KINE 3560 Grimes Sp 15
Pedagogical Skills, Strategies, and Management in Secondary Physical Education
Kinesiology 3560, Section 001, 3 hours credit
Spring 2015
Instructor Section 1: Rick Grimes, Ed. D.
Office: PEB 210 C
Office hours: Tuesday & Thursday between 11:00 pm-4:00 pm
(or by appointment for other times)
To set up an appointment send an email from your UNT email account
See Email etiquette below
Class Schedule:
Lecture Section 1: Tuesday & Thursday 9:30 am -10:50 am
Room: LIFE A 419
Catalog Description: Candidates develop a sound understanding related to progression in fundamental movements and skills across all developmental levels leading to instructionally suitable and developmentally appropriate activities for all students. Candidates also acquire a thorough understanding and application of the games analysis model. Content includes lesson plan design and implementation, class observation and teaching assessment, service learning experience, achievement motivation theories, and advanced technology implementation in various physical activity settings. Candidates are afforded both peer teaching and field based observation of content.
Darst, P. W., Pangrazi, R. P., Sariscsany, M. Jo., & Brusseau, T. A. (2012). (7th ed). Dynamic physical education for secondary school students. San Francisco, CA: Pearson Benjamin Cummings.
Barbarash, L. (1997). Multicultural games. Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics.
Orlick, T. (2006). Cooperative games and sports: Joyful activities for everyone.
(2nd ed.). Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics.
Course Objectives: Upon completion of this course, students will be able to:
1. Develop an understanding of the value and purpose of physical education for secondary school students.
2. Identify historical, philosophical, and social perspectives of physical education issues and legislation.
3. Identify and analyze a sport-related concept (e.g., filling open space).
4. Perform the skills in variety of activities in a game-like situation as demonstrated by the competency level of national skill assessment (PE Metrics©, NASPE, 2010)
5. Demonstrate performance concepts in a variety of sport settings, for example when to set the screen in basketball.
6. Design and implement technology content in a lesson plan to enhance students learning and engagement.
7. Establish an appropriate environment for skill acquisition (instructions meet diverse student needs, adding specific accommodations for student exceptionalities) for secondary school students.
8. Understand the teacher’s role in selecting, sequencing and implementing the essential content of physical education as it relates to cultural and community concerns.
9. Describe and provide examples of three keys to motivating children to practice, analyze the intentional and unintentional actions of teachers that contribute to how students feel about themselves and physical activity.
10. Select and create appropriate assessments to evaluate student skill, behavior(s) and knowledge for different lesson plans.
11. Develop a philosophy of learning and teaching as a basis for future decision-making.
12. Meet expectations for teacher candidate dispositions (at the end of the syllabus) including time management, responsibility, collaboration, communication, ethics and beliefs.
Evaluation and Grading
A = 900 pts or higher
B = 800 – 899
C = 700- 799
D = 600 – 699
F = 599 pts or lower
Max points possible / TOTAL Pts1 / TK 20 Assignments / 2 x 25 pts / 50
2 / 1 Class Observation
(middle school) / 1 x 25 pts / 50
3 / 2 Group Teaching Assignment
(individual reflection paper on middle school teaching) / 2 x 50 pts / 100
4 / 5 Individual Lesson Plans / 5 x 30 pts / 150
5 / 3 Group Lesson Plans
(Each individual turns in the same copy) / 3 X 50 pts / 150
6 / 4 Written Exams / 4 x 100 pts / 400
7 / 5 Blackboard discussions / 5 X 20 pts / 100
Overall / 1000
Attendance will be taken at the beginning of the class hour and/or at other times during the class. If you are absent when attendance is taken, you ARE ABSENT. Even if you were in class a few minutes later (or earlier), you will be counted absent if you are not present when attendance is taken. If you need to arrive at a specific class later than normal or leave earlier than normal, please let the instructor know. Arriving late or leaving early is NOT to be a general practice. If this is your practice, you will simply be counted absent. We need you in class to participate and engage in class activities. No points will be awarded for attending the classes during the semester. However, each absence will result in 20 points deduction from your total points.
It is impossible for the instructor to differentiate between “excused and unexcused” absences. Thus, an absence is an absence. To be fair to all, the instructor does NOT DIFFERENTIATE AMONG ANY TYPE OF ABSENCES. If you are absent on military orders please provide a copy of your orders to the Instructor PRIOR to your leaving. If you are traveling on University of North Texas business, you MUST complete the required form from the Office of the Dean of Students to not have the absence count against you. This form MUST be turned in within 2 class periods of your return to class. Otherwise, you will be counted absent. Any student missing more than 6 classes will receive a grade of F in this course.
TK 20 assignments
All students in this class need to complete TK 20 assignments. This course requires two assignments that will be uploaded and assessed in the UNT TK 20 Assessment System ( ) or Blackboard Learn (
For students who are seeking teacher certifications. This will require the one-time purchase of TK 20. Student subscriptions will be effective for 7 years from the date of purchase. Key assignments must be uploaded into the TK 20 system. Please go to the following link for directions on how to purchase TK 20. Announcements regarding TK 20 will also be posted on this website(
Students not seeking teacher certification are still required to complete TK 20 assignments but are not require to buy TK 20. You have to submit you TK 20 assignments to Blackboard Learn. Details of these assignments will be discussed in class.
