Yianni Attikiouzel / Res. No.
Last Amended / August16h 2006 / by / Carol Dowse / Res. No.
Next Review Date / August 2007.
Keywords / Staff buy-out, part-time teaching, workload profiles, teaching, research and administration load
Please Note / This policy needs to be read in conjunction with the DSE Workload model policy/procedures.
Division of Science and Engineering
Staff Buy-Outs – Academic Staff
The Division recognises the diverse nature of skills and abilities academic staff have and is working towards flexibility in how allocated workloads are managed. To accommodate this, the Division may allow staff to be relieved from some or all of their standard duties in order to perform other duties, if this is in the best interests of the School, Division and the staff members concerned. The Division also recognises that staff are occasionally unable to fulfil their teaching obligations for reasons apart from illness, and reduction of ANY teaching activity is subject to this policy. Hence, this policy applies to all buy-outs of academic staff time within the Division of Science and Engineering and all staff shall abide by the provision of the policy.
Implementation of thispolicy shall ensure thatany buy-out will:
a) Demonstrably enhance the School/Division/University in terms of research outcomes, industry collaboration/links and public profile.
(b) Not reduce the quality of teaching being replaced, and
(c) Not result in an increased workload for colleagues or financial cost to the Division or School.
Buy-out:Reimbursement to a School for allowing an academic staff member to be relieved of their normal duties.
Casual teaching buy-out: The staff member is relieved of particular teaching activities, which generally excludes lecturing, except in exceptional circumstances, either regularly or on a once-off basis, and compensation is paid as per the Schedule. The maximum term shall not exceed one year per agreement.
Fixed termbuy-out: The staff member is relieved of a fraction of all of his or her duties in the School, and compensation is paid as per the Schedule. The maximum term shall not exceed three years per agreement.
Fixed term teaching buy-out: The staff member is relieved of a fraction of all of his or her teaching duties in the School, and compensation is paid according to the Schedule.The maximum term shall not exceed three years per agreement.
Duties:For academic teaching and research contracts, the duties normally include teaching, research and administration and for academic teaching only contracts (not including causal appointments), the duties normally include teaching and administration. Where a staff member holds more than one position, the buy-out applies to each position separately.
HoS:Head of the School in which the staff member proposing a buy-out is employed.
Teaching Quantum: Where a staff member has a standard workload profile comprising 50% teaching, this is referred to as a 100% “teaching quantum”, that is, a standard teaching load for a teaching and research academic contract.
Workload:The total workload of an academic staff member takes into account all of his or her duties. The standard workload profile for “teaching and research” contracts comprises 50% teaching (which represents a 100% teaching quantum), 40% research and 10% administration. The standard workload profile for “teaching only” contracts (not including causal appointments) comprises 90% teaching and 10% administration.
Individual workload profiles may be applied to specific members of staff. Heads of School and Program Chairs will typically require a higher percentage for administration, whilst the best researchers may have a higher percentage for research. The workload profile for an individual member of staff may be set by negotiation with the Head of School.
A staff member can apply to their HoS for a fixed term or causal buy-out. The opportunity to buy-out is not an entitlement or a right and the application for buy-outcan only proceed once agreement is reached between the HoS and the staff member.No formal agreementcan be entered into until all affected parties have signed off on “The Application for Staff Buy-out” and formal commitmentmade to the full buy-out costs as per the Schedule;the completed “Application” then becomes “The Agreement”. In order for an application to be approved, satisfactory teaching replacements must be available, and must continue to be available throughout the period of the buy-out.
1. Causal teaching buy-outs from teaching duties may be approved if all of the following conditions are met:
(a)The staff member must be taking on new research or administrative tasks that exceed their existing research and administrative duties, since these normal expectations should be fulfilled without teaching relief.
(b)The buy-out is restricted to teaching activities that include, demonstrating, marking and tutorials and can only apply to lecturing in exceptional circumstances. The buy-out can occureither regularly or on a once-off basis, and compensation is paid as per the Schedule. The maximum term shall not exceed one year per agreement.
