Vulcan & District
Minor Hockey Association
Updated March 2017
Introduction & History, Culture 3
Vision Statement, Mission Statement 3
Values & Beliefs 3
Purpose & Objectives 4
VMHA Organization & Structure 4
Roles & Responsibilities 4
Program Operations & Expectations 5
General Expectations, 5
Category Expectations 6
Player Registrations 9
Fees & Deadlines , NSF Cheques 8
Refund Policy, Kidsport Youth Assistance Program 9
Divisions & Ages, Player Releases 9
Fundraising- general 9
Team Fundraising, Sponsorships 9
Ice Allotments -Practices & Games 9
Ice Usage Guidelines 10
Number of Tournaments 10
Player Selection Process 11
· Tiering & Team Selections 11
Player Acceleration & Movement 12
Team & Player Affiliations 12
Coach Selection Process & Certification Requirements 13
Codes of Conduct Contracts 14
Discipline Procedure & Dispute Resolution Process 15
Appeal Process 16
Grievances 17
Court Actions 18
Member Discipline Guidelines - General Guidelines 18
Member Discipline Guidelines - Specific Situations 19
Development Programs, Coach Mentorship 20
Skill Development , Minor Hockey Equipment 20
Travel & Tournament Permits , Exhibition Games 21
Provincial Participation, Program Evaluations 21
Recognition Programs 22
· Hockey Terminology & Definitions 23
· Oath of Confidentiality 24
· Incident Report Forms 25
The writing of this document began at the end of the 2003-04 season and was introduced to the membership for the 2004-05 season.
In the fall of 2003, the Board of Directors of VMHA discussed & agreed to conduct an evaluation of our operations.
The directors felt that too many things were not “in order” especially in our Policies & Procedures.
The 2003-04 season was a trying year for our Board, and we felt that we must take steps to improve our operations.
The association has seen significant growth in minor hockey and felt that it was time to bring together all the various policies and procedures into one document.
Our association completed an evaluation of our Board operations including a membership survey, which has provided significant direction for our association to move forward.
In the 2016-17 season, the board felt the need to update the policies and procedures manual in order to keep things current and clear for its members.
The association culture consists of the Vision and Mission statements of the association along with the stated values and beliefs about how we will operate the business of minor hockey in our community. Our vision statement below is our long-term idea of the kind of hockey organization we want to be in Vulcan. We believe that being well organized and progressive in our operations, our long-term viability and sustainability will be enhanced, providing significant benefit to our members and the community of Vulcan. Our mission statement and guiding values are the vehicle by which our association will achieve success. It will be important for all our members to work together to make our program one of the best in the province.
“To be a sustainable, well organized and progressive association, that focuses on developing both life and hockey skills”
VMHA will provide opportunities and ensure an environment that results in:
· Participation that is safe, fair, positive, and fun;
· Participation and learning through teamwork, and with respect, pride, and commitment;
· Educational opportunities that develop and reinforce life skills;
· Community members who are encouraged to participate in the game of hockey.
We believe that is important to demonstrate the following value actions to ensure our success as an organization:
· Responsibility and Commitment to maintain good governance structure, planning, and accountability within the organization.
· Integrity & Honesty will be an important foundation of our association. “Walking the talk”, doing as we said, is critical for our success.
· Trust and Respect in working with each other and our members will determine our future.
· Consistency in our communications will ensure everyone has the information and knowledge to participate and make our association the best that it can be.
· Enthusiasm and Pride in Community demonstrated through positive attitudes will help all stakeholders contribute to the growth of our community.
· Fun, Fairness and Cooperation in all that we do will ensure positive experiences for all.
The objectives of Vulcan Minor Hockey association are:
· To organize and promote minor hockey in Vulcan & district for the benefit of participants in the sport.
· To teach and encourage the development of individual skill and sportsmanship within a team environment.