Field-experiences: Observations and Teaching
Each student will be responsible for observing one physical education classes and teaching two physical education lesson in the local middle school during the semester. Observation forms can be found on Blackboard Learn ( The lesson will be taught with your group. A complete lesson plan will be submitted, reviewed and returned prior to the teaching. The topic will be decided at a later date depending on the scheduled lessons of the cooperating teacher.
Students will be provided information about how to complete the Criminal Background
Check for the school district in which they are placed. It is your responsibility to correctly fill out
all required forms related to this assignment. If you fail to complete the Criminal Background Check by the due date, you will not be allowed to observe or teach and the points will be forfeited.
Teaching assignments
This public school assignment is to provide students an experience for working with group and developing an understanding of a reflective approach to teaching physical education for secondary school students. At the beginning of the semester, you will be allowed to form groups of 5 individuals in your group. These groups will be used for activities during class and the peer teaching.
Field Teaching will be days will be determined later in the semester according to the availability of the schools. Attendance and participation is mandatory. The field teaching are scheduled ahead of time for your convenience, therefore plan accordingly. No field teaching will be excused unless you show the instructor a valid and written excuse from a reputable source before the lab classes. If no valid excuse is provided, the student will earn zero points for the missed teaching assignment. I expect all of you to make your teaching assignment.
Peer Teaching will be accomplished in groups. Each group will teach a total of three lessons to other members of the class. At present, there are 60 students in the class. On one teaching day, four (4) groups will teach a 30 minute lesson each. The groups will teach simultaneously to the remaining 40 students. The 40 students will be divided into four groups of 10, thus each teaching group will teach 10 a lesson to those students. Actually, the group will teach to only 9 students. One student will fill out an evaluation on the teaching group. This is not for a grade, but to clarify the teaching experience. The evaluation rubric will be posted on blackboard and will be covered thoroughly in the class. By the time we finish, I hope that you have it memorized.
Lesson Plans
Each student in the class will complete five (5) lesson plans on assigned topics. The format for the lesson plans will be the UNT lesson plan template. I will provide you with an additional template to consider to indicate other information that you may put in your UNT lesson. The lesson plan is for you, as a teacher. You are free to include as much material and detail in the lesson plan as you feel that you will need to successfully complete the lesson. Remember, as a teacher, you will use the lesson plan again next year with some possible reflection as to what worked with this group and what did not. You may then tweak the lesson plan accordingly. The purpose of the course and these lessons are to make you a more successful teacher and to provide you with experience that will make the experience easier as you begin your career.
Each student will be administered four exams. Tests will cover lectures as well as corresponding chapters from the text. Tests consist of multiple choice, true or false, and possibly short answer questions.
Permission to take an examination at a time other than the scheduled time will be an EXCEPTION and the time of the make-up at the discretion of the instructor. Failure to take the examination at the scheduled time will result in a zero for that examination. Excuses such as oversleeping, car problems, etc. are NEVER granted. You need to plan ahead and be ready to take the examination as scheduled. Should you miss an examination and be granted the opportunity to take a make-up examination, you will take an examination much like the students in class but multiple choice items may be changed to short answer essay or completion. Any make-up examination will be conducted at the instructor’s convenience and not necessarily the student’s most convenient time. The make-up exam may be administered immediately following the final exam Please take the examination as scheduled.
Blackboard Discussion Assignments
There will be 5 blackboard discussion assignments in which you will be expected to read the posting (or watch the video) and post your response to the posting. In addition you are expected to respond to 3 of your classmates posting. Each discussion is worth a total of 20 points. A maximum of five points will be awarded for your post and five each for the other three responses to your classmates’ posts. The points will be awarded for quality of the post.
Students are expected to be familiar with Blackboard. Check blackboard for any announcements.
· Should you fail to show up for a teaching day, you will receive zero points for that teaching assignment, unless written excuse/verification can be provided. You must communicate with me and your teaching team should an emergency arise on a teaching day. Failure to help your teaching team plan will also result in a personal point deduction.
· Be punctual to class and submit class assignments on time. All assignments are expected on the due dates given. Assignments and works turn in late will not receive full point value.
· This class is a combination of lecture, lab activity, and class observation. It is your responsibility to be appropriately dressed (e.g. tennis shoes when in activity)!!
· Access class materials, announcements and assignments through It is the student’s responsibility to regularly check Blackboard Learn as the instructor will regularly post messages, instructions, and discussion items.
· You are to be a contributing teaching team member to all assignments that require group work. This includes the planning of the lesson, lesson implementation, and written component. DO not expect others to do the work for you.
· Group members are to notify me immediately if there are members who are not “pulling their own weight.” Points will be deducted from individual point totals (per assignment) if it is reported that a group member/partner is not doing his/her work in the group or shows up to a teaching assignment without being prepared.
· Group work is only as successful as the group members. No one wants to do your work. It is expected that group members will report anyone who does not assist in planning or preparing a lesson.