(c)The Division must be compensated at a minimum of doctoral part-time teaching rates for the equivalent teaching activity (at the going rate), plus 20% surcharge,as compensation to the School for administration and as per the Schedule.
2. Fixed term buy-outs may be approved where the staff member is relieved of a specific fraction (typically 50% or 100%) of all his or her duties in the School/Division, and all of the following conditions are met:
(a)Compensation is paid at the same fraction of the staff member’s salary including all on costs and salary increments where applicable,as per the Schedule.
(b)The maximum term shall not exceed three years per agreement.
3. Fixed TermTeaching Buy-outs may be approved where the staff member is relieved of a fraction of all of his or her teaching duties in the School, and compensation is paid as follows:
(a)Lecturer Level A and B: compensation is based on a multiplier of 1.7times the member’s salary for the fraction bought out, including all on costs and salary increments where applicable,as per the Schedule.
(b)Senior Lecturer, Associate Professor and Professor: compensation isbased on replacement with a Lecturer Level B Step 6 based on a multiplier of 1.7 times the member’s fraction being bought out and includes all on costs and salary increments where applicable, as per the Schedule.
The multiplier of 1.7 is based on all of the following:
- Reflects the teaching quantum, ie 10% workload equates to 20% teaching.
- The cost to buy-out of teaching should not be less than the actual member's salary, including on costs.
- That the cost of replacement covers additional costs such as administration, office space, computer, internet etc;
- That the School/Division benefits with more than a direct teaching replacement;
The multiplier will be reviewed annually and applied to all new contracts.
The maximum term of a fixed term teaching buy-out shall not exceed three years per agreement.
Examples of Buy-Outs
Scenario / Buy-out1 / Staff member V (Snr Lecturer) currently spends:
- 40% research,
- 50% teaching (100% teaching quantum)
- 10% administration,
- 20% research,
- 25% teaching (50% teaching quantum)
- 5% administration,
2 / Staff member W(Lecturer B) currently spends:
- 40% research,
- 50% teaching (100% teaching quantum)
- 10% administration,
- 40% research,
- 25% teaching,
- 10% administration.
3 / Staff member X (Assoc Prof.) currently spends:
- 40% research,
- 50% teaching,
- 10% administration,
- 40% research,
- 25% teaching,
- 10% administration.
4 / Staff member Y (Snr Lect) currently spends:
- 40% research,
- 50% teaching,
- 10% administration.
The cost will be:
50 hours (demonstrating*+ associated marking*)X 1.26.
*doctoral demonstrating/marking rate inc on costs
5 / Staff member Z (Prof.) currently spends:
- 40% research,
- 50% teaching,
- 10% administration.
- 50% research,
- 40% teaching (80% teaching quantum),
- 10% administration.
The Agreement
An agreement (“The Agreement” – see Appendix A) shall be drawn up in compliance with this policy and guidelines, for authorisation by the staff member and the HoS. The buy-out agreement must be approved by the Executive Dean on the recommendation of the HoS. No arrangement can be entered into until “The Agreement” is finalised.
The staff member who wishes to undertake a buy-out must approach their HoS as soon as possible to discuss a possible buy-outarrangement. No buy-out can be entered into without prior consultation with the HoS. All buy-outs shall be considered by the Executive Dean on the recommendation of the HoS. The HoS or their nominee is responsible for ensuring an appropriate replacement is made to cover the staff member being bought out.The Executive Dean is responsible for ensuring that the guidelines are complied with.
Variations to an existing “Agreement”may be allowed in exceptional circumstances where written agreement is reached with the HoS, Executive Dean, funding body where applicable, and the staff member.
Transitional Arrangements
Any existing buy-out arrangements shall be converted by 31 December 2006 to meet these guidelines.
