7th Grade Science


The universe is full of magical things, patiently waiting for our wits to grow sharper.

Welcome to Mr. Legaspi’s science class! I am extremely excited to have you in my class, and you should be too! Here at Woodcreek we strive together as a team for student achievement through academic rigor and social development. As a teacher I believe you have the ability and potential to succeed as long as you have the right mindset and the willingness to do so. I have taken the pleasure of creating you a list of materials and guidelines needed for student success.

Contact Information:

I welcome any student or parent contact at any time. My e-mail address is and phone number is 281-641-5262. Although e-mail would be the best way to communicate with me, I am more than happy to conference on the phone or in person, I am available for conferencing most afternoons after school depending on my schedule.


  1. 2x Spiral Notebook <-- Science Journal
  2. Pencil/Pen
  3. Colored pencils and/or markers
  4. 1 x Packet of Construction Paper any Size
  5. 1 Box of Tissues
  6. 1 Bottle of Hand Sanitizer


1. Respect your peers by treating others how you would like to be treated.
2. Raise your hand for permission to speak.
3. Always be prepared for class.
4. Follow directions quietly and efficiently.
5. Always sit in your assigned seats.
6. Always make Mr. Legaspi happy.

Misbehaving procedures:
Disobeying rules comes with consequences; although I’d prefer not to do it sometimes it has to be done. Here is a breakdown of how it works.

If you CHOOSE to break a rule.

First time / Verbal warning
Second Time / 15 minute detention
Third Time / 30 minutes of detention with parent phone call. + Classroom Creed to be written
Fourth Time / Office Referral + 30 minute detention and phone call

Missing detention will automatically move you to the next step

Detention slips must be signed by a parent/guardian.

Detentions are served on Fridays after school, riding the bus is not an acceptable excuse to miss detentions.

Other Expectations:

No gum allowed in class
No electronic devices in class i.e. MP3 players, cellphones, video games, etc.
No profanity
No food or drinks in class
No vulgar or inappropriate clothing
No dealing with lab equipment prior to teacher’s knowledge

Grading and Homework:

60% Major Grades: Including Projects and Major Tests

40% Daily Grades: Including Homework, Participation, Quizzes, and Edmodo Quizzes

Grade Scale is as followed:

90-100 A

80-89 B

70-79 C

65-69 D

64 Below F

Tutoring: Every Tuesday after school from 4:00 – 4:30 or by appointment.


Each student is REQUIRED to have an Edmodo account. Please visit to create an account. There will be announced quizzes each week that are to be completed before the end of the week. Students can also see assignments and projects that are to be completed.


Click  “I’m a Student”

Type in Group Code: ______

Type in User Name: “student ID #”

Remind 101:

Communication between teacher and students is key. Remind 101 is a wonderful tool to stay connected. Parents and students can receive important class messages through their cell phone or e-mail. Phone numbers and e-mails used to receive and send messages are always anonymous through Remind 101

Make up work:

It is the sole responsibility of the student to request make up work for any days missed. Excused absences will be given additional days corresponding to how many days missed to turn in assignments. For example if student is excusably absent for 2 days, he or she will have 2 days to turn in the assignment. All homework assignments are listed on If a student is absent it is his or her responsibility to determine what was done in class through edmodo.

Homework will be issued periodically throughout the year and will be expected to be turned in on time. Each day the homework is late; the student will receive minus 10 points. After 3 days late, student will not receive any credit.


Opening Procedures: (5 min beginning of class period)

Student enters the room prepared and ready to learn grabbing all necessary handouts. (i.e. Notes and Bellwork)

Student will grab their science journals, sit in their assigned seats, and begin their bellwork

Backpacks and purses are to be placed in the appropriate areas.

Bathroom/Hall Pass:

Each student is required to use the bathroom/go to the lockers between passing periods.

Under extenuating circumstances are students allowed to use the bathroom.

Closing Procedures: (5 min end of class period)

Student will turn in an “exit ticket” in order to leave the classroom.

Student is expected to clean up their work area placing their science notebooks in the proper area along with other supplies.

Desks are to be placed in its original position.

Bell does not release the class. Mr. Legaspi will determine when the student leaves the classroom.

8th Grade Science Syllabus Acknowledgement

I, ______have read and understand the Science Syllabus for my child ______. I shall do all that I can to support my child in Science at Woodcreek MS.

Parent Signature______Date ______

Student Signature______Date ______

Parent Contact Information



Phone Number______


Please turn in no later than 9/2/13