The Executive of the association consists of thirteen directors who are elected at the annual general meeting of the association, and several team directors elected by each team. Elected directors include:
President Vice President
Past President Secretary
Treasurer Referee In Chief
Coach Coordinator Player Development
Association Development Registrar
3 Directors:
· CAHL Director
· Governor
· Director at large
Each team, once the teams are set, then identifies one Team Director who represents that team at the Executive level. This team election must occur by November 15th of each new season.
Roles and Responsibilities
The roles and responsibilities along with detailed job descriptions are being developed for Directors and Committees. On-going development will occur each season.
Discipline & Grievance Committee
Ensure that discipline within the association is handled fairly and consistently and in accordance with the Rules and Regulations of VMHA.
The Discipline Committee handles all discipline, complaints & grievances as required.
This committee consists of a Chairperson appointed at the 1st Executive meeting of the year, 1 team director and the Vice president.
Coach Selection Committee
Ensure that all coaches complete the application process including a Police Record check.
Make recommendations to the executive of the association for coaching positions at the start of the year.
The Chairperson of the committee is the Coach Director and includes 2 selected board members.
Starting in the 2004 – 05 season, the Executive of Vulcan Minor Hockey Association will be working hard to ensure that all parents, coaches and players are aware of the VMHA program including expectations for participation at all levels. This will help guide both coaches and executives, and parents in their efforts to make minor hockey a very positive and enjoyable experience for all.
VMHA believes that good coaching is necessary for our youth to enjoy their hockey experience and to learn and develop their skills in a fun environment.
The following statements reflect VMHA’s commitment to ensuring quality coaching and a good, safe and fun experience for all youth involved in our program.
a) Careful scrutiny of all coaching applications to ensure the aims and objectives of the association are fulfilled.
b) Ensure that all coaches have the required certifications and courses as identified by Hockey Alberta and Hockey Canada.
c) Encourage the use of teaching aids, such as video, to provide balanced delivery of instruction and to assist in using actual ice time to its maximum potential.
d) Coaches will provide instruction that is suited to the level of ability, age and capability of our youth.
e) VMHA will incorporate coach mentorship initiatives where wanted and supported. This may include coach meetings, workshops, and training sessions.
f) All coaches are required to complete a coach application each year. Part of this application process is a RCMP Security Check, which must be submitted with the application.
General Outcome Expectations
That all involved will have fun and enjoyable experiences.
Skill development for all athletes is a priority over games and competitions.
That all participants will learn team work and will learn how to play as a team.
That all will learn and demonstrate respect towards coaches, officials, parents, and other players.
Participants develop life & social skills that lead to success in life.
Coaches will demonstrate and model behaviors of Fair Play and Respect.
Coaches will ensure that players learn and demonstrate these behaviors on and off the ice.
That all learn to work hard to do their best at all levels.
To create lasting, positive memories for all involved.
Coaches will be fair to every player; not playing favorites.
Coach responses to discipline situations will be consistent.
Written rules will be established and followed consistently.
Specific Outcome Expectations by Category
Initiation & Novice (Initiation = 4,5 & 6yrs; Novice = 7 & 8 yrs)
Follow the Hockey Canada Initiation Program Curriculum Guidelines
Ensure awareness & understanding of respect
Have fun & enjoy their participation
Players and parents to appreciate their responsibility in ensuring a fun environment
Teach and reinforce that giving 100% effort can be linked to fun
Stress skating skills as a priority including FUN skating drills
Learn basic fundamentals of the game including an introduction to basic positions
Team Concept – winning and losing as a team effort vs individual focus
Equal Play = Ice time with a common sense approach at Initiation & Novice
Coaches will not shorten the bench to try to win games
No power plays or penalty killing plays or units
Coaches at the Novice and above levels can use ice time as a tool for discipline.
· Where discipline is implemented, there must be communication between coaches and parents.
o Examples of situations that may warrant discipline are: swearing; lack of respect towards others, temper tantrums, ignoring coaches etc.