RESPONSIBILITIES:Responsible Officer / DSE Executive Dean, Yianni Attikiouzel
Implementation Officers / Heads of Schools, Max Cake (BS&B), Peter May (CMS), Nick Costa (Env Sci) and Keith Godfrey (EEPE); School Managers; Keith Brooker (BS&B), Frank Salleo (Env Sci), John Orton (EEPE), School Manager (CMS), TBA.
Information Contact Officer / Phil Hocking
DSE Workload Model (policy/procedures)
Appendix A – The Application and Agreement.
Approved/Amended/Rescinded / Date / Committee / Resolution Number
Approved - DSE Executive Dean,
Yianni Attikiouzel / HoS
Schedule for Buy-outs
Buy-outType / Duties
Bought Out / Fraction
of buy-out / Compensation/Reimbursement to School / Maximum Term
Fixed Term(Standard) Buy-out / Administration, Teaching and Research. / 10% to 100%. / Same fraction of staff members’ salary, including all on costs and salary increments where applicable. / Three years per agreement.
Fixed Term Teaching Buy-out / Teaching only / 10% to 100%. / Lecturer A & Lecturer B / Three years per agreement.
Replacement with the same levelappointment multiplied by 1.7* times the staff member’s fraction being bought out and including all on costs and salary increments where applicable.
Senior Lecturer, Assoc/Prof & Prof.
Replacement with a Lecturer Level B Step 6 based on a multiplier of 1.7* times the staff member’s fraction being bought out and including all on costs and salary increments where applicable.
Fraction bought out / Replacement costs 2007
10% / $16,308
20% / $32,616
30% / $48,924
40% / $65,232
50% / $81,540
Casual Teaching Buy-out / Buy-out of teaching duties excluding lectures, except in exceptional circumstances / Not defined. / Doctoral part-time teaching rates for the equivalent teaching activity (at the going rate), plus 20% surcharge, as compensation to the School for administration. / One year per agreement.
*Multiplier based on the following: must reflect the teaching quantum, ie 10% workload equates to 20% teaching; cost to buy out of teaching should not be less than the actual member's salary, including on costs; that the cost of replacement covers additional costs such as administration, office space, computer, internet etc; that the School/Division benefits with more than a direct teaching replacement . The multiplier will be reviewed annually and applied to all new contracts. See Appendix A
DSE Staff Buy-Outs Policy; Version 1/20061
Appendix A
Division of Science and Engineering
Application for Staff Buy-out – Internal Use Only
Once completed and signed off by all stakeholders, this document forms “The Agreement”
To be completed by Applicant:
I, from the School ………………………………………………………Phone Ext.
wish to apply for buy-out from the following standard duties. Note: one form per buy-out
Casual Teaching Buy-outUnit Code / Unit Title: / Semester/mode
Demonstrating – number of hours / Marking – number of hours
Tutorials original– number of hours / Tutorials original – number of hours
Other (please specify) / Number of hours
Funds to be debited from the following account(s):
Tick correct one
Fixed Term Buy-out / Fixed Term TEACHING ONLY Buy-outCurrent workload allocation % / Research / % / Teaching / % / Administration / %
*Proposed workload allocation % / Research / % / Teaching / % / Administration / %
Where will the other activities be undertaken?
Start date: / Completion date:
Who is responsible for signing off the financial transfer?
Funds to be debited from the following account(s):
*Agreement with HoS must be sought
To be completed by School Manager and HoS:
Casual Teaching Buy-outDemonstrating:$ / Marking: $ / Tutorials original: $ / Tutorials repeat: $
Other: $ / Total on costs: / 20% Loading: / Total Cost: $
Agreed by HoS / Yes / No / Referred back to applicant (date):
Fixed Term Buy-out- “Standard” or “Teaching Only”
Academic salary level / Salary rate inc all on costs
Salary increments due: / Total cost of buy-out:
Total Amount to be debited / Salary: / Increments: / On costs: / Total:
Amount to be debited in the first year: / Salary: / Increments: / On costs: / Total:
Benefit to School:
Agreed by HoS/nominee / Yes / No / Referred back to applicant (date):
This buy-out has been discussed with the staff member and agreed to by the HoS, Executive Dean, DSE, and the @Representative responsible for funding the buy-out, where applicable.
