18th February, 2010
Meeting commenced: 9.30 a.m.
" adjourned: 12.40 p.m.
" reconvened: 12.55 p.m.
“ adjourned: 2.00 p.m.
“ reconvened: 2.30 p.m.
" ended: 5.10 p.m.
PRESENT: Councillor Mashiter - in the Chair
Councillors Antrobus, Burgoyne, Ferrer, Karen Garrido, Heywood, Kean, Lea, McIntyre, Morris, Tope, L. Turner and Jim Wheelton
Councillors Ainsworth, Boshell, Davies, Jolley, Lancaster, Jane Murphy and Owen also attended.
Planning and Transportation Regulatory Panel - 18th February, 2010
Apologies for absence were submitted on behalf of Councillors Clague, Drake and Potter.
The Chairman reported that Councillor Clague was currently in hospital after having recently suffered a heart attack. The Chairman stated that Councillor Clague was making good progress and it was agreed that a letter would be sent, on behalf of the Panel, wishing him a speedy recovery.
RESOLVED: THAT the minutes of the meeting of the Panel held on 4th February, 2010, be approved as a correct record.
Councillor Burgoyne declared an interest in respect of planning application 09/58339
(Avon House) and was not present during consideration of that application.
(Full details of the matters referred to in this Minute are contained in the report of the Director of Sustainable Regeneration, as amended, in the case of those applications marked * in the supplementary report).
RESOLVED: THAT the recommendations of the Strategic Director of Sustainable Regeneration with regard to the undermentioned applications for planning permission be dealt with, subject to conditions, as indicated below:-
Application Number/ Applicant / Site / Development / Decision09/58438
Salford City Council / Alleyway to rear 21-45 Douglas Street, 39-57 Wellington Street West, 4-6 St. John Street and 7-9 Scovell Street, Salford / Erection of 2.2 metre high gates and 0.6 metre high wall top railings to alleyway / Granted
Zurich Assurance Limited c/o Threadneedle Property Investments / The Mall, Eccles Town Centre, Eccles / Outline application including means of access for the partial redevelopment of the Eccles Shopping Centre to provide a food store (use class A1)), multi-storey car park, servicing and vehicular access and landscaping / Granted with an additional condition regarding use of signage to inform of car parking capacity
Salford City Council / 1-15 Mather Avenue, 2-14 Chadwick Road and 2-10 Francis Avenue, Eccles / Erection of a 2.2 metre high alleygates / Granted
Affinity Sutton / Humphrey Booth Gardens, Sandy Lane, Salford / Outline application with approval sought for all matters for the demolition of 3 no. buildings and the erection of 1 no. three storey building and 1 no. four storey building comprising 50 no. apartments, together with access, car parking, landscaping and associated works (Phase 1). Outline consent with means of access sought for the demolition of 9 no. buildings and the erection of up to 55 dwellings with a maximum height of 3 storeys (Phase 2) / Granted and see (2) below
Salford City Council / Avon House, Avon Close, Worsley / Demolition of existing buildings and erection of 15 no. 3 bedroom dwelling houses / Granted
Mr. Christopher Rustage / Riverside, Agecroft Road, Pendlebury, Swinton / Extension of time for implementation of planning permission 06/53550/OUT / Granted subject to Section 106 agreement in (3) below being executed before 26th February 2010. If not executed by this date, authority be delegated to the Assistant Director Planning and Transport Futures in consultation with the Chair to refuse the application.
West One Retail Park Unit & Tesco Stores Limited / West One Retail Park, Gilda Brook Road, West One Way, Salford / Partial demolition of existing retail units (4,484 square metres gross) and replacement with retail food store (8,213 square metres gross) with associated parking, servicing, landscaping and access improvements, creation of a new footbridge over Gilda Brook Road, and refurbishment of retained retail units / THAT (a) the Secretary of State be advised that the Panel was minded to grant planning permission for the development proposals, subject to the indicated heads of terms in a planning obligation and the recommended planning conditions, (b) should the Secretary of State not intervene in the application, planning permission be granted, subject
to the planning conditions listed, and (c) see (4) below.
Arndale Properties Limited / Gus Home Shopping Limited, Worsley Road, Eccles / Alterations to external appearance of existing warehouse including new vehicular access doors, fire escape doors and cladding, formation of rear yard area together with boundary fencing / Refused by a unanimous vote and contrary to officer recommendation, due to the loss of amenity to neighbouring residents in terms of noise and general disturbance.