Atom (9 & 10 yrs)
Have fun and enjoy their participation
Team Work – reinforce that team contribution equals team success
Develop good passing skills & improve skating
Use Hockey Alberta Program as a curriculum guideline
Teach Individual Tactics
Teach simple breakout and defensive zone play and basic game and team concepts
Goal Setting to excel
Power play & penalty killing should see equitable opportunities for all players to participate
Being fair to every player; not playing favorites
Treating all players consistently
Consistent coach responses to discipline situations
Written rules will be established and followed consistently.
PeeWee (11 & 12 yrs)
All expectations from Atom.
Have fun & learn Team Work - Learn to work with others.
Respect for the game and others including fellow players, opponents, & officials.
Use Hockey Alberta Skills Program as a curriculum guideline.
Discipline and respect reinforced by coaches and expected of players and coaches.
Player commitment to attend dryland training (where applicable), practices and games.
Goal Setting
Power Play & Penalty Kill plays and units are allowed
· There is an expectation that all players will have the opportunity to participate in PP & PK situations.
Introduce correct checking skills including angling, stick checks and body contact skills
Improve skating, passing, and shooting skills, and Individual Puck Control Skills.
Learn basic game concepts & an awareness of the game, including defensive & offensive Play.
Individual and Team Tactics & Face-offs.
Bantam (13 & 14 yrs)
All expectations from PeeWee level = Improve on skills learned previous year.
Have fun & learn Team Work - Learn to work with others.
Discipline and respect will be reinforced by coaches and expected of players and coaches.
Use Hockey Alberta Skills Program as a curriculum guideline.
Player commitment to attend and be on time for dryland training (where applicable), practices and games is expected.
Good work ethic is expected from all participants.
Team Play skills are taught.
Life Skills are taught, modeled, and reinforced.
Goal Setting is required for teams and individual players.
Midget (15, 16 & 17 yrs)
All expectations from Bantam level = Improve on skills learned from previous year
Have fun while ensuring discipline & respect for teammates, coaches, officials and the game
Team Work - Learn to work with others
Being fair to every player; not playing favorites
Treating all players consistently
Consistent coach responses to discipline situations
Written rules and followed consistently.
Player commitment to attend dryland training (where applicable), team games and practices is expected
Goal Setting is required for teams and individual players
Female (PeeWee & Midget)
(PeeWee = 11 & 12 yrs; Bantam = 13 & 14yrs; Midget = 15, 16 & 17yrs)
Improve on skills learned the previous season
Have fun & learn Team Work - Learn to work with others
Respect for the game and others including fellow players, opponents & officials
Use Hockey Alberta Skills Program as a curriculum guideline
Discipline and respect reinforced by coaches and expected of players and coaches
Player commitment to team games and practices is expected
Power Play & Penalty Kill plays and units are allowed at the Midget level.
It is expected that all players will have an opportunity to participate in PP & PK situations
Improve skating and passing skills and shooting as well as Individual Puck Control Skills
Learn basic game concepts and an awareness of the game
Defensive & Offensive Play
Individual and Team Tactics & Face-offs
Player Registration
Novice and Atom, Pee-Wee, Bantam and Midget deadline is before the 15th of August each year.
Timbit and Pre Novice registration deadline is on or before mass registration in September of each year. Registrations before and up to these dates will be penalty free. Any registration received between the above dates and the end of tiering will be subject to a $50 late registration fee. Any registrations (other than transfers from a move) received after tiering break will NOT be accepted and that child will not be able to play hockey until the following season.
The Executive of VMHA will identify a “mass registration” date and communicate that to the community. This is an important date as it gives the Executive as well as the town of Vulcan a clear idea of anticipated numbers of players, teams, and ice requirements.
Registration forms are made available online through the website by the end of June each year.
The Executive of VMHA reserves the right to refuse an application for registration should the applicant not fulfill the requirements as outlined or in special circumstances on a case by case basis.