The University of Toledo SEED Initiative

Green Office Program Application

Name: E-mail:

Office/Office suite no.: Building:

Desired Level: Office Phone Number:

Desired Date of Audit:

Please fill out the portion above and the accompanying check sheet to notify us of any energy and resource saving methods your office (suite) is currently employing. Please email the completed application to . SEED will evaluate your responses and then set up a time with you to do a brief audit. After the audit, the SEED Team will award you with a certificate for your achievements. If you have any questions, or would like additional information about the Green Office Program, please send inquiries and questions to .

Green Office Program Levels

Offices considering applying must determine which level of certification they seek. There are three levels based on the number of sustainable actions required. They break down as follows:

Level 1- Participants will commit to 10 out of 36 sustainable practices

Level 2- Participants will commit to 20 out of 36 sustainable practices

Level 3- Participants will commit to 25 out of 36 sustainable practices

The sustainable practices an office can commit to are broken down into 6 categories: Waste & Recycling, Printing, Computers & Electronics, Temperature Control & Lighting, Kitchen & Break Room, and Miscellaneous. Offices can select actions from any category as long as they total to the number required by the level they are requesting. The practices are as follows; please put an upper case “X” in the box next to the actions being practiced:

Waste & Recycling

This office…

Has and utilizes paper recycling bins
Has recycling bins for individual offices
Recycles cardboard
Has a recycling container for used printer ink cartridges
Has labels or signs above, on, or near recycling locations
Organizes a “spring cleaning” to donate or recycle all unnecessary items
Recycles unwanted electronics
Reduces waste whenever possible


This office…

Uses paper that is comprised of at least 30% post-consumer content
Has eliminated junk mail, including junk faxes
Has a bin near the printer to recycle misprinted paper or for scratch paper
Has taglines at the bottom of e-mail signature to remind recipients to think before printing
Has instituted a maximum number of pages allowed to be printed
Enabled two-sided printing functions on all computers and printers

Computers & Electronics

This office…

Decreased all monitor brightness below 80%
Completely shuts down all computers before leaving for the day
Unplugs all electronic devices when not in use
Sets computers to sleep mode after 10 minutes of inactivity
Utilizes smart strips or surge protectors with an on/off switch
Enabled power saver modes on all computers

Temperature Control & Lighting

This office…

Keeps the office temperature at a comfortable, yet reasonable temperature
Has motion sensors on overhead room lighting
Shuts off all lights when leaving for the day
Utilizes natural sunlight when and if possible instead of overhead lighting
Does not use space heaters or desk fans
Uses CFL or LED bulbs in desk lamps

Kitchen & Break Room

This office…

Uses reusable mugs and cups for beverages
Uses reusable plates and utensils
Unplugs all appliances at the end of the day (except refrigerators)
Uses fair-trade coffee in coffee makers
Buys only appliances with an Energy Star rating
Does not provide bottled water


This office…

Has a designated area where office supplies can be shared and reused
Goes paperless for announcements and fliers
Uses refillable pens
Holds paperless meetings