Name: / Signature: / Date:Staff Member
Head of School
Executive Dean
@Funding Approved
(eg DVC Academic, CRC)
Once signed off by all stakeholders, this document constitutes the entire agreement between the parties.
Casual Buy-out to be kept in the School
Fixed Term Buy-outs: Original application to be sent by Exec Dean’s Office for authorisation by funding representative where applicable. Copy of original returned to all signatories once completed.
Staff Buy-out Application and Agreement Version 1/2006
Appendix A
Examples of Staff Buy-outs for Fixed Term Teaching Buy-outBuy-out Multiplier / 1.70
Multiplier based on the following: must reflect the teaching quantum, ie 10% workload equates to 20% teaching; cost to buy out of teaching should not be less than the actual member's salary, including on costs; that the cost of replacement covers additional costs such as administration, office space, computer, internet etc; that the School/Division benefits with more than a direct teaching replacement . The multiplier will be reviewed annually and applied to all new contracts.
Level / No. Steps / Step / TEC (Total Employment Costs) inc. 17%SA / Fraction Buyout Workload / Fraction of Replacement for Teaching / Cost of Replacement to Staff member
Replacement with 1.7X's Level B Step 6
Professor E / 1 / 1 / $ 151,682 / 10% / 17% / $ 16,308
1 / 20% / 34% / $ 32,616
1 / 30% / 51% / $ 48,924
1 / 40% / 68% / $ 65,232
1 / 50% / 85% / $ 81,540
Ass/Prof. D / 4 / 4 / $ 130,158 / 10% / 17% / $ 16,308
4 / 20% / 34% / $ 32,616
4 / 30% / 51% / $ 48,924
4 / 40% / 68% / $ 65,232
4 / 50% / 85% / $ 81,540
1 / $ 118,424 / 10% / 17% / $ 16,308
1 / 20% / 34% / $ 32,616
1 / 30% / 51% / $ 48,924
1 / 40% / 68% / $ 65,232
1 / 50% / 85% / $ 81,540
Sen Lect. C / 6 / 6 / $ 113,533 / 10% / 17% / $ 16,308
6 / 20% / 34% / $ 32,616
6 / 30% / 51% / $ 48,924
6 / 40% / 68% / $ 65,232
6 / 50% / 85% / $ 81,540
1 / $ 98,860 / 10% / 17% / $ 16,308
1 / 20% / 34% / $ 32,616
1 / 30% / 51% / $ 48,924
1 / 40% / 68% / $ 65,232
1 / 50% / 85% / $ 81,540
Replacement with 1.7X's Actual Salary Level
Lecturer B / 6 / 6 / $ 95,929 / 10% / 17% / $ 16,308
6 / 20% / 34% / $ 32,616
6 / 30% / 51% / $ 48,924
6 / 40% / 68% / $ 65,232
6 / 50% / 85% / $ 81,540
1 / $ 81,125 / 10% / 17% / $ 13,791
1 / 20% / 34% / $ 27,583
1 / 30% / 51% / $ 41,374
1 / 40% / 68% / $ 55,165
1 / 50% / 85% / $ 68,956
Lecturer A / 8 / 8 / $ 77,166 / 10% / 17% / $ 13,118
8 / 20% / 34% / $ 26,236
8 / 30% / 51% / $ 39,355
8 / 40% / 68% / $ 52,473
8 / 50% / 85% / $ 65,591
1 / $ 57,384 / 10% / 17% / $ 9,755
1 / 20% / 34% / $ 19,511
1 / 30% / 51% / $ 29,266
1 / 40% / 68% / $ 39,021
1 / 50% / 85% / $ 48,776
Staff Buy-out Application and Agreement Version 1/2006