Arndale Properties Limited / Gus Home Shopping Limited, Worsley Road, Eccles / Outline application including means of access for the redevelopment of part of former GUS site to provide new business units B1(C)/B2 retention and refurbishment of existing warehouse, car parking and landscaping / Refused by a unanimous vote and contrary to officer recommendation, due to (a) failure to demonstrate that the adverse impact on residents in terms of noise and general disturbance had been adequately addressed, and (b)inadequate landscaping along the Bridgewater Canal.
(2) THAT, with regard to planning application 09/58445, authority be granted for
the Strategic Director of Customer and Support Services to enter into a legal agreement under Section 106 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 to secure the provision of public open space.
(3) THAT, with regard to planning application 09/58375, (a) authority be granted
to the Strategic Director of Customer and Support Services to enter into a legal agreement under Section 106 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 to secure the payment for the provision of :
1) Financial contribution of £535,000 towards public transport improvements in accordance with GMPTE's recommendations.
2) Financial contribution of £54,411 towards riverside enhancement works within the land under the applicant's control as identified on the site layout plan.
3) Financial contribution in accordance with the Planning Obligations Supplementary Planning Document for open space provision, public realm, construction training, and climate change.
and (b) the applicant be informed that the Council is minded to grant planning permission, subject to the conditions listed in the report, on completion of such legal agreement, (c) authority be given for the decision notice relating to the application to be issued (subject to the conditions and reasons stated below) on completion of the above-mentioned legal agreement, and (d) authority be given to refuse the application should the applicant fail to complete the S106 agreement by 26th February 2010 on the grounds that the proposals do not support the aim and objectives of PPS1 Delivering Sustainable Development.
(4) THAT, with regard to planning application 09/57457, (a) authority be granted
to the Strategic Director of Customer and Support Services to enter into a legal agreement under Section 106 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 to secure the payment of £800,000 (including administration fee) to the Council in accordance with the heads of terms set out in the report, (b) the applicant be informed that the Council is minded to grant planning permission, subject to the conditions listed in the report, on completion of such legal agreement, (c) authority be given for the decision notice relating to the application to be issued (subject to the conditions and reasons stated below) on completion of the above-mentioned legal agreement, and (d) authority be given to refuse the application should the applicant fail to complete the S106 agreement within a reasonable period on the grounds that the proposals do not support the aim and objectives of PPS1 Delivering Sustainable Development and PPS4 Planning for Sustainable Economic Growth.
The Strategic Director of Sustainable Regeneration submitted a report containing details of planning applications which he had determined under delegated authority during January and February, 2010, and were not, therefore, for consideration by the Panel.
Application Number/ Applicant / Site / Development / Decision and Date of Decision09/58326
Mr. R. Scanlan / 246 Liverpool Road, Eccles / Conversion of existing showroom and workshop to 2 no. ground floor retail units and 2 no. self contained flats to first floor and elevation changes / Refused
25th January, 2010
Mr. Daniel Chui / Land adjacent to 8 Howbridge Close, Worsley / Remove branch stubs and tidy up from previous poor pruning works one oak (T1) / Approved
25th January, 2010
Mr. M. Browne / 6 Thorns Villa Gardens, Worsley / Erection of single storey front extension / Refused
25th January, 2010
Mr. P. Jameson (Head Teacher) / St. Luke’s RC Primary School, Swinton Park Road, Salford / Erection of a single storey extension and pedestrian access gates to the Claremont Road elevation / Approved
29th January, 2010
Miss Y.S. Yap / 98 Liverpool Road, Eccles / Certificate of Lawfulness for the continued use as a hot food takeaway / Refused
27th January, 2010
Salford City Council / Alleyway to rear of 2-8 Mather Avenue, Eccles / Erection of 2.2 metre high alleygate / Approved
29th January, 2010
Dr. M. Ahmad / 55 Cavendish Road, Ellesmere Park, Eccles / Erection of a two-storey front extension and first floor rear extension / Approved
27th January, 2010
Mrs. Ann Cullimore / 61 Preston Avenue, Eccles / Crown raise to allow a 7 metre clearance from the surrounding ground level, remove one limb closest to the house back to the trunk, 15% crown thin and crown clean one beech tree (T1) / Approved
9th February, 2010
Mr. B. Jagger / 62 The Crescent, Irlam / Erection of a part single/ part two storey rear extension / Approved
