / 102 / 68.0% / 159 / 86.4% / 957 / 52.6%
Warwick Medical School / 10 / 37.0% / 7 / 30.4% / 7 / 63.6% / 86 / 62.3% / 18 / 75.0% / 33 / 35.5% / 58 / 82.9% / 1 / 25.0% / 106 / 88.3% / 510 / 63.9%
CCSG / 77 / 30.9% / 1 / 25.0% / 728 / 60.3% / 1,460 / 55.2%
Summary / 84 / 19.9% / 137 / 34.4% / 59 / 30.7% / 295 / 39.2% / 159 / 51.0% / 33 / 35.1% / 630 / 56.7% / 17 / 53.1% / 1,549 / 66.9% / 5,630 / 52.6%


The University of Warwick. Equality Monitoring Annual Report 2013/14


Whilst the University has an overall positive balance between male and female employees, there is still an under-representation of females amongst Academic staff, although this year has seen a very slight increase in the number of female professors (76 in 2013 with a rise to 84 in 2014) especially within the Science Faculties. However the overall picture is that females are widely presented in support roles.

Taking into consideration the fact that many positions within the University could be occupied by people from the local community, it is rational to look into the gender split in Coventry. According to the 2011 Census, the population in Coventry is equally divided (49.7% males; 50.3% females). However The Office for National Statistics (ONS) published their updated mid-year population estimates on 26th June 2014; and these estimates suggest that Coventry has 329,800 people living in the City. This is 6,700 more people than in 2012 when the population was estimated to be 323,100. This is an increase of 2.1%, compared to the England average of 0.7%. The main factors causing population growth in Coventry are international migration and the number of births in the City. It is also believed that the growth of the City’s two Universities has been a factor in recent population growth.

The ECU Equality in Higher Education: Statistical Report 2013 reported that in both employment activities, women comprised the majority of part-time staff, making up 78.5% of part-time professional and support staff and 54.9% of part-time academic staff. Men composed 61.0% of full-time academic staff and 53.1% of full-time staff overall. The majority of men worked full-time (75.4% of all staff) compared with just over half of women (57.1%) of all staff. Therefore support roles like Levels 1a-5 are highly likely to be occupied by members of the local population, working part time.

Possible recommendations for consideration:

To continue and extend work aiming to encourage females to apply for jobs in the University, ensuring that adverts reflect flexible working patterns, such as part-time, job share etc.

To continue with the Athena SWAN Charter agenda and to share best practice identified, with Faculties of Arts and Social Sciences in order that they submit to the ECU Gender Equality Charter Mark, which will be formally launched in November 2014.

Offer unconscious bias training with particular emphasis in recruitment training.

To raise awareness of opportunities and to ensure that staff understand the promotions criteria by offering informative events and appropriate mentors.

To promote the existing University training sessions, e.g. Equality & Diversity face to face training sessions and the e-learning modules available to all staff and students. Promote equality videos.

To engage with the local community and raise awareness of the University as a potential employer.

4.Disability Profile

4.1.Promoting Disability Equality

The University acknowledges the equality of opportunity including job opportunities for disabled people with regards to the Department for Work and Pensions guidance (July 2013) and recommendations from Equality and Human Rights Commission (2013). The data indicates that the number of disabled staff employed is on an upwards trajectory, representing 2.1% of female staff declaring a disability and 1.5% of male staff declaring a disability (Table 5). This is on par with the proportion of disabled staff employed on average nationally, which is 3.4% (Equality Challenge Unit, 2013).

According to the Equality Challenge Unit (2013), the number of employed disabled staff has been rising since 2003, reaching 3.4% this year. The report states that 2.7% of disabled staff work full time as academics and that the highest proportion of disabled staff were employed on open/permanent contracts than non-disabled academic staff (66.1% and 63.7% respectively). Similar to last year across all staff the highest proportion of disabled staff in HEIs are occupied in student welfare work, as careers advisors, personnel and planning officers (5.6%).

The University strives to ensure that all its facilities are accessible and supports all reasonable adjustments to ensure that disabled staff have the support they need to be able to fulfil their role.