Fall 2009



HCAD 5310 Health Care Law

Fall 2009

Days: Monday/Wednesday 6:00 PM - 9:20 PM

Dates: Mon, Aug 24 – Wednesday, Oct 7 - NO CLASS ON MONDAY, SEPT 7

Location: The Universities Center at Dallas, Suite 107

1901 Main Street, Dallas, TX 75201

Phone: (214) 915-1900

Instructor: M. Hollis Hutchinson JD RN

Phone: (469) 826-4981 (cell)


Office hours: Before class by appointment

Text: J. Stuart Showalter, The Law of Health Care Administration, 5th Edition,

Health Administration Press

Course description: This course is an exploration of the laws and regulations that affect health care decisions, relationships among professionals and patients, and the management aspects of health care delivery.

The course is an overview of the major issues in health care law, professional liability, negligence, healthcare institution management, taxation, antitrust law, corporate compliance programs, admission and discharge issues, consent, reproductive law matters, medical records and medical staff privileges.

Because health care entities generally have access to legal counsel, the goal of the course is not to create practitioners of health care law. It is to equip health care executives with the knowledge and skills to recognize legal issues that arise in health care practice, to be prepared to evaluate situations that may have legal implications, and to have an understanding of the implications of health care law on their decision making.

Grading: Final grades will be based on mid-term exam/project and final examination. Students may choose to complete a paper or a group project for a grade instead of taking the midterm examination.

Course requirements:

Readings. Students are responsible for reading all assignments, and coming to class prepared to discuss what they have already read. The study of law is inherently reading intensive. Time spent in reading to prepare for class will enhance understanding of the classroom discussion and reduce the time needed for exam preparation.

Exams: There will be two exams, one midterm and one final. Each will be worth fifty percent of your grade.

Attendance and Participation: Graduate students are expected to assume full responsibility for their education. You should plan to attend class and to be prepared to participate in class discussions. Attendance will be taken and will be considered in the determination of borderline grades. Please remember that tardiness and disruptive behavior are considered unprofessional.

It is NOT necessary to notify the instructor if you will be late or absent. You are responsible for contacting a classmate to get any notes from the class you missed. If you have a serious illness or need to drop the class for an emergency reason, please notify the instructor.

Cell Phones: Please turn all beepers, pagers and cell phones to silent or vibrate mode prior to the start of class. You may step out to take or return emergency calls.

Class Schedule and Reading Assignments:

1. Monday, Aug 24, 2009: Introduction, Overview of course; The Anglo-American Legal System

Readings: Text: Chapter 1

2. Wednesday, Aug 26, 2009: Contracts & Intentional Torts

Readings: Text: 2

3. Monday, Aug 31, 2009: Negligence

Readings: Text: Chapter 3

4. Wednesday, Sep 2, 2009: Organization and Management of Corporate Healthcare

Readings: Text: Chapter 4

5. Wednesday, Sep 9, 2009: Liability of the Healthcare Institution

Readings: Text: Chapter 5

6. Monday, Sep 14, 2009: Admission Discharge, Medical Staff Appointments Privileges

Readings: Text: Chapters 6 & 7

7. Wednesday, Sep 16, 2009: MIDTERM, Emergency Care

Readings: Text: Chapter 8

8. Monday, Sep 21, 2009: Consent for Treatment Withholding Consent

Readings: Text: Chapters 9

9. Wednesday, Sep 23, 2009: Taxation of Healthcare Institutions

Readings: Text: Chapters 10

10. Monday, Sep 28, 2009: Antitrust Law; Fraud, Abuse Corporate Compliance Programs

Readings: Text: Chapters 11 & 12

11. Wednesday, Sep 30, 2009: Issues of Reproduction

Readings: Text: Chapters 13

12. Monday, Oct 5, 2009: Health Information Management

Readings: Text: Chapter14

13. Wednesday, Oct 7, 2009: Wrap up, Final Examination

HCAD 5310 Syllabus – Fall 2009 – M. Hollis Hutchinson JD RN – 25 August 2009 – Page 3 of 3