1st February, 2010
Mr. T. Donaldson / Booth Clibborn Court, 1-3 Park Lane, Salford / Crown reduce to leave a height of 14 metres and 20% crown thin five plane trees (T1 to T5) / Approved
5th February, 2010
Rev. Philip Marsh / Spiritan Youth Services Just Youth, St. Philips Church, Northallerton Road, Salford / Demolition of existing garage/storage building and erection of a two storey/first floor extension to existing rectory to form an 11 bedroom residential institution, erection of a two storey/first floor extension to existing hall to form additional meeting/training rooms together with new access ramps, cycle and bin storage and associated landscaping and car parking / Approved
25th January, 2010
William Hill Organisation Limited, Mr. John Marshall / Unit 9, Hulton District Centre, Worsley / Change of use from A1 class to A2 (financial/ professional), installation of new shop front to include air conditioning units to rear / Approved
25th January, 2010
Mrs. Jane Carroll / 33 Wedgwood Road, Clifton, Swinton / Erection of a single storey side/rear extension / Approved
29th January, 2010
BASF Construction Chemicals (UK) Limited / BASF Construction Chemicals (UK) Limited, Albany House, Swinton Hall Road, Pendlebury, Swinton / Proposed redevelopment of existing employment site comprising of demolition of existing two storey warehouse, partial demolition of existing single storey production area, creation of a new two storey laboratory, office and welfare unit within the existing bay and construction of anew admixture facility, together with associated landscaping (amendment to planning approval 09/57528/FUL) / Approved
29th January, 2010
Mr. Lee Bentley / 82 Campbell Road, Swinton / Demolition of existing single storey rear element and erection of a two storey side/rear extension and single storey rear extension / Approved
1st February, 2010
Mr. Nicholas Cleworth / 5 Folly Lane, Swinton / Demolish existing single storey side element, garage and rear conservatory and erection of a single storey rear extension with balcony above / Approved
1st February, 2010
Mrs. Karen Fenton / Nelson Street, Weaste, Salford / Erection of 12 no. 3 bedroom dwellings with associated car parking and landscaping / Approved
1st February, 2010
Mr. Steve Royle / 51 Victoria Road, Salford / Erection of part single/ part two storey side/rear extension, erection of pitched roof to existing garage and canopy to front elevation / Refused
27th January, 2010
Calor Gas Limited / Calor Gas Limited, Daniel Adamson Road, Salford / Display of 3 no. internally illuminated signs and 1 no. non-illuminated sign / Approved
25th January, 2010
Mrs. Joanne Whitelegg / 55 Weymouth Road, Eccles / Erection of part two storey/part first floor side extension and erection of pitched roof over existing rear flat roof / Approved
5th February, 2010
Housing Connections - Sustainable Regeneration / 202-234 Bolton Road, 4 Hill Top Road, Worsley / Erection of 2.2 metre high gates to alleyway / Approved
3rd February, 2010
Mr. M. Nesbitt / 152A Manchester Road East, Little Hulton / Retention of advertisement to side elevation / Refused
1st February, 2010
Mr. & Mrs. Bolton / 22 East Lynn Drive, Worsley / Erection of a rear conservatory / Approved
27th January, 2010
Mr. Colin Steeple / 32 Fairmount Road, Swinton / Erection of a side/rear conservatory / Approved
1st February, 2010
Mrs. S. Burton / 7 Elm Crescent, Worsley / Demolition of lean to and rear conservatory and erection of a two storey side extension and single storey side/ rear extension / Approved
5th February, 2010
Ms. C. Stott / 247 Kempnough Hall, Kempnough Hall Road, Worsley / Demolition of existing single storey side and front elements, erection of single storey side and single storey front/side extension, picket fence along front/side boundary and alterations to elevations / Refused
2nd February, 2010
Ms. C. Stott / 247 Kempnough Hall, Kempnough Hall Road, Worsley / Listed Building Consent for the demolition of existing single storey side and front elements, erection of single storey side and single storey front/side extension, picket fence along front/ side boundary and alterations to elevations and renovations / Approved
29th January, 2010
Miss Chloe Stott / 247 Kempnough Hall, Kempnough Hall Road, Worsley / Fell one leylandii (T1) and remove three hedge rows surrounding the property (A, B and C) / No objections
29th January, 2010
Mr. Cook and Mr. Tandy / 12 and 14 Poplar Road, Swinton / Erection of a first floor rear extension to both properties / Refused
29th January, 2010
Mr. Ian Warren / 145 Worsley Road, Worsley / Crown life to allow a 2 metre clearance from the surrounding ground level and crown reduce to 3 metres width and 5 metres in height one holly tree (T1) / Approved
29th January, 2010
Peel Land and Property / 248 Kempnough Hall, Kempnough Hall Road, Worsley / Fell one beech (T1) and two sycamores (T2 and T3). Crown reduce to allow a 1 metre clearance over the adjacent property two sycamores (T4 and T5) / Approved
29th January, 2010
Maryland Securities Limited / Unit 7, Old Co Op Buildings, High Street, Worsley / Installation of security roller shutter / Approved
2nd February, 2010